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I hate Europeans .!!!

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    I hate Europeans .!!!

    Although, USA is very imfemouse among us Iranians, but after Iran, it is the best place in the world !!!!

    I remember, 5 years ago, in an article, I read, Desaie, the Black center defender of french team was asked,why had he decided to leave European clubs, and he said then,,,," any time I go to the football field in club games in france, the fans, make monkey sounds when they see me ".....

    In todays, newspaper ( usatoday ) they had an article from FIFA....
    "Anti-racism sanctions for fans backed "
    in Italy on sunday, lazio forward paolo di canio gave a fascist salute to fans during a league game.....
    soccer is paticularly affected by racism in Italy, spain, Germany, and france...
    Last mounth, Messina's Ivory coast defender Marc Zoro,was reduced to tears by inter milan fans and threatened to walk off the field....

    We all remmember the Demostration and the violance in France two mounths ago, about the systematic racism and treatment of blacks, middle-easterns by french they are put down by the french people and shall always remain poor, as they would never be given a equal uppertunities....

    this is the story, all over Europe, from the eskandenevians down to Italy,and even cypres.......
    although, historicaly,they contributed so much to humanity, yet, they are ....................!!!!!! ( I censorded myself ! )

    You are right to be angry about those acts, but I think you are very wrong in generalizing and hating "Europeans".


      ZZ Jaan - it's all in "Education" and the "Laws"

      American Kids get education not to be racist - those who are - are generaly not educated. Ant even more importantly - American Laws do not allow Racism - not in public and not in the professional environment.

      Certainly not going to claim America is perfect - but there is no comparison with the rest of the world.


        Quite disgusting behaviour by some fans, but as the cliche goes, there is good and bad in every population. Europe is obviously no different.
        Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


          Originally posted by RaginG Inferno
          Quite disgusting behaviour by some fans, but as the cliche goes, there is good and bad in every population. Europe is obviously no different.
          Oh no, with europe, they have much more shaire of racists than any where els in the whole wrold.
          I have traveled two germany and france...I was offended atleast 3 to 4 times a day, in different ways, and different cicumstances.....from going to discos and the doorman, up to the train ticket person, up to side walks and the way they look ( not look ) at you, the percentage of succesful middle easterners, the type of girl frinds Iranians find, must be blind to miss it.


            zzgloo i agree with you. but i don't think it exists all over europe.

            but imo, majority of europe see themselves as the best in the world and that's why there are so many racists. in usa you don't see this type of thing.


              Originally posted by Amirza
              ZZ Jaan - it's all in "Education" and the "Laws"
              American Kids get education not to be racist - those who are - are generaly not educated. Ant even more importantly - American Laws do not allow Racism - not in public and not in the professional environment.
              Certainly not going to claim America is perfect - but there is no comparison with the rest of the world.
              Oh come on, that's why there are so many black managers and poverty is not bigger among blacks in the US. That's why the Mexicans were generally referred to as "Beans" by the white Americans when I was in California. That's why white Americans at the southern border go hunting Mexicans with guns.

              And as if European laws allowed racism and don't get education not to be racist. Laws are even stricter here, especially in Austria. What you can declare as "freedome of speech" in US, can get you in jail (Nazi symbols etc.). Why do you talk about stuff you don't know anything about? Did you get educated in Europe?? Inform yourself before you claim such stuff!

              It's not so easy my friend. Racism is everywhere, in US, Japan, Europe, Iran, everywhere.

              Here are part of the racism free US.

              And someone who hates racism shouldn't generalize himself and insult all Europeans. That's not far away from racism itself.

              Especially worrying that lacking knowledge seems to be the basis of this.

              I would like to know how often you guys have been to Europe, or if you lived there for a while. And also there are a lot of differences withing Europe, it's not one state. Sweden is totally different than Poland or Spain.
              Last edited by Martin-Reza; 12-15-2005, 05:23 AM.


                Originally posted by khousht!P
                zzgloo i agree with you. but i don't think it exists all over europe.

                but imo, majority of europe see themselves as the best in the world and that's why there are so many racists. in usa you don't see this type of thing.
                I don't believe that.

                I have visited many different forums in USA (just visit the US section of BigSoccer) and the only thing they care about is USA nothing else. According to a research that was made a year ago or something the majority of the American people doesn't know anything about any country other than USA. Some even said when they were asked about Hitler "isn't he the president or something of Germany". My teacher who went to Florida last time met an American and when he asked where my teacher was from she said Holland. That guy said he never heard from Holland.

                Ofcourse not all American all like this, neither the European but some of them are. But in countries like Holland the majority of people thinks like this way. Although they do know something about other "Western" countries they don't know anything about the other countries like Iran etc. When I told my class that Bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia and isn't from Afghanistan they thought I was joking.


                  Originally posted by zzgloo
                  , they are ....................!!!!!! ( I censorded myself ! )

                  I not only agree to what you said 100%(Except using the "hate" word and being just a little unfair in comparison ), but I loved the way you censured yourself. This is THE spirit of a F+ member.
                  Last edited by smanhoobi; 12-15-2005, 05:36 AM.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                    Exactly Martin Reza jan.

                    The funny thing is that there is also a Dutch forum category on the Stormfront site. In Holland if the server was hosted in Holland they would all have been cought but apparently these racist sites are allowed in the USA and thats why the Dutch gouvernment can't do anything against the Dutch racists on that site because the Dutch can't force the administrators to give the IP's of the members there. Only the US gouvernment can do that but they don't.


                      It's the same almost everywhere. But it's pretty scary that intelligent American grown ups write stuff like "I hate Europeans" or "there is no racism in US because of the laws, other than in Europe".

                      That's horrible. It's lack of knowledge, and it makes me sad that again and again intelligent people draw too quick conclusions based on inssufficient information. If the clever ones believe in myths like this, I don't even want to know what the stupid ones think.

                      That people shout "Heil Hitler" all day here?


                        Well I think Martin has a point.

                        Such messages should be directed to the general concept of racism and not necessarily to a particular country or race. Cause all have a share in this.
                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                          Yes Shir Farhad jan, so much about the stricter laws.

                          Anyway, I don't mean to say it's worse in US or anything like that. I am not in the position to judge that (as I only spent 3 weeks of my life in the US) and it also doesn't really matter.

                          Fact is nationalism, racism and xenophobia exists all over the world and generalizing or prejudgement is not really appropriate.


                            I would like to add to this observation, ...
                            Martin jan, I know, that racism exit every where, I know that there very good , nice people in europe, I know that Black, latinos, middle easternes in USA are also discriminated against, and I also know we iranians also are racists , and do not like, Arabs and afgans etc......
                            But the case with europe is different....
                            Europeans are intelectual racists, and thats make them the worst.
                            The issue of france up raising was not a simple issue....No place in the world, regular people ask thier governements to kick out the forigners more than Europe, I go to hamburg germany every year ( for my job )......they are rediculus....and I just do not know how you guys can take it.I know , in a way, I may be insulting those of us iranians who live in Europe, but it is what it is.....not only Europeans are racists, but also the equal uppertunity,that exist in USA,does not exist in Europe,
                            I USA, some of us, make money by takeing americans to curt.
                            If one thing could be said against americans,is that they are naive, but Europeans are not naive, they just flat racists...they look at us, turkish people, blacks, muslems,etc as low being and waist of is so systematic, if some one argues, they tell you to be patient, as if it is norm, but in USA, they say take thier ass to court.
                            You are free, in my opinion, when you feel free !!, we in USA, would never do something like France....the reason terorism against USA, has always been less inside the USA ( not imported terorism ), is because people in general are not intimidated.


                              I see your point, but I think the terminology you use is wrong. If you say "Europeans are intelectual racists" you adress all Europeans. I think what you mean is "European racists are (more often) intelectual racists".

                              But again I have to disagree with you in a point. If you take the uprising in France as example for racism in Europe, you must mention uprisings of black people in USA as well. I still remember the scenes of black people's violence in ghettos after racist attacks from policemen against blacks and other stories of that kind.

                              Or just take the recent happenings in Sydney. Such stuff happens everywhere. Of course there is a difference between racism and nationalism in the USA (a country) and in Europe (a continent with several different countries). Of course if you have a lot of small countries the racism and nationalism appears differently than in a big state with many cultures. But overall I cannot agree that Europeans as a whole are more racist than Americans.

                              Especially when I see how Americans stand to symbols of nationalism and talk about other countries, I must say there is a much more healthy spirit in Europe, at least Germany and Austria. Here it is well known what happens if you get an overdose of nationalism, which I don't think of Americans, especially when I see how big sports events are made to big events of nationalism with flags, anthems, military etc. or films where they always praise the nations.

                              I think there is plenty of racism everywhere, how it appears depends on the location, but I think there are experts needed in order to really analyse this.

