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more racism - Southgate defends abused Mido

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    Mido is a beast. Newcastle sucks. And Mido owned them. I'd be mad too if I was a Newcastle fan.


      Glad there's so much support for Mido out there . History shows that not much will be done about this... which does not bode well for the future treatment of players from the Middle East . As our own Amir_Temur once told me... they're probably just pissed off an Egyptian was scoring with their princess too.

      So, Newcastle hasn't issued an apology and apparently Boro aren't really looking for one either. But they are about to sign another Egyptian:


        Is Mido the one with the really hot girlfriend or is that Zidan?


          that's Zidan. But before he got married, Mido dated Miss Belgium for a year or two. Bastards.


            pharaoh... how talented is the Egyptian squad? How do you think they would fare against Iran?


              Im still waitning for Roys response to this


                Originally posted by Persian View Post
                pharaoh... how talented is the Egyptian squad? How do you think they would fare against Iran?
                pretty talented I'd say, though horribly run and managed. winning the African Cup last year was certainly no product of organization and preparation. a decent squad and good home support can do it. you can compare the home support we get in cairo to the kind iran enjoys at the azadi.

                the strength of egyptian players is usually in pure technical ability. hence, our strength is always in a passing, possession game. we often suffer from a lack of professionalism and organization though. i'd put our FA up against any for the 'worst in the world' title. but thats not just limited to our FA, our players are often spoiled within Egypt and lack professionalism/dedication. the fans can be bad too... we give a player too much love sometimes, and are way too hard on him on other occasions.

                some of the PFDC guys like futbol>>>IRAN have watched some Egypt matches and seem to enjoy watching us play. as for who would win between the two.. I think it would mostly depend on where the match is. with a full Egypt squad i'd have to say I fancy our chances though . I believe the last official Egypt/Iran match was in 2000 for the LG Cup in Tehran. I can't remember if Egypt won 2-1 or won on penalties after a 1-1 draw but I do recall it being a fun, clean, aesthetically appealing display. Egypt and Iran both have very moody teams.. so I guess it'd depend on the given day as well.

                it would be fun if they played again. i can't remember if it was Iran who came up with it, but there was an idea thrown around for a while for a "Civilizations Cup," which would have included Egypt, Iran, Greece, Italy, Mexico, and some others. now that would be awesome. i think the idea was scratched though.


                  Originally posted by Persian View Post
                  pharaoh... how talented is the Egyptian squad? How do you think they would fare against Iran?
                  mate if todays TM played egypt....we would get embarassed FACT
                  you can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth


                    Originally posted by Aryan View Post
                    Im still waitning for Roys response to this
                    Roy is one of the more awesome members here I think. Given his own background and being a Newcastle fan I'm sure he wasn't happy about what happened.


                      fvckin gerodies are all the same when comes to racism

                      any1 remember the programme 55 degrees north on bbc... twats!

                      Originally posted by Aryan View Post
                      Im still waitning for Roys response to this

                      he already has:


