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Basketball fans: which stat line would you rather have?

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    Basketball fans: which stat line would you rather have?

    Statline A:

    19-37 shooting, 53 points, 1 assist

    Statline B:

    13-15 shooting, 32 points, 10 assists


    just curious

    Originally posted by nypimpofpersia34 View Post
    Statline A:
    19-37 shooting, 53 points, 1 assist
    Statline B:
    13-15 shooting, 32 points, 10 assists
    just curious
    I watched the game. you didnt!!!! The problem is not the offense. The lakers arent playing any defense and thats why they are losing to everyone. Kobe shot over 50% and thats very good

    When Bynum and ariza come back everything will be fine and dandy

    To answer your Q: first one for my SG and the second one for my PG
    ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
    midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

    "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
    Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


      jesus christ im just asking a simple question, i wasnt even going to come back to the results, i was just curious to see what people would rather have. I for one may actually go with the first statline myself. Not everything is about your beloved lakers.


        Originally posted by nypimpofpersia34 View Post
        jesus christ im just asking a simple question, i wasnt even going to come back to the results, i was just curious to see what people would rather have. I for one may actually go with the first statline myself. Not everything is about your beloved lakers.
        forget the lakers, they ahve F'ed up royally as a franchise over the last 3 years wasting the best years of Kobe Bryant's career by givin him smush parker and Kwame brown!! its the kobe bashing I am gettin tired of!!
        ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
        midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

        "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
        Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


          lol dont forget that kobe had 10 rebounds... so id go wit kobe :P


            the second option (B)


              no doubt 2nd option. anyone can score if they take that many shots, but if your comparing kobe and AI, i think your forgetting rebounding stats in the first one

              edit- btw i think stats are overrated. if your team needs you to score to win, then thats what you should do, but if the team needs you to pass ect then thats wut you do.

              all that matters is if your team wins in the end of the day. stats mean nothing when u lose


                which ever proves most beneficial to your team.


                  assist is the most deceiving stat in basketball. You get the points, You get the rebounds. You get the steals. You get the blocks. But youdont get the assist, it all depends on who is on the receiving end. Is it amare stoudamire or kwame brown.

                  Plus its a "team"work. Each person is assigned a duty. Its NOT the shooting gaurds job to pass first shoot second, that is the PG's job. The SG job is to you guessed it right -->shoot!
                  ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                  midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                  "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                  Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                    Originally posted by benreyhani15 View Post
                    lol dont forget that kobe had 10 rebounds... so id go wit kobe :P
                    THIS ISNT ABOUT KOBE!!!


                      Originally posted by Behzad12 View Post
                      no doubt 2nd option. anyone can score if they take that many shots, but if your comparing kobe and AI, i think your forgetting rebounding stats in the first one

                      edit- btw i think stats are overrated. if your team needs you to score to win, then thats what you should do, but if the team needs you to pass ect then thats wut you do.

                      all that matters is if your team wins in the end of the day. stats mean nothing when u lose
                      No they cant!! It seems like you have never played a real game of full court 40 miunte basketball.

                      As the game goes on the palyers get tired, the same shooting accuracy that they had in shots 1-10 wont be there in shots 25-35, alos when you get hot and have already scored over 30 and are still gunning, the opposition defense is gonna realize this and you are going to get doubled and tripled and fouled and bumped!! Points after 30 are nowhere as near the pre30 points as far as them being "too easy".

                      Also, maintaining a 50% Shooting % is very difficult for gaurds and dont say AI does it cuz I play fntasy bball and nobody ever wants AI for that particular reason. his shooting % is low.

                      Also, AI is a point gaurd
                      Kobe a is a shooting gaurd. Check out the definitions!
                      ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                      midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                      "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                      Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                        Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
                        No they cant!! It seems like you have never played a real game of full court 40 miunte basketball.
                        As the game goes on the palyers get tired, the same shooting accuracy that they had in shots 1-10 wont be there in shots 25-35, alos when you get hot and have already scored over 30 and are still gunning, the opposition defense is gonna realize this and you are going to get doubled and tripled and fouled and bumped!! Points after 30 are nowhere as near the pre30 points as far as them being "too easy".
                        Also, maintaining a 50% Shooting % is very difficult for gaurds and dont say AI does it cuz I play fntasy bball and nobody ever wants AI for that particular reason. his shooting % is low.
                        Also, AI is a point gaurd
                        Kobe a is a shooting gaurd. Check out the definitions!
                        dadash i think you misunderstood what i said, and i dont think you should jump to conclusions about my basketball knowledge, as im 100% sure i know more about the game than you do so i dont need a lecture about the game. im not gona get into what i know cause theres no point.

                        in terms of players being able to score that much, i was referring to allstar players in the NBA. surely, every one of them (guards) that r given the number of touches kobe gets COULD have the possibility of scoring that much here and there. all im saying is that kobe takes a lot of shots, which translates to his points (trust me, ive played with many scorers throughout my ball career, and seen it).

                        im not saying its easy to score 50+, all im saying is that when your comparing 2 perennial all stars in kobe and AI, AI has the potential to score 50 points as well.

                        BTW AI is technically a combo guard, not a true point guard


                          Originally posted by Behzad12 View Post
                          dadash i think you misunderstood what i said, and i dont think you should jump to conclusions about my basketball knowledge, as im 100% sure i know more about the game than you do so i dont need a lecture about the game. im not gona get into what i know cause theres no point.

                          in terms of players being able to score that much, i was referring to allstar players in the NBA. surely, every one of them (guards) that r given the number of touches kobe gets COULD have the possibility of scoring that much here and there. all im saying is that kobe takes a lot of shots, which translates to his points (trust me, ive played with many scorers throughout my ball career, and seen it).

                          im not saying its easy to score 50+, all im saying is that when your comparing 2 perennial all stars in kobe and AI, AI has the potential to score 50 points as well.

                          BTW AI is technically a combo guard, not a true point guard
                          I have been playing and following basketball religously for 26 years, you are 16 years old!! You know more than I do!!!!???
                          I have been waching NBA since 1989

                          EDIT: AI was a PG and I precisely remember that from his college days as a hoya. He was also drafted as a PG. He was suppose to be the compliment to the SG the sixers took the year before that in the lottery and his name was Jerry stackhouse from North carolina the #3 pick of the draft whose carer was over after they lost to the defending champions Corliss Williamson and the Arkansas razorback in the Final 4. But after AI was drafted the bastard shot so much that people started believing he was a SG and then stackhouse was traded

                          Anyways, That year stackhouse's teammate in the fnal 4 rasheed wallace was picked 4 right before a high school guy named Kevin Garnett and when AI was picked as the #1 pick of the draft a year later it was only because a guy named Tim duncan decided he wanted to play his senior year and go to the 1997 draft instead thus making AI the #1 pick
                          ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                          midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                          "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                          Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                            thanks a lot for bringing this thread totally off topic, but now that we are here, i would like to inform mr bruin that iverson and kobe have the same fg % this season. (kobe also has more shots than anyone in the nba...just fyi)


                              and many people that defend kobes low assist rate say as you have been saying that its not his job to get assists. His job is to score. The two stats associated with point guards are assists and turnovers (hence the importance of the assist to turnover statistic). Kobe is excused from assists because he isnt the point guard, so how do you excuse him from being 5th in the NBA in turnovers?

