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I hate Europeans .!!!

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    Originally posted by zereshk-ali
    But for every example of this from Europe you have one in the States.
    What about the racist backlash in the States after 9/11? Anti muslim attacks? The attacks on Hindus and Sikhs? Does the fact their ignorance led them to attack Hindu's and Sikhs condone their racism (as you earlier hinted at by suggesting intellectual racism in Europe made the racism worse)? Or how about the restriction on freedoms, arrests and poor treatment of innocent suspects of the Muslim community?
    I'm not saying racism is not a problem in Europe - it is. I just don't think that the U.S. is any less racist. Just because their economy is dependant on migration it doesn't make them any less racist or hasn't stopped a history of exploiting illegal immigrant workers.
    Let's not forget this is the same country that abolished slavery years after Europe, the same country that perpretrated an indigenous holocaust, and the same country who's President thinks that a 'crusade' on Islam is the best way to deal with disaffection and anger at the hypocritical and biased nature of U.S. foreign policy.
    My dear Zereshk-ali,
    You are obviously an intelegent individual, and lets not go around the bushes and get to the point..............
    As you said, racism exit in the USA also.....but to what extend ?
    here, I would like to explain the extend of racism ....
    Why, do Iranians in General, economicaly do better in USA than Europe ?
    Why , do Iranians in general would prefer USA than Europe ?
    Why, do all imigrants in general prefer USA over Europe ?
    Going back to the issue of " intelectual racism "......In general, americans are poleticaly very naive, and never bother to think about the world ( why ? is irrelevent here )....but in Europe, the Europeans have opinion about, Africans, asians, middle easterns, etc...and catogorise them,,,,,thier economy is weaker, and for many reasons, when they see a forigner,they think of some one who is takeing thier money away.....
    In the streets of europe, if you walk on the side walk, the Europeans culture, is a indifferent culture, and people do not even look at each other, in USA, if you walk by, americans look you in the eyes, and smile !!and mostly say HI !!
    Americans are in general much more religiose, and much more tolerant,cuturaly......they are richer, they do not care where you come from,and if you talk to them, they defenetly, ( 100% ) respond to you nicely.........that is not the case in Europe.As they are cold., and only would open up to you, if they know so much about you.
    In USA, the exitance of Blacks, has historicaly made americans to accept people who do not look like them,,,,,Americans, ultimately, are immigrant themseleves, and think, you are, or can be the same....
    I know, there are lots of good people in Europe, with understanding.....yet, the amount of ( EDEAA ) and history of facsisem, and bad economy, and smaller country, and cold culture, gave rise to the racism they have today....
    and I personly,when I see them, make sure, they respect me first,and then I would treat them with they , in general, do not deserve otherwise.............


      Originally posted by zzgloo
      Why, do all imigrants in general prefer USA over Europe ?
      Is that because that's the only place they know won't be bombed by your brave President. ONLY IN AMERICA!
      Don't blame it on Biscan,
      Don't blame it on Hamman,
      Don't blame it on Finnan,

      He just can't, he just can't, he just can't control his feet!


        Originally posted by zzgloo
        the Europeans have opinion about, Africans, asians, middle easterns, etc...and catogorise them,,,,,thier economy is weaker, and for many reasons, when they see a forigner,they think of some one who is takeing thier money away.....
        Zzgloo my friend, I think you may be confusing "having an opinion about Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners etc" with knowing where Africa, Asia and the Middle East is. When your President thinks that Nigeria is a continent and Mexican is a language, you know you're in trouble!

        You are a foolish man to think that only Europeans resent foreigners taking "their" money away from them. Even if the American economy was and is based on immigration, it is also based on the exploitation of these "foreigners".
        Don't blame it on Biscan,
        Don't blame it on Hamman,
        Don't blame it on Finnan,

        He just can't, he just can't, he just can't control his feet!


          Originally posted by RafaelBeneathus
          Zzgloo my friend, I think you may be confusing "having an opinion about Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners etc" with knowing where Africa, Asia and the Middle East is. When your President thinks that Nigeria is a continent and Mexican is a language, you know you're in trouble!
          You are a foolish man to think that only Europeans resent foreigners taking "their" money away from them. Even if the American economy was and is based on immigration, it is also based on the exploitation of these "foreigners".
          Dear RafaelBeneathus.......
          Are, we defending where we live at or are we trying to be objective ?

          1- we both agree that, racism exit everywhere.
          2-we both agree that we iranians also are racist.
          3-we both agree that USA is an imperialist system.
          4-we both agree that,people of a country are different than thier regims.

          Europeans, are very cultured people, and in general most knowledgeble about the whole world, more than other people around the world.
          yet, The racism started there, an in my opinion, it will end there, as thier culture, education, and civilization did not help them on this matter.

          obviously, you did not pay attention to the last 4 post I wrote on this thread,( in which,I presented 4 diffierent way of explanations )and you continue to say, racism in europe is like every where els....,
          and that is what you and I should talk about, if you care to do so, and that is if, Europe is like every place els......which in my opinion, it is not !!!
          because of thier civilization and high class Constitutions, they have to accept forigners to thier countries,other wise, they can not claim democrocy...but, how, these forigners are actualy treated as, is the real characturistic of the Europeans.....which, I ,in my previuose posts examples estated,why, and the Africa and moslem citizen of france in thier demostration did the same.

