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Bahrain Appeal Had No Legal Grounds

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    Bahrain Appeal Had No Legal Grounds


    Bahrain Appeal Had No Legal Grounds
    Iran Sports Press - Having appealed a disallowed goal in the last minute of the second leg of their play-off with Trinidad & Tobago, Bahrain awaited a reply from FIFA on the matter. However, FIFA's subsequently rejected the appeal based upon the fact that it had not been lodged in the necessary time-frame, which would have allowed it to be considered.
    Babak Golriz

    The incident in question saw striker Hussain Ali kick the ball towards goal as the goalkeeper had released it from his hand into the air to kick upfield. This matter was the center of controversy two seasons ago in the English Premier League when Thierry Henry dispossessed Blackburn Rovers goalkeeper Brad Friedel in the same matter. The goal did not stand, and viewers and experts were divided on the matter. But it was ruled that it was an infringement by the Frenchman.
    However, whilst the Bahraini's, who won only won of their last ten World Cup Qualifiers, were disappointed by the nature of FIFA's official reply, the following text from FIFA had set their stance on the issue in the past, and closes the case beyond a doubt, irrespective of the appeal.
    From FIFA's own Q&A on the issue:
    16. A goalkeeper holding the ball bounces it before he kicks it upfield. Is it an offence to bounce the ball?
    No. In the spirit of the Law he would not be regarded as having released the ball from his possession.
    17. If a goalkeeper is bouncing the ball, may an opponent play the ball as it touches the ground?
    18. After taking possession of the ball, a goalkeeper allows it to lie on his open hand. An opponent comes from behind him and heads the ball from his hand. Is this permitted?
    19. As a goalkeeper releases the ball to kick it into play, an opponent intercepts it before it touches the ground. Is this permitted?
    No. It is an offence to prevent a goalkeeper releasing the ball from his hands. The releasing of the ball from his hands and the kicking of the ball is considered to be a single action.

    Has been discussed numerous times with direct quotes from FIFA rules

