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The Official 2007-2008College Basketball thread

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    The Official 2007-2008College Basketball thread

    Its only fitting that a BRUIN would start this thread.

    I feel something special is gonna happen this year. 3rd time is a charm. gotta open up some room in Pauley for the 12th banner.

    GO BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
    midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

    "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
    Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden

    I"m waiting to see how Kevin Love is going to develope thsi kid is going to be something special. Of course state has high expectations as well and I believe they will be ranked in the top 15. One thing common for both UCLA and MSU fans is tha tusually we wait for basketball season to start.


      two words. Roy Hibbert. Georgetown is going all the way. I'm going to see them play against ODU this year.

      On a side note, a former player from my high school is a freshmen at Texas A&M. His name is Denzel Bowles, he has alottt of talent.


        Originally posted by IranSoccer#8 View Post
        two words. Roy Hibbert. Georgetown is going all the way. I'm going to see them play against ODU this year.
        On a side note, a former player from my high school is a freshmen at Texas A&M. His name is Denzel Bowles, he has alottt of talent.
        Both my brother and sister are Georgetown students. But I dont get into trash talkin game with my brother. His loyalty is with his undergrad school, wisconsin.
        ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
        midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

        "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
        Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


          Ok, I am officially worried that we have not enough college basketball fans here!! Ofcoure I am not as excited as I used to be because of all the injuries in preseason
          ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
          midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

          "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
          Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


            Here I am Persianbruin we can discuss bball the same way we do football, lol


              Kevin Love or OJ Mayo ?


                im more of a football fan than bball but i'll check on this thread.... go bucks!


                  Originally posted by KasraKhan View Post
                  Kevin Love or OJ Mayo ?
                  college: Kevin Love, NBA: OJ mayo
                  ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                  midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                  "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                  Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                    Originally posted by Saam View Post
                    Here I am Persianbruin we can discuss bball the same way we do football, lol
                    well I dont have torn ACL like half of our football team but just like them I am out for the season

                    As for bball when we get our "biannual" meetings, I hope both teams are healthy enough so we can see a heck of a show. OJ slashin and dashin and LOve tryin to block his a$$!!! That would be somethin
                    ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                    midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                    "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                    Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                      Originally posted by KasraKhan View Post
                      Kevin Love or OJ Mayo ?
                      Kevin Love hands down.

                      LOCK IT.

                      OJ Mayo is Kobe Bryant times 10 in terms of being a ball hog. Kevin Love is an unselfish power forward who cna be a huge asset to UCLA in the front court game. There are plenty of good shooters who can penetrate to the hole(not that kind of hole penetration ).

                      Love >>>> OJ Ball hog.


                        If you have watched Kobe all his career, he is NO ball hog. Its a myth. The reason I know is because I have lost half the hair on my head because of all the times he passed the ball that he shouldn't have!!!!!
                        ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                        midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                        "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                        Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                          Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
                          If you have watched Kobe all his career, he is NO ball hog. Its a myth. The reason I know is because I have lost half the hair on my head because of all the times he passed the ball that he shouldn't have!!!!!
                          lol Kobe not a ball hog come on dude. Tha's like saying Micahel Jordan doesn't want to take the last shot in an important game. Now I'll admit that he has improved a lot but earlier on in his career the dude was a MAJOR BALL HOG.

                          I remember his rookie year they were playing against UTAH and Kobe shot four air balls ina row from the three point range. Everyone on that team was pissed off at him and wanted to skin him alive. He has gotten better but the guy is SELFISH.

                          He wants to be traded according to AM 570 the "loose cannons." He spoke very honestly to Steve Hartman and Vick the Brick Jacobs. This is after the fans backed Kobe up with the Shaq drama, and the fans backed him up after the rape allegations a few years back in Colorado.

                          This is how Kobe wants to repay the Laker fans I SAY FU KOBE. I'm to the point where I woudn't mind giving up Kobe for Gordan, Dang, and another player. Sure you might suck for a year or so until you get a high draft pick and let your young players develope.

                          The alternative to that is letting Kobe stay, allowing him to get the scoring title again for the third time, and getting ellimanted in the first round of hte playoffs. He is going to OPT OUT next year so you might as well get something while you can.


                            Kentucky lost last night. haha Georgetown going all the way this year. We got the best big man in the country. We open up against W&M on Nov 10. We gonna dominate!


                              Originally posted by Sherwin View Post
                              lol Kobe not a ball hog come on dude. Tha's like saying Micahel Jordan doesn't want to take the last shot in an important game. Now I'll admit that he has improved a lot but earlier on in his career the dude was a MAJOR BALL HOG.
                              I remember his rookie year they were playing against UTAH and Kobe shot four air balls ina row from the three point range. Everyone on that team was pissed off at him and wanted to skin him alive. He has gotten better but the guy is SELFISH.
                              He wants to be traded according to AM 570 the "loose cannons." He spoke very honestly to Steve Hartman and Vick the Brick Jacobs. This is after the fans backed Kobe up with the Shaq drama, and the fans backed him up after the rape allegations a few years back in Colorado.
                              This is how Kobe wants to repay the Laker fans I SAY FU KOBE. I'm to the point where I woudn't mind giving up Kobe for Gordan, Dang, and another player. Sure you might suck for a year or so until you get a high draft pick and let your young players develope.
                              The alternative to that is letting Kobe stay, allowing him to get the scoring title again for the third time, and getting ellimanted in the first round of hte playoffs. He is going to OPT OUT next year so you might as well get something while you can.
                              are you kiddin me!!!! get your facts straight sherwin jaan. in 97 in utah NOBODY else wanted the pressure of shooting the last couple of shots (including van excel and eddie jones) so Kobe said give them to me I'll take them. THIS IS DOCUMENTED AND WRITTEN IN SHAQ's BOOK. We all know shaq wouldnt defend kobe if it is not absolutely positively true. Those 3 pointers were right after the timeout on designed plays for Kobe by del harris. I might not know much about football. I KNOW my basketball.

                              But your whole reply has no credibility since you show you hate him to begin with by saying FU. I am a true Kobe and lakers fan and all I have to say by watchin 95% (literally) of laker games over the last 16 years is that KOBE always gave his best and did exactly what he had to do for us to win 3 championships. If shaq was in shape the last couple of years the lakers would ahve been 5 time nba champions.

                              FLASHBACK: The lakers 3 months into the season in 02-03 had a losing record!! Not many people remember that. It took a ballhog attitude by kobe who had 9 straight game of 40+ to make up for shaq's fatas$ so they lakers could get over .500 and eventually become the fifth seed
                              ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                              midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                              "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                              Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden

