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Israel bombs Palestine's only stadium

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    Israel bombs Palestine's only stadium

    can they get any lower?

    Palestine Stadium damaged in missile attack
    2 April 2006

    GAZA: The only international stadium in Gaza fell target to missiles fired by Israeli helicopters on Thursday night, leaving a five-metre hole in the middle of the pitch.

    Palestinian security sources said it had suffered extensive damage. None was injured.

    The attack on sports facilities comes two months after Al Shams Club and other sports centres were targeted.

    The national team recently trained at the Palestine Stadium for the AFC Challenge Cup.

    those bastards, im startin to aree with our monkey lookin president about whiping them off the map


      Sad really

      Palestine lost Kyrgyzstan yesterday 1-0 and were eliminated from the competition.

      Pakistan actually beat Kyrgyzstan 1-0 as well but couldnt qualify because of less points in the end, the beat Kyrgyzstan, drew with Macau and lost to Tajikistan.


        And they wanted Iran banned from the World Cup

        FIFA, if you have any balls what-so-ever, ban these a-holes.

        FIFA considers action over air strike

        World soccer's governing body (FIFA) has raised concerns with the Israeli government after the IDF targeted the main soccer stadium in the Gaza Strip with artillery fire.

        FIFA said Friday it is considering possible action over the air strike.

        The shells, which reportedly left a large crater in the center of the field, were fired early last Friday morning in response to Kassam rocket attacks.

        Those attacks included one rocket that landed on a soccer field at Kibbutz Karmiya, south of Ashkelon, the day before.

        The IDF has acknowledged that the stadium was specifically targeted to "send a strong message to the Palestinian people against terrorism."

        "Knowing the stadium was unpopulated, artillery fire from Israel was fired directly at it," said the IDF Spokesman. "The terrorism is coming from within them, and they need to know that they are the ones suffering."

        The fire took place at a time when the Palestinian national soccer team is taking part in the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Challenge Cup in Bangladesh.

        Jerome Champagne, a representative of FIFA's president for special affairs, this week sent an official letter to Israeli Ambassador to Switzerland Aviv Shiron, asking him to explain why the stadium was targeted before FIFA decided what action, if any, to take.

        Champagne told The Jerusalem Post that the organization was "not happy with what happened."
        "Hitting a football stadium is absolutely counterproductive for peace, because today football is the only universal tool that can bridge gaps," he said.

        Champagne added that the field was not being used by Palestinians as a missile launching pad, as Shiron had originally claimed.

        The former FIFA deputy general-secretary said that Israeli checkpoints have made it impossible for the Palestinians to develop their own league since 2000, and he refused to condemn the Kassam attack on Karmiya.

        Citing the 2004 FIFA decision to allow Israel to host its national team games on home soil after being forced to play abroad for two years due to terrorism fears, Champagne said, "We did everything possible to make sure the Israeli team has the right to play. At the same time, we have to observe the situation [in which] Palestinian football cannot be developed itself because of Israeli checkpoints."

        When asked about the threat of Kassams, Champagne, a French national, said, "The Gaza Strip was occupied since 1967. [France was] occupied by Germany three times in the last 100 years. Do you think we could just kiss and make up after six months?"

        "No part of Israel is occupied by the Palestinian people. It is not right to occupy a people," he added.

        Shiron said that after he received the letter he discussed the issue with FIFA representatives. "I checked with the authorities in Israel, and I got back to them [FIFA] saying that in the framework of Israeli activities against Kassam rockets and its launchers apparently the field was hit."

        Shiron said he also raised with FIFA the issue of the Kassam that hit the soccer field in Karmiya, but that FIFA had not yet responded.

        Uri Selah, secretary of Kibbutz Karmiya, said one resident sustained light wounds in the attack, although it could have been much worse. "It is a small field, but if the rockets had been fired a day later it would have been full of people playing soccer and the situation could have been much more serious," he said.

        AFC President Muhammad Bin Hammam condemned the Israeli strike as "a crime against Palestine sports facilities" and held a meeting with Palestine Football Association assistant general-secretary Nahid al-Hour to discuss the situation.

        FIFA president Sepp Blatter, in Bangladesh to observe the tournament, also attended the meeting and is expected to discuss with Champagne on his return Friday what, if any, action FIFA will take.







            so pathetic
            Damn zionist pricks


              Damn I can't believe this. These SOBs have taken everything away from the poor Palestinians. I really feel sorry for them.

              F***g cowards!
              Persian Pride running through my veins!

              Esteghlal for life!!


                That's so low. Why the hell a stadium?
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

                "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
                And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



                  @$$holes.........palestinians should shove footballs up thier israelie @$$es


                    Both sides should face severe consequences for this matter. Palestinian organizations have also in the past attacked Israeli stadiums.


                      wow!! this is loooow!

                      what if they were playing foot?

                      stupid man!



                        And now the Israeli Defense Forces bombed and likely destroyed a new Palestinian Football Association building, a FIFA project with financial help from Saudi Arabia and France, just as construction was being finished.


                        العفيفى : متفاجئ بشكل كبير لخسارة الوطني وأتوقع فرض عقوبات فى ظل اهتمام بلاتر بقصف المنشآت الرياضية

                        غزة – بوابة فلسطين الرياضية :

                        في حلقة جديدة من المسلسل الصهيوني ضد الرياضة الفلسطينية أصابت قذائف دبابات الاحتلال مقر اتحاد كرة القدم الجديد الواقع في منطقة بيت لاهيا شمال مدينة غزة مخلفة أضرار كبيرة نتيجة القذائف الهمجية .

                        اللواء أحمد العفيفى رئيس اتحاد كرة القدم الفلسطيني عقب على القصف الهمجي مشيراً بأن المنطقة التى يتواجد بها مبنى الإتحاد تتعرض وبشكل مستمر ومكثف لقذائف الدبابات وأكد العفيفى بأنه تم مخاطبة الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم ووضعه في صورة كل ماحدث خاصة وأن الفيفا وفرنسا والسعودية هما من تبرعوا ببناء المقر !

                        وأضاف العفيفى بأن يتوقع فرض عقوبات على الجانب الصهيوني من قبل الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم فى ظل اهتمام ومتابعة سيب بلاتر رئيس الفيفا لموضوع قصف المنشآت الرياضية وسبق أن ابدى إدانته الواضحه لقصف ملعب فلسطين مهددا باتخاذ عقوبات !

                        وفى موضوع آخر ابدي العفيفى استغرابه الشديد من هزيمة المنتخب الوطني أمام قيرغستان والتفريط بلقب بطولة التحدي قائلا " لا أعرف ما الذي جرى للاعبي الوطني ولا أدرك الظروف التى مروا بها هناك وأنا متفاجئ بشكل كبير من نتيجة المباراة "

                        وفى نفس الوقت أشار العفيفى بان منتخب قيرغستان قوى وأحد المرشحين للظفر بلقب البطولة !!!

                        وفى ختام حديثه أوضح العفيفى عزم اتحاد الكرة على اكمال بطولة الدورى فى المحافظات الشمالية والجنوبية خاصة وأن الاتحاد الدولى سيعمل على تعشيب ثلاث ملاعب لكرة القدم إضافة الى ملعبين تكفلت بتعشيبهم المنحة السعودية .

                        من جانبه قال وليد لولو سكرتير اتحاد كرة القدم لا يمكن تقدير الخسائر التى لحقت بمبنى اتحاد كرة القدم فى الوقت الحالى لصعوبة الوصول اليه نتيجة للقصف المتواصل على المنطقة مبديا اندهاشه من عملية القصف بالرغم من وجود
                        علم الاتحاد الدولى وعلم الإتحاد الآسيوى أعلى المبنى بشكل واضح للج



                          idiots... cowards!!


                            FIFA to pay for the stadium attacked by Israel on April 1.

                            I think they are afraid to see a successful team from Palestine competing internationally.


                              Don't you guys worry.

                              Iran is very very good friends with Hammas.

                              Hammas is an infamous terrorist group which will fight back against this type of attack.

                              Hammas is funded by the Iranian Government by the way.....!
                              Please join and support Iran Rugby on Facebook.

