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What did this guy said to Zidan?

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    Good points by Amin and abonas.

    We shouldn't accept the filthy mouth in the game and Zidane indcident is the biggest opportunity to act against it. This is not about Zidane and defending him, this is about protecting the next victim.


      Originally posted by Hajagha
      Faraz jan, words hurt, badly hurt. ctually it hurts so bad and thugs like Materazzi using it against a better player like Zidane.
      I expect Zidane to play football, not being superman and resist any kind of insults and injury bcz
      Haji jan,

      it is my opinion then that your expectations of Zidane are far too low! he is a professional football player who has played in the highest order of leagues his entire life! there are many things that he should have rather than just "playing football". how about being wise? making good decisions? leading a team? setting an example for younger players? investing money in a football school?

      Originally posted by Hajagha
      Don't accept that it's part of the game, it's not.

      but it is! It's very sad, but the fact remains that this is a part of the game!

      Yes, it should be stamped out.
      Yes, it shouldn't be part of the game.
      Yes, Materazzi and all of the players who resort to these things should be punished

      but ask ANY professional footballer and they'll tell you!!

      THIS IS PART OF THE GAME. We need to accept this!
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by faraz
        but it is! It's very sad, but the fact remains that this is a part of the game!
        Yes, it should be stamped out.
        Yes, it shouldn't be part of the game.
        Yes, Materazzi and all of the players who resort to these things should be punished.
        I totally agree with this comments. I know it's hard, I know tackle from behind was part of the game too, well it's not any more. It depends how hard we want it out. Did you see how C.Ronaldo was booed for his stupid fakes? Is it part of the game? It's now but no one approves it, we have to set our expection for such a game pretty HIGH. After all, there are more than 1 billion watch the game live. We should expect more of this game. I don't accpet such a thug like Materazzi rules me and my demands out.

        It's like saying stupid fight in hocky is part of the game. Is it? I see it but I don't accpet it. I promise one day you will see a hocky without fight and football without verbal insult.

        Set your wish high my friend.


          Originally posted by faraz
          abonas jan,
          wait, wait...
          why would he probably get a yellow if he tries to viscously INJURE the best player of the opposing team? that doesn't make any sense! he'd get a RED CARD hands down your team would go down to 10 men!
          secondly, we are talking about PSYCHOLOGICAL battles, not diving into tackles with the intent to injure (which won't help your team anyway)
          they are 2 completely different things!
          Faraz jaan,

          I have to say you are way too innocent my friend. There ARE MANY ways to injure people "innocently", which won't get you sent off. The best method is do it when the ref is not directly looking at you and the place is crowded like during the corners or freekicks. Not too many people notice you elbowing an opponent while there is a crowd around you. Alternatively, you can jump into an opponent while you are pretending to be jumping for the ball to head it. That way you can crack a rib or two or even damage their spine if you really jump into them with full force and they fall over backwards in mid air and land on their neck. Someone did this one to me once and I had to sit out the rest of the game: He went up for the ball during a corner while pushing me into the goal post. I was really shaken after that. Also there are many other ways. For instance the kneecap is a good place to test how good those cleats injure your opponents. Also, there are a variety of ways to give people concussion. Just takes a bit of practice.

          So in the end, no one will get sent off, the opponent is injured and you will go on to win ... see?


            Originally posted by faraz
            but can't you see, it DOESN'T MATTER what he said!!!!!!
            what is wrong with some of you? This is professional soccer!!!! I've been told so many god damn things on the field, and if i were to react each time, then i'd have 7 red cards, and i'd be suspended indefinitely.
            it doesn't matter who started or what was said. Zidane is not new to football, and people will say stuff tactically to get under his skin because HE ALLOWS THEM TO, and look what happened.
            i can't believe people are DEFENDING him????
            for the record, i don't condone what materazzi did by any means, but THIS IS PROFESSIONAL sport and IS TO BE EXPECTED.
            now for the love of god, let's throw away this gheyrati attitude and stop saying stuff like "i'd do the same, good for zidane", because it shows selfishness...he let down his team, his nation, his family, and more importantly, himself by REACTING to what some guy might have said, regardless of what that something is.
            for those of you who can't take trash talking on the field, i suggest you never play organized football.
            Faraz jan,
            You agree Zidane is a pro right????
            he knows how to handle himself and before the final we really didnt see anything from him...he did get into small arguements and did handle it well....You gotto consider what had moved him at that moment ...which resulted to that action....a bull doesnt come running to you
            with intention of killing you unless u porvoke it....thats y i am defending Zidane...he was provoked ....Italy won the world cup fair and square but it didnt have to end like this for Zidane....its just not right..we have all seen that matterazi is i heard wat he siad was religiously related..and i dont care who he is...i dont like a person who knows nothing of our religion ...knows nothing about us come and talk like i am glad Zidane did wat he did.....

            if somebody talks abt my religion like that or about my mum or sis or any other member of my family ...i wouldnt think of the game ...i would think of my probably i would do the same...

