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Why the hell do people keep saying Italy is boring and has no offense???

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    well said faraz,

    i think the discussion is pretty much wrapped up!


      Originally posted by faraz
      Italian fans should accept a couple of things (i have already accepted these):
      1. There are many many many people who want Italy to suddenly start attacking, but that is simply NOT THEIR STYLE OF PLAY. Now, whether you guys find it boring or not is completely irrelevant. I personally think they're defending is an art by itself, and they more than deservedly won the world cup (of course, having scored and played very exciting soccer as well!) It is as if we, Italian fans, should ask Brazil to stop attacking and play defensive - THEY SIMPLY CANNOT! Each team has his or own style of play, and if you don't like it fine, but it doesn't matter - it was effective, and that's that.
      2. In the WC, Italy DID score, and they scored some VERY nice goals (don't forget the Germany game). In fact, in recent years, this was more of an attacking Italian squad (check stats on goals scored, etc). However, many will come to these forums and say the most were lucky - well, you gotta be good to be lucky, and aside from the Australia game where the penalty call was a lil shifty (it COULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN, but it also COULD NOT HAVE BEEN GIVEN - either way, the australian guy impeded him from moving toward the net), they did not truely have a "lucky game".
      3. People who are NOT fans of Italy are pissed. They are more pissed than ever b/c of all the teams that could have possibly won, their most hated team won. and that's life. luckily, us italian fans can bask in the glory for another 3 years.
      ONE OTHER THING - people keep saying how lucky italy is or w/e...what about in KOREA??
      to those people who dont like Italy, can you show me ur a man, put ur bias aside and actually tell me that Italy got unlucky that year? b/c this would show some sense and no prejudice in terms of what you're writing.
      Faraz bro, your srguement started out soo well man, and then slowly the bias came in and the arguement lost credibility.

      see your arguement is that ppl hate Italy and are "jealous." I have given honest and reasoned answers to you guys the whole time. Now no one is trying to take the WC title away, far from it. Italy had a good World Cup, but it still doesnt take away from the fact that neutrals dont enjoy Italy's style of play.

      But why should it matter so much to you?? Say to me that Arsenal are boring, my reply will be "good for you, It doesnt matter casue i still love them" But in the tru style of everything that comes with Italy and believe me i have a good idea as there is a lot here in Australia and my best mate is Italian. Italy is all about image, you cant handle someone not liking Italy.

      The funny thing is that you are not Italian and you have adopted the Italian attitue towards peoples impression of you.

      I think Italy deserve to be up there in footballing histroy as potentially the second greatest International team in history, but you MUST UNDERSTAND, neutrals DONT enjoy Italy.

      Dont argue back the usual arguement of ppl hate Italy, i have given you valid grounds. I have no cause to be biased as i am a neutral, just remember that. You the Italy fan are the one that speaks with emotion.


        babak why do you keep insisting on forcing your idea man, let it go.
        You keep saying you're not biased but all your posts contradict that...i dont see the logic. We all agree and say that people dont enjoy italy, so i dont understand why u keep saying it. What is it that you're trying to get at?? well its not important man, lets just drop it.


          Originally posted by EKBATAN_GANGSTA
          babak why do you keep insisting on forcing your idea man, let it go.
          You keep saying you're not biased but all your posts contradict that...i dont see the logic. We all agree and say that people dont enjoy italy, so i dont understand why u keep saying it. What is it that you're trying to get at?? well its not important man, lets just drop it.
          You think im going to drop it?? Why man?? I only replied to what Faraz was saying.

          And explain to me how a neutral can be biased man?? And how a passionate fan like yourself cant.. Im very interested to know.

          The only way to finish this is to close the thread man, if u want that ask the mods. Persoanlly though i am enjoying this.

          P.S show me where i have been biased as u mention that i always show it.

          Cheers man.


            Babak bro as much as you keep saying you are speaking with no bias it is clear that you dont like Italy and you cant accept them as the true deserved guess is the aussie game put a bitter taste in your mouth especially after seeing your reaction after that match. Faraz put it as well as it can be put from a neutral standpoint and you still cant agree with him...that right there shows you are just a hater. Also why do you keep saying 'neutrals dont like Italy'? you know how many neutrals are all around worldwide? do you know what they do or dont like? unless you are judging by the group of friends you might have or the group of haters on these is ridiculous to generalize such a large group of people to the benefit of argument like that. Anyways lets just agree to disagree because we know this will go back and forth forever. FORZA ITALIA!

            Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


              exactly what amir said. Personally i have gone back and forth with this issue and honestly amir shouldnt have opened this thread. Since he did, i felt like for one last time let me make my point. But the thing is a discussion doesnt go anywhere if people dont agree with the points others make. WE agree to the points you guys make and we bring FACTs, videos, stats and so on, but you guys keep saying the same thing which is just pure hating. Thats fine, be a hater but dont try to make sense out of it and prove something thats not true. Most of the things you guys say about italy is FALSE and thats the end of it.


                Italy play great football.. those who doubt it are ignorant


                  Originally posted by EKBATAN_GANGSTA
                  exactly what amir said. Personally i have gone back and forth with this issue and honestly amir shouldnt have opened this thread. Since he did, i felt like for one last time let me make my point. But the thing is a discussion doesnt go anywhere if people dont agree with the points others make. WE agree to the points you guys make and we bring FACTs, videos, stats and so on, but you guys keep saying the same thing which is just pure hating. Thats fine, be a hater but dont try to make sense out of it and prove something thats not true. Most of the things you guys say about italy is FALSE and thats the end of it.
                  I happy to finish this man.

                  I just want to say that at no point did i say Italy were NOT deserved winners, if u read my last post i said that Italy deserve to be the second best team ever after Brazil. How is that being a hater??

                  I even mentioned how entertained i was at some of there perfromances in 94, as it was my favourite World Cup that i have seen in my life.

                  So dont call me a hater becasue i still have praised Italy's abilities thruout this Thread, i have at no time said they dont deserve what they have acheived but it is my belief that they are not entertaining.

                  Make sure u read everything of what i have just said and not the last line. I think all that u have seen me write is the negative and u have never seen me prasie Italy.

                  All in all as Amir said we must agree to disagree. If everyone thought the same things in this world the world would be a boring place.



                    Its not so much the attack of Italy that gets me enraged. I love watching camorenesi make runs down the wings. He has great technical ability and is always fun to watch. Its the diving that gets me. ALLL THE TIME. Dont get me wrong im not biased. I hate anyone who dives. I mean if ur gonna embellish a foul. Ok kinda... But diving is gross!!!!!
                    ---- --------- shojaei--


                      O yeah also... I hate penalty kicks too... To me i know who won the world cup but i dont know who deserved it cuz it was penalty kicks.
                      ---- --------- shojaei--


                        Originally posted by babak_australia
                        see your arguement is that ppl hate Italy and are "jealous." I have given honest and reasoned answers to you guys the whole time. Now no one is trying to take the WC title away, far from it. Italy had a good World Cup, but it still doesnt take away from the fact that neutrals dont enjoy Italy's style of play.
                        Babak jan, i NEVER said the world "jealous", but because of past games that Italy played where they were HIGHLY defensive, people simply DO NOT like them. It has been like this for years!

                        And yes, maybe neutrals don't enjoy Italy's style of play, but I don't think it's fair to say that about the way they played this world cup.
                        Originally posted by babak_australia
                        But why should it matter so much to you?? Say to me that Arsenal are boring, my reply will be "good for you, It doesnt matter casue i still love them" But in the tru style of everything that comes with Italy and believe me i have a good idea as there is a lot here in Australia and my best mate is Italian. Italy is all about image, you cant handle someone not liking Italy.
                        i can handle someone not liking Italy. we all have teams that we like and dislike. what i can't handle is when people try and take away a huge acheivement like winning the world cup by saying it was "luck", as many in this thread have done. my post was not directed to you as you have had very logical points and arguments throughout this thread. but there is NO way you can possibly WIN A WC with LUCK.

                        Originally posted by babak_australia
                        I think Italy deserve to be up there in footballing histroy as potentially the second greatest International team in history, but you MUST UNDERSTAND, neutrals DONT enjoy Italy.
                        fair enough. but you can't speak for all neutrals. i know enough people who were pleasantly surprised at Italy's play - people who had hated Italy's "defensive" style for years. people have a hard time putting that image of italy 20, 30 years ago away and rethinking.

                        at some points in the WC, Italy played with 3 or 4 strikers! they are no longer the HIGHLY defensive team they once were. this doesn't mean they don't have good defenders are that they don't defend well, because they are the best defending team that ever played the game. however, the new italy is NOT ALL about defending. watch italy's games and tell me what you think.
                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                          Originally posted by ali_asghar
                          O yeah also... I hate penalty kicks too... To me i know who won the world cup but i dont know who deserved it cuz it was penalty kicks.

                          NO ONE complained when brazil won over ITALY in 94 in PENALTY KICKS. But now that its italy, it wasnt fair


                            Originally posted by EKBATAN_GANGSTA
                            NO ONE complained when brazil won over ITALY in 94 in PENALTY KICKS. But now that its italy, it wasnt fair
                            What do u mean no one complained???

                            That was the most boring Final EVER.


                              Originally posted by babak_australia
                              What do u mean no one complained???
                              That was the most boring Final EVER.
                              now maybe this is one thing we can definitely agree upon...

                              it was EXTREMELY boring...
                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                                Originally posted by EKBATAN_GANGSTA
                                NO ONE complained when brazil won over ITALY in 94 in PENALTY KICKS. But now that its italy, it wasnt fair
                                I said i hate penalty kicks. I didnt say i hate any penalty kicks Italy wins.
                                ---- --------- shojaei--

