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FIFA assails World Cup players for faking injuries

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    FIFA assails World Cup players for faking injuries

    ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) -- FIFA criticized players at the World Cup for the "deplorable habit" of faking injuries, disruptions that the governing body said marred last summer's tournament. In its official report on the 2006 World Cup, FIFA also praised German organizers for a staging a trouble-free event, which Italy won by beating France on a penalty-kick shootout in the final.
    However, Zinedine Zidane's ejection for head-butting Italy defender Marco Materazzi was just a footnote, even though it was perhaps the most memorable moment of the entire tournament.

    FIFA president Sepp Blatter, in a foreword to the report, described the organization of the World Cup as "faultless" and the fan behavior "a complete success." FIFA, however, clearly was displeased by the trend of players falling to field as if injured.
    "At this World Cup, the deplorable habit that involves players staying down for no apparent reason after minor collisions, thus causing frequent breaks in play, was increasingly in evidence," said the report of the FIFA Technical Committee.
    "The ensuing attacks by the team in possession were accompanied by wildly gesticulating coaches and assistants on the touchline, protests from the defending team, who often simply stayed where they were, and a reaction from the crowd until such time as the referee stopped the game."
    When players go down injured, the team in possession traditionally puts the ball out of play. From the restart, the ball is then passed back to the team which deliberately put the ball out.
    Now, FIFA warns that coaches and players are unfairly taking advantage.
    "In some cases, the player lying on the ground was treated for quite a while before being led off the pitch and was often ready to come back on before the game had been restarted," the World Cup report said. "When play eventually continued, the ball was played back to the team who had been in possession ... but in a place that put them at a clear disadvantage."
    The report said the interruptions destroyed the flow of the game. "What unquestionably began as a gesture of fair play is developing into a method of disrupting the other team's play," it said. "It is time to put a stop to this abuse of fair play."

    ستايشگر آموزگاری هستم که انديشيدن را
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    فدراسيون بين‌المللي فوتبال "فيفا"، در گزارش جامع خود راجع به رقابتهاي جام جهاني
    ‪ ،۲۰۰۶‬از تمارض مكرر بازيكنان و تظاهر به سرنگون شدن روي زمين انتقاد كرده و آن را عامل مختل كردن ضرباهنگ مسابقات دانست.

    به‌گزارش خبرگزاري آسوشيتدپرس از لندن، "سپ بلاتر" رييس فيفا پيش از ارايه گزارش، ميزباني آلماني‌ها را "بدون نقص" و رفتار تماشاگران را "موفقيتي بزرگ" توصيف كرده و البته نارضايتي خود را از عادت تظاهر به آسيب ديدگي توسط بازيكنان، اعلام نمود.

    در گزارش فيفا آمده: "هنگامي كه تيم صاحب توپ حمله مي‌كرد، غالبا با اعتراض و سروصداي شديد سرمربي و كمك‌ها در كنار زمين، اعتراض تيم دفاع كننده و عكس العمل جمعيت همراهي مي‌شد تا لحظه‌اي كه داور مسابقه را متوقف كند."
    معمولا هنگامي كه بازيكني مصدوم مي‌شود، تيم صاحب توپ، آن را عمدا به بيرون مي‌فرستد تا به وضعيت مصدوم رسيدگي شود و البته در بازگشت، توپ در اختيار همان تيم قرار مي‌گيرد اما به اعتقاد فيفا، سرمربيان و بازيكنان در رقابتهاي امسال، از اين امتياز به نحوي غيرمنصفانه استفاده كردند.

    بنابر گزارش فيفا "در برخي موارد بازيكن مصدوم قبل از شروع مجدد مسابقه برخاسته و به بازي برمي گشت درحاليكه تيم صاحب توپ، در شروع مجدد بازي ديگر موقعيت پيشين خود را نداشت و وقفه‌هاي مكرر، جريان مسابقه را مختل مي‌كرد."
    جام جهاني ‪ ۲۰۰۶‬عليرغم نگراني‌هاي اوليه در مورد بليت فروشي و امنيت مسابقات و با وجود حضور چندين هزار تماشاگر از كشورهاي مختلف، رضايت كامل فيفا را جلب كرده است.

    همچنين در دورهاي نخست مسابقات گلهاي بسيار ديدني و مهارهاي فوق العاده و البته ديدارهاي بسيار مهيجي به نمايش گذاشته شد و اگرچه تيم هاي مدعي و صاحب نامي مثل برزيل، آرژانتين، اسپانيا و انگليس خيلي زود حذف شدند اما به اعتقاد فيفا، به دلايل متعدد مي‌توان اين جام را در سطحي بالا ارزيابي كرد.

    ستايشگر آموزگاری هستم که انديشيدن را
    به من بياموزد و نه انديشه ها را. زرتشت


      They're talking about Henry here at the first min. of the Final

      FIFA, however, clearly was displeased by the trend of players falling to field as if injured.
      "At this World Cup, the deplorable habit that involves players staying down for no apparent reason after minor collisions, thus causing frequent breaks in play, was increasingly in evidence,"


        hopefully one day FIFA start talking about pathetic Grass Rolling Qataris, Bahrainis and the rest of them...

        ستايشگر آموزگاری هستم که انديشيدن را
        به من بياموزد و نه انديشه ها را. زرتشت

