what the **** kasra? give me a ****ing break.

another slightly angle of kobe charging up his elbow
First, i lost any respect i had for Kobe for thinking hes so bad he can get away with anything he does, Phil Jackson for allowing such behavior on the court, and that leftover utah piece of shit fisher for what he pulled and tried to be a funny guy out of it.
Second, i will lose respect for the nba altogether if a team like this one can win and advance pulling obvious dirty moves just because they have an image to uphold and are expected to win.
They cant win fair and square so they do it the only other way.
I was afraid from the beginning with Joe Crawford reffing tonight knowing this owuld happen.
But the Rockets have been cheated out of wins before, lets face it, theyre going to steal it from us again one way or another.
imo like ron said he was trying to establish to kobe bryant that what he did is unacceptable.
imagine kobe pulling dirty moves on your team for the beginning of the series like talking trash like "he can't guard me" and kneeing and doing little ***** ass cheap shots on a honest and hard-working guy like shane battier who doesn't cause ANY drama whatsoever who goes out and bust his ass every night playing FUNDAMENTAL basketball only to ultimately get elbowed in your throat by this dirty player and for the refs to have the audacity to call a foul on you and turn a blind eye to the sneaky dirty under-handedness of kobe
imo ron just ****ing snapped. that was the straw that broke the camels back, he didnt go there with the intention of getting ejected but with the intention of im tired of this bullshit and this dirty ass player sneaking cheap shots on my my team and me so he went to kobe to establish the statement of "i know what the **** you are doing and i dont play that shit, keep up with that shit and i'll beat your ****ing ass" to show kobe he doesn't play that shit
imo ron is excused because at the end of the day a dirty player was slipping through the cracks and ron called him out on it
think. if ron never said anything then probably nobody to this day would care or realize the dirty act put on by kobe and most likely would have been forgotten or blown under the rug. ron's actions imo brought spotlight to the cowardly play of kobe bryant that people have been seeing for awhile now. In the mean time, hail RON ARTEST

another slightly angle of kobe charging up his elbow
First, i lost any respect i had for Kobe for thinking hes so bad he can get away with anything he does, Phil Jackson for allowing such behavior on the court, and that leftover utah piece of shit fisher for what he pulled and tried to be a funny guy out of it.
Second, i will lose respect for the nba altogether if a team like this one can win and advance pulling obvious dirty moves just because they have an image to uphold and are expected to win.
They cant win fair and square so they do it the only other way.
I was afraid from the beginning with Joe Crawford reffing tonight knowing this owuld happen.
But the Rockets have been cheated out of wins before, lets face it, theyre going to steal it from us again one way or another.
imo like ron said he was trying to establish to kobe bryant that what he did is unacceptable.
imagine kobe pulling dirty moves on your team for the beginning of the series like talking trash like "he can't guard me" and kneeing and doing little ***** ass cheap shots on a honest and hard-working guy like shane battier who doesn't cause ANY drama whatsoever who goes out and bust his ass every night playing FUNDAMENTAL basketball only to ultimately get elbowed in your throat by this dirty player and for the refs to have the audacity to call a foul on you and turn a blind eye to the sneaky dirty under-handedness of kobe
imo ron just ****ing snapped. that was the straw that broke the camels back, he didnt go there with the intention of getting ejected but with the intention of im tired of this bullshit and this dirty ass player sneaking cheap shots on my my team and me so he went to kobe to establish the statement of "i know what the **** you are doing and i dont play that shit, keep up with that shit and i'll beat your ****ing ass" to show kobe he doesn't play that shit
imo ron is excused because at the end of the day a dirty player was slipping through the cracks and ron called him out on it
think. if ron never said anything then probably nobody to this day would care or realize the dirty act put on by kobe and most likely would have been forgotten or blown under the rug. ron's actions imo brought spotlight to the cowardly play of kobe bryant that people have been seeing for awhile now. In the mean time, hail RON ARTEST