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    Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
    Just got back from the game after driving for 2 hours!! Horrible response by Iranians. not many people showed up. only me and my cousins were cheering for him when he scored 2 freethrows. He also ALMOST had a dunk. But his 2 minutes that he played the first half he blocked odom and bynum back to back. I was surprised to not see him play more since he ws so effective
    lol thats literally the nose bleed section


      Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
      Just got back from the game after driving for 2 hours!! Horrible response by Iranians. not many people showed up. only me and my cousins were cheering for him when he scored 2 freethrows. He also ALMOST had a dunk. But his 2 minutes that he played the first half he blocked odom and bynum back to back. I was surprised to not see him play more since he ws so effective
      Lol Bruin you would've had a better experience watching it on tv


        well I did say it was the nosebleed section!! But it actually was pretty good. The photo doesnt do the justice. we could see everything and everyone CLEARLY. But when I look at the photo myself, I also get the feeling that you cant see anything so I dont blame you guys for saying that!! The place has been designed very well, but you wont see much if you sit on the sides of the court, even if you are down near the bottom. the key is to sit on the "jayegah" section!
        ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
        midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

        "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
        Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


          Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
          They probably were expecting Ebi to come in and got disappointed.


            Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
            well I did say it was the nosebleed section!! But it actually was pretty good. The photo doesnt do the justice. we could see everything and everyone CLEARLY. But when I look at the photo myself, I also get the feeling that you cant see anything so I dont blame you guys for saying that!! The place has been designed very well, but you wont see much if you sit on the sides of the court, even if you are down near the bottom. the key is to sit on the "jayegah" section!
            Well I always believed Teachers have Eagle eyes...



              playing the suns today


                he comes in and the stream shuts down damn

                but he and shaq are in at the same time


                  nice he even went up against shaq....but again like the lakers game, he gets 1 min, does good then he's replaced


                    Hamed blocks like its nothing.



                        i hope he gets the hell out of mameh and signs with a decent team


                          he's averagin about 2 blocks/game with the very limited min. he gets


                            anyone have a link for the hawks game?


                              he should have signed with Partizan


                                حامد حدادي پيشنهاد بارسلونا را رد كرد
                                NBA بهتر از هر جاي ديگر!

                                سرويس: قهرماني - همگاني
                                8803-15444: كد خبر

                                خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
                                سرويس: قهرماني - همگاني

                                حامد حدادي پيشنهاد تيم بسكتبال بارسلوناي اسپانيا را رد كرد.

                                به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، حامد حدادي، يكي از بهترين بازيكنان بسكتبال آسيا كه سال گذشته فرصت بازي در ليگ NBA و باشگاه ممفيس گريزليز را پيدا كرد، پيشنهاد بازي در بارسلوناي اسپانيا را كه از طريق مدير برنامه*هايش مطرح شده بود را رد كرد.

                                بازيكن 218 سانتي*متري بسكتبال ايران كه بواسطه*ي كارنامه*ي موفقش در پنج بازي تيم ايران در مسابقات المپيك راهي ليگ حرفه*اي بسكتبال آمريكا شد، بازي در NBA و دريافت يك و نيم ميليون دلار در هر فصل را به سفر به اسپانيا ترجيح داد.

                                حدادي روياي دستيابي به ركوردي بهتر از يائومينگ چيني در تيم هوستون را در سر مي*پروراند.

                                او پيش از اين در تيم*هاي پيكان و صباباتري در ليگ برتر بسكتبال به ميدان رفته است.

                                انتهاي پيام

