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CFL Iranian Iron Man, Sherko Haji-Rasouli

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    CFL Iranian Iron Man, Sherko Haji-Rasouli

    ستايشگر آموزگاری هستم که انديشيدن را
    به من بياموزد و نه انديشه ها را. زرتشت

    he went to miami?!?! Why havent i heard of him?!

    edit-cause hes an OL


      yeh man he went to miami but he's from canada, toronto i think, they did some sort of pregame interview bullshit w/ him about how he explained to his teammates about islam and wut's gion on cuz he played during sept 11 and all

      he was #76 for em and he played on the miami team that we (Ohio State) beat in 2003 in the fiesta bowl, now funny story w/ that, before the game while tailgating i saw some people walking w/ miami jerseys on which were #76 so i went up to em and asked if they're family and they're like yeh and i told em im irani too and we talked, this n that, they were older than me but very nice and friendly

      after the game that when we won im all celebrating and we leave the stadium finally and out there i see this chick wearing the same jersey w/ his number so very politely and nicely i go up to her asking if she's part of his family as well just wishing to say gooz game, im irani too, that whole deal...well, not to get into it but, typical iranian girl thinkin she's da shit gives me dis attitude like wut's ur point and im like "ok cool,nice to meet u...WOO!!! FK DA CANES!!! GO BUCKS!!!" right in her face

      anyways, gooz to see he's doin well in the CFL


        Off Topic: You people in America are such lucky little.......I wanna visit miami, california, LA, Las Vegas cause they all sound so cool!!!!! (if one of those is a city in another state then just ignore not good with geography)

        I'll content myself with the fact that we have better football in Engalnd

        On Topic: what sport is this? American football?
        Backing Daei since 1992, to this day.


          yes, american football...i duno how much u kno about american football so if im insulting ur intelligence please forgive me, he's one of those big guys in the middle of the play that blocks for the running back

          and if that doesnt make sense just kno he's a big mofo

          and's nice, trust me lol, LA is big but nice, vegas is a lotta money but also nice

