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Unbelievable News:Iran's weightlifting team is banned from WC due to doping

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    shahin nassirina the ex world champion in 85 kg was once already banned for doping 2 years,i dont know if he was on of the positiv tested.

    this will be a big loss in weightlifting for iran,we will fall behind 10 years


      The information here is incomplete.

      Here is the full story: IT WAS THEIR COACH's FAULT, the legendary Ivanof(ck spell). He had added some energy booster to their daily food that was illegal. All but 2 of them were under this diet. Reza zadeh & one other lifter were the only one not under this diet. Therefore, once a pre-tournament test was done, they all got busted. Although there are some doping going on among the athletes, this was not one of them. They had no idea this is illegal. The coach has accepted full responsiblity for this.

      They all have been prohibited from the competition, but some reports states that Reza zadeh is invited to participate in this world cup.
      Last edited by Mansoor; 09-25-2006, 09:46 PM.
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
      Go IRAN!



        this Coach Ivanov is a world known coach,do you really think he adds something to their daily chelokabab and doesn't know that it's illegal ?maybe true but hard to imagine for me.and really dumb if true.

        hopefully at least rezazadeh can take part in the tournament,but i dont see any chance .the rules say if more than 3 lifters from 1 country are tested positiv in the same year,the whole team is suspended

        iran is banned for 1 year and will not take part in the asian games in doha


          ^ I see your point, FK jaan. But here is the other side of it. Do you think they would all be this dumb to use illegal stuff right before the tournament while just about all of them would get tested during the tournament any way?

          I am sure there will be some more dirt coming out soon, but so far the coach has fully taken responsibility for this. And some of the interviews indicates that the lifters are very upset or depressed about this error (or they pretend to be).
          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
          Go IRAN!


            Latest news: Reza Zadeh has been cleared to go.
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
            Go IRAN!



              Thank you mansoor jan, i feel ALOT better now knowing that they didnt do it intentionally...hopefully they understand and lift the ban at least for the olympics or something


                man i am so sad,weightlifting has always been my fav sport after soccer,now we have nobody in the tournament,ok lets say rezazadeh wins gold again but the 85+94+105 should be ours again

