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[edited] Totti Incident

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    Originally posted by PersianMadrid7
    Totti might seem rude to you, but that's simply because you don't watch Serie A and don't understand Italian football.

    He was purposely elbowed in a way that could have been a lot worse, anyone who is nearly injured in a very serious way would react with anger and disgust. Totti has character unlike many players out there, he doesn't take any bs and deals with it, even if his trainer wants to talk bs into telling him what to do about it in public.

    He's stayed with Roma since he started playing the game, refused offers from the best clubs.

    He is one of the most loyal and respected players by people who understand Italian football.

    Totti isn't an angel that came down to earth to warm your heart. And he can come out childish at times but he's a rare talent, and underrated more than he is overrated.


      Totti is an animal because of that??? hahaha you are pathetic man! PersianMadrid pretty much spoke the truth, you need to get your head checked and stop finding reasons to bash the Italians.

      Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


        Originally posted by Land of Samba

        Go down to the middle of the page to see the video and a short article about the incident...
        He should be ashamed of himself as a captain of the team..He is a disgrace for Roma. If I was the coach, I would ban him for next 10 games..Vaghean ke khak to saresh..He is an ANIMAL. He elbows the other player and expects to get no card from his "vahshi" behavior..

        I am sorry for all you Totti supporters....

        Khak to saresh

        I know you posted this to get my attention, so at first I thought I shouldn't respond you so you'd burn even more! but young members should know a little bit more about what a creature you are. so here is the response:

        My friend,

        I spoke with Doctor Phill about you and he emphasized that this guy (land of Samba) is suffering from memory shortage, lack of fairness, double standard and hatred.

        I remember well how you defended Zidane the barbarian animal who buttheaded one of the best defenders in the world at this moment ( in front of 3 billion people for cursing at his sister! I remember how you were tearing yourself to prove that what the ANIMAL did was totally right and everyone should stand up to the immoral players like Materazzi.

        Now, you approve the intentional elbow Gallante did to Totti? because you can't even kiss Totti's ass?? Is it all about? You being jealous of Totti? because your butt still burning that he lifted the World Cup??? you still have nightmare of Totti screwing you and Brazil??? so here is a gift for you to burn again:

        get a life......and a reciever!

        the only thing that matters is that you, with so much Eddeaa and training, lost 5-0 and Getoraid to us. I like to have an orange one. don't forget to bring it.


          Originally posted by PersianMadrid7
          Totti might seem rude to you, but that's simply because you don't watch Serie A and don't understand Italian football.

          He was purposely elbowed in a way that could have been a lot worse, anyone who is nearly injured in a very serious way would react with anger and disgust. Totti has character unlike many players out there, he doesn't take any bs and deals with it, even if his trainer wants to talk bs into telling him what to do about it in public.

          He's stayed with Roma since he started playing the game, refused offers from the best clubs.

          He is one of the most loyal and respected players by people who understand Italian football.

          Totti isn't an angel that came down to earth to warm your heart. And he can come out childish at times but he's a rare talent, and underrated more than he is overrated.
          Excellent response...


            Land of Samba,

            I don't know if it's b/c of a personal feud between you and Viva or w/e, but you seem highly biased.

            Not only did the guy intentionally elbow him, but right before, he had knocked down another teammate of Totti's. Now, obviously that is totally uncalled for and Totti was only doing what a good captain SHOULD do, and that's protect himself and his teammates.

            Anyways, i'll leave it up to other people to discuss this.

            I have edited the title to "Totti Incident"
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


              Originally posted by VivaItalia
              I know you posted this to get my attention, so at first I thought I shouldn't respond you so you'd burn even more! but young members should know a little bit more about what a creature you are. so here is the response:

              My friend,

              I spoke with Doctor Phill about you and he emphasized that this guy (land of Samba) is suffering from memory shortage, lack of fairness, double standard and hatred.

              I remember well how you defended Zidane the barbarian animal who buttheaded one of the best defenders in the world at this moment ( in front of 3 billion people for cursing at his sister! I remember how you were tearing yourself to prove that what the ANIMAL did was totally right and everyone should stand up to the immoral players like Materazzi.

              Now, you approve the intentional elbow Gallante did to Totti? because you can't even kiss Totti's ass?? Is it all about? You being jealous of Totti? because your butt still burning that he lifted the World Cup??? you still have nightmare of Totti screwing you and Brazil??? so here is a gift for you to burn again:

              get a life......and a reciever!

              the only thing that matters is that you, with so much Eddeaa and training, lost 5-0 and Getoraid to us. I like to have an orange one. don't forget to bring it.
              *boch noch noch*


                my post has nothing do with this viva guy. I know he is biased and will defend Totti at all times regardless of circumtances. As far as viva is concerned, Totti can do whatever he wants because he is Italian.. I just merely wanted to show the forum people how bi-class and bi-tarbiat Totti is and he does not deserve so much respect that some of you Italian lovers give him...

                Viva Guy,

                Again my post was not directed to you but all those Italian lovers. Italian games are dirty and most Italian are animals just like Totti. The difference is that Totti and Matterrazi are worse than others and they are reall animal and over rated..Totti is just an average player as I have said many times. He does not really have any good skills, he is just like Beckham...Its all marketing.. I still defend Zidane for what he did to Materrazi..

                Persian Madrid,

                I have no problem with what Totti did in the field and he was defending himself and his team. I would have done the same thing if somebody was gonna intentionaly elbow me and hurt me. But my problem with Totti's behavior is what he did with his trainer outside the pitch. Thats absolutely uncalled for and "unprofessional". As a captain of the team, he should be a good example to other players in the team and respect the team staff and not push them to the ground 2 times. If I was the Roma coach, I would ban him for 10 games to learn a lesson and "adam beshe".

                I have no problem with good Italian players who play soccer professionally and not as animals, i.e Roberto Baggio, Luca Toni, Del Piero, etc..My problem is with these over rated players like Totti, Gattuso, Materrazi and others...

                To all, lets be objective and not biased..Open your eyes and judge what animal totti did objectively....

                REAL MADRID


                  i hate italy and italian
                  first cause theyre gay j.k
                  because the whole mob thing really got to them and they all think theyre bad asses
                  for god sake sopranos was a damn tv show
                  italians are nothing but mexicans of europe
                  all that said
                  totti is the only itallian i like
                  i think he is one of the best footballers of all time
                  i know he didnt have a very impresive WC(atleast not to his standards)
                  reason for that was the injuries which happened BEFORE karimies injury
                  so its understandable why they couldnt perform as well as they usually do
                  in series a hes kickin ass as usual
                  and the other guy who elbowed him should have been send off
                  that being said what he did off the field wasnt cool


                    Originally posted by Land of Samba
                    my post has nothing do with this viva guy. I know he is biased and will defend Totti at all times regardless of circumtances. As far as viva is concerned, Totti can do whatever he wants because he is Italian.. I just merely wanted to show the forum people how bi-class and bi-tarbiat Totti is and he does not deserve so much respect that some of you Italian lovers give him...

                    Viva Guy,

                    Again my post was not directed to you but all those Italian lovers. Italian games are dirty and most Italian are animals just like Totti. The difference is that Totti and Matterrazi are worse than others and they are reall animal and over rated..Totti is just an average player as I have said many times. He does not really have any good skills, he is just like Beckham...Its all marketing.. I still defend Zidane for what he did to Materrazi..

                    Persian Madrid,

                    I have no problem with what Totti did in the field and he was defending himself and his team. I would have done the same thing if somebody was gonna intentionaly elbow me and hurt me. But my problem with Totti's behavior is what he did with his trainer outside the pitch. Thats absolutely uncalled for and "unprofessional". As a captain of the team, he should be a good example to other players in the team and respect the team staff and not push them to the ground 2 times. If I was the Roma coach, I would ban him for 10 games to learn a lesson and "adam beshe".

                    I have no problem with good Italian players who play soccer professionally and not as animals, i.e Roberto Baggio, Luca Toni, Del Piero, etc..My problem is with these over rated players like Totti, Gattuso, Materrazi and others...

                    To all, lets be objective and not biased..Open your eyes and judge what animal totti did objectively....

                    REAL MADRID
                    Everyone please let this guy empty his oghdeh.
                    This guy was abused as a child, so please have some simpathy and respect toward him. everyone deserves a little respect!

                    Poor guy.

                    BTW, Ronaldo's ass will be banged by Milanees (ie Galliani) soon! So get ready!


                      Originally posted by faraz
                      Land of Samba,

                      I don't know if it's b/c of a personal feud between you and Viva or w/e, but you seem highly biased.

                      Not only did the guy intentionally elbow him, but right before, he had knocked down another teammate of Totti's. Now, obviously that is totally uncalled for and Totti was only doing what a good captain SHOULD do, and that's protect himself and his teammates.

                      Anyways, i'll leave it up to other people to discuss this.

                      I have edited the title to "Totti Incident"
                      Thank you Faraz jan for being fair.


                        Football fans saw the best and worst of Francesco Totti at the weekend. The Italian star expertly touched home Roma's equalizer -- Totti's Serie A-leading 13th goal -- in the 1-1 draw with Roma but then over-retaliated to a Fabio Galante elbow at the end of the match.

                        As the video below show, Galante clearly was in the wrong with his elbow. Surprisingly, though, Totti shed Italian stereotypes of "diving" by retaliating rather than rolling around on the ground -- which may have gotten Galante sent off. (Galante ended up with a yellow card.)

                        The best was yet to come, though. After being ejected for taking up his beef with Galante, Totti toppled over a member of Roma's staff, trainer Vito Scala, before heading to the dressing room! Amazingly, Totti avoided additional suspension for his actions. Just as sad: despite the overwhelming video evidence, Galante escaped with just his yellow car!



                          Shame on Totti again....See post #26.........Its who is saying it, not me........he should be suspended for like 10 games...


                            Land of Samba got owned!

                            bro you've lost your credibility because you're not logical in your discussions...
                            all you do is talk shit and your judgment is very weeeaaak!

                            If Totti is an animal, then so is Zidane. Anything else you say is irrelevant.


                              i dont see whta was wrong wtih that

                              he got elbowed in the face. Id do the same. He's totti for ****s sake. he's much bigger than half the italian clubs, now he's a world cup winner. they should show some respect


                                Originally posted by Land of Samba
                                Shame on Totti again....See post #26.........Its who is saying it, not me........he should be suspended for like 10 games...
                       .................. they are ordinary people like us trying to make an opinion, and plus their news is never trustworthy let alone reading their prsonal thoughts.

                                keeping the discussion in PFDC would be better for you because if you wanna go outside of the forums, the commission has reduced Totti's punishment after watching the replay.
                                And note to everyone else, lets try not to keep it personal Samba has a right to say his opinion about Totti without being insulted.
                                The Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI)
                                For the struggle in Iran: "In retrospect, all revolutions seem inevitable. Beforehand, all revolutions seem impossible.

