Originally posted by Arzhang
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The Barcelona Thread
Originally posted by Kaebi View Postwe are playing Benidorm (lol) in the spanish cup tonight
stream if anyone is interested: http://www.fcfootballblog.com/2008/1...ona-live-copa/
Originally posted by milad View Postwrong. it was santiago bernabeu that made madrid into what it is. he deserves all the credit. people who bring up franco are just desperate people jealous of madrid such as yourself.
as for you milad, maybe I was a bit unfair to give all the credit to Franco, but its naive to say that Franco did not have a huge part to play in Madrid's rise to dominance. lol and and im hardly jealous of any madrid fans. I don't carry the same opinion about what makes greatness than you do.
You madrid fans should do some reading, its good for you:
Suite 101 is the go-to source for how-tos, home inspiration, DIY, and other ideas to try. Our team of experts is here to help you improve your home and life.
Don't respond until you've read.VISCA EL BARCA
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Originally posted by Arzhang View Postlol milad i respect the fact that you at least have some knowledge about what you are talking about but the joker has no clue on the other hand and you should be ashamed that he is a madrid fan. He claims Alex Ferguson, the best manager i football doesnt know anything and that Barcelona are a company team. Barcelona is run by its fans, aka Socios, its more democratic. A madrid fan calling a Barcelona a company team, ive heard it all. Thats absurd considering we never had a sponsor on our shirt until 2 years ago, not to mention our sponsor is a noble cause like unicef unlike most other teams. And yes Madrid was backed by a dictator, thats not a barca bias speaking its fact. The Joker has no idea what he is talking about.
as for you milad, maybe I was a bit unfair to give all the credit to Franco, but its naive to say that Franco did not have a huge part to play in Madrid's rise to dominance. lol and and im hardly jealous of any madrid fans. I don't carry the same opinion about what makes greatness than you do.
You madrid fans should do some reading, its good for you:
Suite 101 is the go-to source for how-tos, home inspiration, DIY, and other ideas to try. Our team of experts is here to help you improve your home and life.
Don't respond until you've read.
if madrid used referees to win games against barcelona during those decades, how the hell did they win all those european cups?
at the beginning barca was better and madrid was 2nd in spain. then santiago bernabeu made them swap places. not franco. he may have helped a bit and liked the club, but it did not make much of a difference.
Originally posted by milad View Postrofl your source is a heavily biased barcelona fan on a barca forum who hates madrid. i read it and it was :bs: . maybe there was some truth to some parts but that was a load of biased bs.
if madrid used referees to win games against barcelona during those decades, how the hell did they win all those european cups?
at the beginning barca was better and madrid was 2nd in spain. then santiago bernabeu made them swap places. not franco. he may have helped a bit and liked the club, but it did not make much of a difference.
With your argument about buying refs. Nobody said Madrid wasn't a good enough team to win European championships. Obviously they were. It only said against Barcelona the refs were bought, why would that be such a surprise??? And although your probably in denial, as I would be too if I were a Madrid fan, yes Franco did make a huge difference, there is no argument. Imagine Madrid without DiStefano.VISCA EL BARCA
Originally posted by Arzhang View Postlol, one "biased" source and the other one legitamate. its not just about how Franco boosted Madrid, but how Barcelona was destroyed by Franco. Barcelona had to rebuild after Franco. Franco did his upmost to keep Barcelona from succeeding, so yes he did make a big difference maybe not always directly through madrid but through his attempts to destroy barcelona. And you can say its a load of biased BS but you still haven't pointed out what is BS and biased.
With your argument about buying refs. Nobody said Madrid wasn't a good enough team to win European championships. Obviously they were. It only said against Barcelona the refs were bought, why would that be such a surprise??? And although your probably in denial, as I would be too if I were a Madrid fan, yes Franco did make a huge difference, there is no argument. Imagine Madrid without DiStefano.
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