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Kuwait Football Policy

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    Kuwait Football Policy

    باشگاه فوتبال السالميه كويت سه شنبه شب موفق شد با يك گل ديرهنگام، تيم ملي پرتغال را در يك ديدار دوستانه با نتيجه يك بر يك متوقف كند.
    به گزارش خبرگزاري‌ها از كويت ، "فرج لهيب" سه دقيقه به پايان اين ديدار كه به مناسبت نوسازي ورزشگاه باشگاه كويتي انجام شد، گل تساوي السالميه را به ثمر رساند.
    براي پرتغال ، ‪ ۷۲‬دقيقه طول كشيد تا با يك ضربه سر "ژائو توماس" به توپي كه ريكاردو كوارسما براي وي پاس داده بود ، صاحب گل شود.
    بشار عبدالله مهاجم سالميه چند بار و عمدتا در نيمه اول به خط دفاعي پرتغال رخنه كرد.
    هرچند كه اين ديدار شامگاه سه شنبه شروع شد ولي هواي كويت همچنان گرم و حدود ‪ ۴۰‬درجه بالاي صفر بود و يك جمعيت ده هزار نفره در ورزشگاه ثامر حضور داشتند.
    The Kuwaiti football federation has this policy that it's national team is prohibited from playing a club side, be it Real Madrid or AC Milan or Boca or ...
    However the Kuwaiti clubs are allowed to face major national teams such as Portugal.

    lol funny policy, and according to the article, the kuwaiti club al salmieh drew 1-1 with Portugal
    چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


      Yes its very funny how Portugal national team recently went to play with Kuwait Club side...

      Extremely funny...I cant imagine how much money they recieved for it...


        so it was their club not national team.. interesting!!

        Thats a pretty decent result even though Portugal didn't have a full squad but the likes of Deco, Quaresma and Nani were there so well done to them!!


          btw i sawa bit of the game, and alsalimeya had players from other kuwaiti clubs playing for them, some national team players.


            That's not such a bad policy. I like it...


              Please let's not look towards becoming similiar like the shambles that is the Kuwaiti's. Ok our federation is a shambles too but let's look a little beyond the like of Kuwait.


                lol i watched a bit of the game. portugal had complete control of the game for most of the time, but the goal that kuwaiti team scored, i couldnt believe the goalie didnt save, it wasnt that nice at all.


                  Originally posted by karimi_nr1
                  Yes its very funny how Portugal national team recently went to play with Kuwait Club side...
                  Extremely funny...I cant imagine how much money they recieved for it...
                  As long as the dollar bills are there. I am sure you can get their TM to play against a team of Monkeys ( ok I am exagerating), but you see my point.

                  Abundant oil dollars in Kuwait, woos any team.
                  "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                  Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                  Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                  Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

