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more racism - Southgate defends abused Mido

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    more racism - Southgate defends abused Mido (copy/paste in media player, clicking will take u to site's homepage)

    FA to investigate abuse aimed at Mido

    Message was clear, says Egyptian striker
    Boro may make formal complaint to Newcastle

    Louise Taylor
    Tuesday August 28, 2007
    The Guardian

    The Football Association is to investigate the Islamophobic abuse suffered by Mido, Middlesbrough's Egyptian striker, during Sunday's 2-2 draw with Newcastle United at the Riverside Stadium.

    Mido, who scored Boro's first goal on Sunday, was the subject of persistent anti-Arab chants from some of the visiting Newcastle supporters congregated at one end of the ground who seemed to have made the assumption that anyone born and brought up in Cairo must automatically be a terrorist. These tiresome, oft-repeated ditties, included "Mido, he's got a bomb you know; Mido's got a bomb."

    "We will certainly be looking into it," said an FA spokesman yesterday before explaining that both Middlesbrough and Newcastle United will be asked for their interpretations of events at the Riverside. Meanwhile Middlesbrough will decide today whether to make a formal complaint to the FA and/or Newcastle United. "Any action we take will be determined tomorrow," said a club spokesman yesterday.

    In November 2005 West Ham and their then manager, Alan Pardew, apologised to Mido - raised as a member of Egypt's Muslim majority in a country also containing a significant Coptic Christian minority - for anti-Muslim abuse directed at the striker, then with Spurs, during a match between the London sides.

    Although the FA, which rarely encounters Islamophobia, is primarily interested in stamping out all forms of racism, its investigation will also touch on further chants directed at Mido, most notably "Mido is a Paedo", which was apparently the chosen way of some Newcastle fans of reminding their Boro counterparts of the Cleveland child abuse scandal in the 80s.

    Mido responded in a dignified manner yesterday. "I heard it; it was clear and I could understand what they were saying," said the highly articulate 24-year-old, whose father is a wealthy businessman in Cairo. "I'm used to it from opposition fans but I just think this was ridiculous. I don't know why they do it. I just think they were maybe taking the piss and maybe some of them were drunk or something, I just don't know. It made me want to score goals. I was very delighted to score once and wanted another."

    Immediately after scoring Mido was booked for going over to the Newcastle fans and pressing a finger tight against his lips. "I was very frustrated when the referee gave me a booking," he said. "I don't think I deserved a yellow card but that is football, I suppose, and you have to get on with it.

    "I don't understand why I was booked, though. I'm told it was for security reasons but I don't see how that is possible. I don't see why what I did affected the security of the fans. I just put my finger to my mouth to say 'quiet' ".

    After the game Boro's manager, Gareth Southgate, expressed disappointment with Mike Dean's action in producing a yellow card although, in mitigation, it is understood the referee did not hear the chants. "I find it strange that 3,000 people can abuse one person and nothing is done," said Southgate. "On the other hand when the boot is on the other foot, it gets him into trouble. In terms of civil liberties I find that strange. We had to calm Mido down at the end of the first half."

    Rob Nicols, editor of Fly Me to the Moon, the principal Boro fanzine, was disturbed by Mido's treatment. "It was a disgrace," he said yesterday. "This goes beyond local rivalry. Racism is completely unacceptable and the paedophile taunt was also totally unacceptable. Condemnation needs to come from Newcastle United and their supporters' groups to show that they are doing something about it."

    No one from Newcastle was available for comment yesterday but Ian Cusack, of the Newcastle fanzine True Faith, who was at the game, said: "The Mido chants were very unsavoury but I don't think they were racist, Newcastle have Muslim players, Emre is a Muslim. They were just a way of winding the opposition up but they didn't work as Mido scored. The chants should be placed in the context of local rivalry."


      Mate dont be too not wanting to generalize, Newcastle utd fans are some of most racist.and seeing it was a derby it was heated i guess.
      Karimi 8 Gerrard
      th wonders of the world


        who cares about Southgate at all,he is crap


          Originally posted by -PSVfan.#01- View Post
          who cares about Southgate at all,he is crap
          he is the manager and he's speaking out against racism and condoning it, what's so crap about that?

          yeah i've heard newcastle have a rep for having some of the most vulgar fans.


            Man I hate it when these things go on. I am not surprised because Newcastle fans are known to be racists(although some are cool we can't generalize) . I think it's BS that Mido got a yellow card for what he did that was totally bogus.


              they are trying to get to his head... Mido is one of the best Egyptian footballers... small talk like that should not be that bothersome, he can shut them up with his feet.

              Here is the goal by the way for anyone who hasnt seen, he is the man.


                typical, dumb as box of rock, retarded, loud mouth English fans...!
                there were way too many morons as such in Germany during the wc, and all they did was to drink and stand on the side of the street next to every bar and hassle walker bys..! you could hear the whole of germany cheer when they got eliminated from wc..!


                  Originally posted by Persian View Post
                  they are trying to get to his head... Mido is one of the best Egyptian footballers... small talk like that should not be that bothersome, he can shut them up with his feet.
                  Here is the goal by the way for anyone who hasnt seen, he is the man.
                  way to shut them fkers up...!


                    lol if i was mido i wouldnt say shut up id say"suck it"


                      Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                      typical, dumb as box of rock, retarded, loud mouth English fans...!
                      there were way too many morons as such in Germany during the wc, and all they did was to drink and stand on the side of the street next to every bar and hassle walker bys..! you could hear the whole of germany cheer when they got eliminated from wc..!
                      In terms of violence and racism, among the "top" leagues, the Italian league is far worse.

                      Also, if you go to places like Poland or Serbia, then you will understand the true meaning of racism in football. What the English do is child's play in comparison to what occurs in these leagues.


                        gooz for him, im glad he did wut he did...racism in football is getting ridiculous these days


                          I love mido, he is really good


                            I love how people here act like they are not even a bit racist.
                            Who are you trying to fool ?


                              Originally posted by gobrowns1 View Post
                              I love how people here act like they are not even a bit racist.
                              Who are you trying to fool ?

                              Im glad he did what he did. the second the ref booked him he should have walked off the pitch

