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Iran was crap in the world cup

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    Iran was crap in the world cup

    Hello guys i'm back,
    I've been reading most of the threads, man you people are the funniest in earth, u keep on *****ing about KSA looooooooooool look what Iran have done in the world cup LOOOOL everbody was going on and on that you'll beat Portegul and Angola wallah Guys I was supportin Iran in the world cup, and its sad to read threads from some losers with hate or rasict comments, anyway the Asian cup is next Year I'm sure that iran will not even be in the last 4, check out who won the asian cup more Iran or KSA. So please stop critisizing my team KSA coz your team is not even close to be better than saudi. You've got players playing in Europe and look how they preformed, remmember all our players(ksa) play in saudi and still we achieved mored than iran in Asian.

    looooooool said the one who was in the easiest group of the tournament and only managed to draw a crappy Tunesia team.

    You guys got owned by a complete B-team of Spain! lool

    At least we can say that we played the A-teams of every of our opponents and even tho we have European based players, it's known that our most important players weren't fit at all and that there were a lot of internal problems within the team.

    No matter what and no matter how many AC's you've won in the past, you guys are and will always be known as the "soorakhs" (the team with holes in it) of the WC!

    You know, when people here in Europe want to make a statement about how much Asian football sucks, they always mention KSA

    You may have won more AC's in the PAST, the present will be different. At least we ended up 3th in the previous AC. You guys didn't even make it through the 1st round looool

    Owned by the Persian Thug
    Persian Pride running through my veins!

    Esteghlal for life!!


      I'm not Iranian, but I gotta say Saudi was the joke of the tournament. No one did more of a disservice to Asia than the crappy team that was Saudi Arabia.


        Germany 8 - 0 Sandi

        enough said


          you lost 4-0 to ukrain, against whom we won 1-0 in kiev, their capital, roughly 2 years ago!
          and our defence was better organised, we conceded 2 goals to portugal, the 2nd being a penalty kick, you lost 3-0 to that team and weren't able to create any serious scoring chances like the one khatibi had!


            Originally posted by Rooz
            Germany 8 - 0 Sandi

            enough said

            Exactly Saudi are jokes and always will be, easiest group and they get a tie against a weak Tunisia!!! Also the way Spain treated them has got to be EMBARASSING!!! they used B-team in a world cup game!!! Shows how much respect everyone has for this crappy team...and Ukraine who could barely put together any offense beats them 4-0!!! Damn Saudi thug your team sucks and wont get anywhere in asian least we put up a fight and became unlucky, you guys just suck and always will!!!

            Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


              LOOOOOOOOOOOOL we'll see what will happen in the next Asian cup Looooooooooooooooool you guys are sooooo funny fresndly games dont count The biggest example is Iran. wallah wallah wallah iF IRAN was in Group H you wont win any game Tunisia would have kicked your ass. u could beat angola LOOOOOOOOOOOL.


                Originally posted by Amir H F

                Exactly Saudi are jokes and always will be, easiest group and they get a tie against a weak Tunisia!!! Also the way Spain treated them has got to be EMBARASSING!!! they used B-team in a world cup game!!! Shows how much respect everyone has for this crappy team...and Ukraine who could barely put together any offense beats them 4-0!!! Damn Saudi thug your team sucks and wont get anywhere in asian least we put up a fight and became unlucky, you guys just suck and always will!!!

                B-team looooooooool man go to hell there is no such thing called b team in the world cup. Idiot LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

                Better watch your language! Don't insult! - Amin


                  Yeah you'll disappear like the little pu$$y you are after we smash your grassrolling team back home in the asian cup, you guys aint shit and never will be...I dont know why you waste your time supporting a team that wont ever get anywhere despite all the $$$ you guys have to spend. You couldnt even finish with a win when up 2-1 in injury time!!! hahaha I LOVED when Tunisia took that from you last second, by the way Angola played much better than Tunisia by tying Mexico and losing to Semi-finalists Portugal by a narrow 1-0, and you guys lose 4-0 to UKRAINE!!! LOOOOOOOL!!! go back to arab you sorry little wanna be thug khamisse.

                  Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


                    Why do everyone forgets what we have done in the world cup 94 u wont even smell the second round Ever


                      Originally posted by Saudi Thug
                      B-team looooooooool man go to hell there is no such thing called b team in the world cup. Idiot LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
                      don't personalise the discussion!
                      he ment mostly the subs were playing against you not the usual starters, i think everybody understands this!


                        Originally posted by arsham
                        don't personalise the discussion!
                        he ment mostly the subs were playing against you not the usual starters, i think everybody understands this!
                        exactly, and obviously not EVERYBODY I shouldve took into consideration that I was debating with a moron.

                        Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


                          Originally posted by Amir H F
                          Yeah you'll disappear like the little pu$$y you are after we smash your grassrolling team back home in the asian cup, you guys aint shit and never will be...I dont know why you waste your time supporting a team that wont ever get anywhere despite all the $$$ you guys have to spend. You couldnt even finish with a win when up 2-1 in injury time!!! hahaha I LOVED when Tunisia took that from you last second, by the way Angola played much better than Tunisia by tying Mexico and losing to Semi-finalists Portugal by a narrow 1-0, and you guys lose 4-0 to UKRAINE!!! LOOOOOOOL!!! go back to arab you sorry little wanna be thug khanisse.

                          LOOOOOOOL remmeber Iran vs. Mexico in the second half LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you aint shit my bro amir We r the masters of Asia wether u like it or not so please check your history in football and compare it with ours, coz u sound like an idiot just swearing.


                            all Asian teams sucked ... it's amazing that FIFA still allows 4 teams from Asia to come into this competition


                              Originally posted by Saudi Thug
                              LOOOOOOOL remmeber Iran vs. Mexico in the second half LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you aint shit my bro amir We r the masters of Asia wether u like it or not so please check your history in football and compare it with ours, coz u sound like an idiot just swearing.

