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French coach Troussier and wife convert to Islam

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    khabalood jaan, wahhabis are muslim too (a sunni sect), they originated in saudi arabia (i think) and bin Laden and his crew is wahhabi. n e way, there are many muslim converts that change their name, especially their first name(my freinds mum is one, and she is not wahhabi) and Muhhammad Ali. there is nothing wrong with him changing his name, it does not make him one thing or another.


      Aidin jaan, I've been to saudi and seen the wahhabis up close. They are NOT muslim. Many of their practices go against Islamic principles. So they can propogate all they want that they are muslims but their actions tell a different story.
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        Originally posted by khabalood
        Aidin jaan, I've been to saudi and seen the wahhabis up close. They are NOT muslim. Many of their practices go against Islamic principles. So they can propogate all they want that they are muslims but their actions tell a different story.
        sorry brother my bad i got a little confused. what i meant was that they call themselves muslims, i know a couple of wahhabis (had a 'confrontation' with one) i know what you mean though.


          azizan i have lived in saudi for da past 6 yrs so i wood knw. They call themsleves muslims but we r nt in da position to say whether 1 is a muslim or not or 2 judge sum1, only the Almighty can do that. Futhermore, believe me there are sunnis who have the name omar and are very accepting to shiaism.

          you can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth


            Originally posted by khabalood
            Only wahhabis go as far as to change a given name and replace it with Omar. Wahhabis like to associate themselves with Sunnis as well.
            but all new commers to islam change their name to a muslim name as for us shia the new commer still keeps his/her real name but likes to be called by their new name.
            as for sunne they have no more Imams or mullah's in their masjeds it is all now run by wahhabes with wahhabe ideas being pushed on them.
            Wahabbes used to give names like abdullah or abdul arhaman, and other names starting with abdul in front of it. now they want to show more respect to the shaytan omar so they are forcing that name on people by making omar look like GOD's gift to the world so we will see more omars now then before.
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              now that he is a muslim I wish for him the right path the path of the ahllbayte a.s. so taht he and his wife can become momeen and momena .
     ( saving people money on essential services. )

