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FIFA has 'plan b' for 2010 World Cup

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    yea i had heard about this last year...i believe plan B will be IN GERMANY AGAIN.........because they're already ready for it since they were the last. The preparation of world cup have to start from at least couple of years before and no other country is more prepared than germany.

    Another problem they have with s. africa is the infrastructure is no where near ready for HD PROGRAMMING....i know this since my job deals with that stuff. Basically they can't broadcast HD unless if they start spending lots of money on it starting now.


      it should be in spain. spain will break the world cup curse as well.


        Originally posted by milad View Post
        it should be in spain. spain will break the world cup curse as well.
        When Spain hosted a World Cup in 1982, they lost 1-0 to Northern Ireland

        watch from 3:30 to 8:56 to know exactly how that happened


          IF they do go to "plan b" it wouldn't be USA... it was just 14 years ago that WC was in U.S.

          why not sweden??


            i hope its england, coz england the stadiums are pefect it hasnt been here since 66


              Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
              i hope its england, coz england the stadiums are pefect it hasnt been here since 66
              thats the only way england will qualify.


                Originally posted by Suprah View Post
                When Spain hosted a World Cup in 1982, they lost 1-0 to Northern Ireland

                and italy won the cup

                so im all ok with another WC in spain

