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Who'll join Derby?

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    Who'll join Derby?

    Who'll join Derby down to the championship?
    I think it could be anyone in the bottom half now (exept for Spurs).

    Fulham 20pts: looks the nearest to go too, as they are 6 from safety, games remaining are:
    Home: Everton, Sunderland, Liverpool, Birmingham.
    Away: Newcastle, Derby, Reading, Man-City, Portsmouth.

    Bolton 25pts: Good squad but they sold their best forward to Chelsea!!
    Home: Man-City, Arsenal, West Ham, Sunderland.
    Away: Wigan, Man-U, Aston Villa, Middlesbrough, Tottenham, Chelsea.

    Birmingham 26pts: hard home games comming but if they play like the last 2 weeks then thy'll have no problems.
    Home: Newcastle, Man-City, Everton, Liverpool, Blackburn.
    Away: Portsmouth, Reading, Wigan, Aston Villa, Fulham.

    The Mackems 27ptsNewcastle 28pts: a top 6 squad (on paper) but god know what is wrong with them, must win the easy 3 home games, Keegan thinks they'll reach 40points!!
    Home: Fulham, Reading, Sunderland, Chelsea.
    Away: Birmingham, Tottenham, Portsmouth, West Ham, Everton.

    Reading 28pts: Looks like they'll stay.
    Home: Birmingham, Backburn, Fulham, Tottenham.
    Away: Liverpool, Newcastle, Arsenal, Wigan, Derby.

    Wigan 28pts: Good point agaist Arsenal, hard games coming.
    Home: Bolton, Birmingham, Tottenham, Reading, Man-U.
    Away: Blackburn, Portsmouth, Chelsea, Aston Villa.

    Middlesbrough 29pts: Will beat Derby and probably sunderland, no worries.
    Home: Derby, Man-U, Bolton, Portsmouth, Man-City.
    Away: Aston Villa, Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham, Sunderland.

    From what i see, it looks like it'll be: Derby, Fulham, Sunderland.
    Last edited by roy; 03-15-2008, 05:51 PM. Reason: last away game is everton not chelsea (newcastle)
    ...............................................sigpic..........................................00000000 0000000000000000000000000..HOWAY THE LADS

    tnks it will be derby reading and fulham


      newcastle and sunderland down in the championship promises an entertaining race for the big league next season

      but i think it'll have to be fulham - so much for al fayeds manchester of south ... and sunderland


        Sunderland = Man United rejects


          i hope bolton go's down, derby's going down and i dont care about the third


            lol suprah so true

            evans,bardsley,richardson who he critisied at man u,liam miller,yorke,a.cole lol so many


              I hated Richardson because of his shit attitude, Yorke is an old legend of ours, while the rest like Miller and Bardsley were either not good enough or couldnt the chance to make the cut for the first squad at United.

              That said, young Jonny Evans is a solid and talented full-back and already a Northern Irish international and first team player at a young age. Someone like him can be a usually good understudy to Patrice Evra.

              I hope he doesnt make the move permanent at Sunderland.


                derby, fullham, birmingham. their lucks gonna run out
                Backing Daei since 1992, to this day.


                  I hope sunderland doesn't get relegated

                  not because i like the team or anything, but i like Mr. Roy Keane (i hated him when he was a player, i like him as manager, go figure lol)


                    Originally posted by Kaebi View Post
                    I hope sunderland doesn't get relegated

                    not because i like the team or anything, but i like Mr. Roy Keane (i hated him when he was a player, i like him as manager, go figure lol)
                    so ur gay!! right..and u like older men with pike accents


                      Originally posted by DAT BOY RONALDO View Post
                      so ur gay!! right..and u like older men with pike accents


                        Keano is one of the best midfield enforcers and captains the game has ever seen. He was the driving force behind United's success because of his committment and passion to succeed in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING he and his team take part in.

                        But I really doubt he can be a good manager. He has a really pesky attitude when things do not go his way. Players under him always lived in fear of him.


                          derby fulham birmingham


                            I made this prediction of 15-4-2007:


                            I still think they will go down.

                            Along with Derby and Fulham


                              fulham,bolton(hopefully),and ofcourse derby

