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Iran was crap in the world cup

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    Dear Saudi Thug,

    I hope you don't take these attacks personal, we are practically neighbours so there will always be rivalry between the two countries. Just take a look at Holland and Germany or Holland and Belgium or Denmark-Sweden. I think nobody here really hates the Saudi people (except your leaders maybe) and this talk is just because we live so close to each other and both want to be the best.
    In fact I also cheered for Saudi in the wc just like I did for all asian countries.
    I also hate it that our players go to Arab leagues but at the end of the day it's the players decision so it's the players own stupid mistake and it doesn't mean I hate arabs, I just think the level of the league isn't good enough just like the IPL. So don't take this crap too seriously and chill..


      Originally posted by Amir H F
      exactly, and obviously not EVERYBODY I shouldve took into consideration that I was debating with a moron.
      This is my last messge coz i'll never visit this site again coz you know all of ya r haters wallah in the american forums i dont see such rasicm I really regrate joing this room, You guys r giving Iranians a bad name. bye


        Originally posted by Armani
        Dear Saudi Thug,

        I hope you don't take these attacks personal, we are practically neighbours so there will always be rivalry between the two countries. Just take a look at Holland and Germany or Holland and Belgium or Denmark-Sweden. I think nobody here really hates the Saudi people (except your leaders maybe) and this talk is just because we live so close to each other and both want to be the best.
        In fact I also cheered for Saudi in the wc just like I did for all asian countries.
        I also hate it that our players go to Arab leagues but at the end of the day it's the players decision so it's the players own stupid mistake and it doesn't mean I hate arabs, I just think the level of the league isn't good enough just like the IPL. So don't take this crap too seriously and chill..

        God bless u bro


          Originally posted by Saudi Thug
          LOOOOOOOL remmeber Iran vs. Mexico in the second half LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you aint shit my bro amir We r the masters of Asia wether u like it or not so please check your history in football and compare it with ours, coz u sound like an idiot just swearing.
          Let me put it simple then leave:

          Mexico better than Ukraine by a mile...we lose to them 3-1 thanks to mistake in final moments, you guys get HAMMERED 4-0!!! EDGE: IRAN

          Portugal better than Spain bench...we lose to them 2-0 thanks to an uncalled for penalty or 1-0, you guys lose 1-0 after being dominated. EDGE: IRAN (considering performance and opponent strength)

          Angola played better than Tunisia this world cup...we dominated the whole match attacking but since they luckily scored on a counter-attack it ended 1-1, while you guys got dominated most of the match but took the lead...and couldnt hold it in the last second! even with so many defenders!!! EDGE: IRAN

          -So with the worst performance we've shown we still played better than you guys and we have better players and tactics, we always will...I know its hard for you to accept that but its ok man it happens.

          By the way you keep trying to bring back your history with 94, well let me bring back history for you...the WORST defeat in the history of the world cup something NO country in the world wants the embarassment of having...


          Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


            Originally posted by Saudi Thug
            This is my last messge coz i'll never visit this site again coz you know all of ya r haters wallah in the american forums i dont see such rasicm I really regrate joing this room, You guys r giving Iranians a bad name. bye
            Well what do you expect when you open a thread that says 'Iran was crap in the world cup'? then bash our team and say Saudi is better? do you expect kindness? SHOW RESPECT and you will GET RESPECT!!! By the way if it was Korea, Japan, or Australia we wouldnt be as offended.

            Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


              wow apperently Saudi doesn't realize his country isnt just criticized think on Saudi forums they don't bash Iran? you don't see us joining their forums trying to start arguments with the whole forum community.....Stop trying to be the stand-up/hero guy for ur country....

              CUZ NO ONE HERE CARES BOUT YOU OR SAUDI....regardless thats how it will always be

              This is the beauty of Rivalries and passionate fans in soccer...Sometimes hatred is great =D racist or not face it, it will always b here. You talking SHIT bout IRANS NATIONAL TEAM to an Iranian community does not help prevent the hatred talk or the racist, you just add fire to it.

              So i'd like to congradulate you on making Saudi's look ignorant (as if we didn't already know)

              Need proof? after having no sort of real argument or defense against a whole Iranian Forum Community...every reply to a point given by us was "LOOOOOOOOOOOOL" or "LOOOOOOOOL" or my personal favorite "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL"....this is a obvious sign of weakness.

              So before comming in all tough trying to attack our nation....think before you speak. don't act on your irrationalism. Look where it got you? argument in which you can only..."LOOOOOOL."

              Enjoy the Asian Cup...

              Lesson of the day....Recent records dating back to EXACTLY 2004-06-09

              Saudi Arabia:
              Win 14 (31.8%) Draw 13 (29.5%) Loss 17 (38.6%)
              Loss Include Teams Like: Uzbekistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt
              Ties Include: Syria, Kuwait, Turkmenistan

              Win 22 (64.7%) Draw 6 (17.6%) Loss 6 (17.6%)
              Losses Include- Jordan, China, Germany, Japan, Korea
              Ties Include- Japan, Oman, Bahrain, Croatia

              Overall they played 10 more games, but the odds of us losing 10 str8 games to kind of even out the record is more less than likely.....The Fact are there.....94 world cup was good for you guys...but your argument includes this world cup. So heres the results for Recent play.....enjoy =D


                Originally posted by Saudi Thug
                LOOOOOOOL remmeber Iran vs. Mexico in the second half LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you aint shit my bro amir We r the masters of Asia wether u like it or not so please check your history in football and compare it with ours, coz u sound like an idiot just swearing.
                HAHAHAHAHAHHAA MANNNNNNNN MASTERS OF ASIA??? HAHHAHAHAH its my holidays and am pretty bored trying to find somthing in youtube to amuse me but HERE I COME IN PFDC AND UR COMMENT MAKES MY DAY....HAHAHHA SAUDI IS MASTER OF ASIA??? HAHAHA oh my god gonna go tell this to my friends heheh

                once again..... saudi masters of asia??? HAHAHAHAHHAHA even saying it sounds funny lolololol

                saudi masters of asia ???HAHAHAHAHHAAH i cant get enough of this sentence man lololololol


                  Originally posted by Saudi Thug
                  Hello guys i'm back,
                  I've been reading most of the threads, man you people are the funniest in earth, u keep on *****ing about KSA looooooooooool look what Iran have done in the world cup LOOOOL everbody was going on and on that you'll beat Portegul and Angola wallah Guys I was supportin Iran in the world cup, and its sad to read threads from some losers with hate or rasict comments, anyway the Asian cup is next Year I'm sure that iran will not even be in the last 4, check out who won the asian cup more Iran or KSA. So please stop critisizing my team KSA coz your team is not even close to be better than saudi. You've got players playing in Europe and look how they preformed, remmember all our players(ksa) play in saudi and still we achieved mored than iran in Asian.
                  I agree with you completely that Iran was a disaster this year. We did much better in 1998. This has made me really ashamed to even go out there and tell people I am from Iran. I won't be able to keep my head straight for another 2 years. Most of this disaster was caused by the utter incompetence of our so-called TM head coach, Dr. Branko Ivankovich. The rest of it, because of the "old man who can't run" captain shirt #10, and of course the fans who blindly supported them regardless of how they were performing.




                    ahhhh, look at that!! Klose even manages to score on Saudi whilst upside down in mid-air!!

                    happy days!!

                    Personally, I loved the bit when he threw his clipboard down after Germany scored! one of the funniest world cup moments ever.

                    Hey Saudi Thug, didn't Al Daeyea say at one point that he wanted to sign for Manchester United??!!! oh, and congrats to Sami Al-Gooz for goozing in one of the easiest goals ever scored in the world cup.

                    As for Owairan, he scored a fluke goal and could never do the same thing in a million years if he tried and that against mighty Belgium as well!



                      ahem, excuse I'm not sure if its been said before but...

                      8 - 0

                      and you wanna come and say we suck? and that you;'re the masters of asia? you're an embarassment not only to yourselves but to asia aswell. Ukraine raped you, then Spain's reserves even beat you. Lucky you got into that group. In our group you would have died.


                        In all fairness both moslem teams heavily embarrassed themselves in the World Cup.
                        I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                          Originally posted by Saudi Thug
                          Hello guys i'm back,
                          I've been reading most of the threads, man you people are the funniest in earth, u keep on *****ing about KSA looooooooooool look what Iran have done in the world cup LOOOOL everbody was going on and on that you'll beat Portegul and Angola wallah Guys I was supportin Iran in the world cup, and its sad to read threads from some losers with hate or rasict comments, anyway the Asian cup is next Year I'm sure that iran will not even be in the last 4, check out who won the asian cup more Iran or KSA. So please stop critisizing my team KSA coz your team is not even close to be better than saudi. You've got players playing in Europe and look how they preformed, remmember all our players(ksa) play in saudi and still we achieved mored than iran in Asian.
                          Your team was the worst team in the world cup and 8-0 is enough
                          You spend so much money on football and not achieved anything of it?? But we don't give a sh*t on football but we are 10 x better than your team saudi arabia with your world class coaches!!! Shame on saudi arabia, I hope your team doesn't qualify for the wc 2010 in SA!!!


                            God, its so oxymoronic when a Saudi talks trash about football. If I was a Saudi fan, I wouldnt have any nerve to show myself in public.

                            4-0 Ukraine, and you guys are lucky it wasnt another 8


                              Iran is the better team
                              but they jsut had political pressures and this caused issues if not we's be there along with the others in at least the round of 16


                                imagine if Saudi had the issues we had? omg they'd get murdereeeed

