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And finally Pompy aka Portsmouth go into Adminstration

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    And finally Pompy aka Portsmouth go into Adminstration

    Enjoy the Championship Portsmouth


      must really suck to be a portsmouth fan right now.


        feel sry for the fans and the people associated with pompey. they dont deserve this.

        S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


          They were gonna go bust and still could

          administration just guarantees their relegation

          if the wind-up protest goes through, Portsmouth officially dies as a football club

          and it's the fault of RedKnapp.

          he bought Crouch, Defoe, Bent, Johnson, Lass, Muntari and offered them high salaries. then won a cup but then ditched the team when Spurs came with an offer.

          and there you go since the ownership changed, they couldn't handle all the wages, so they sold all of those players. they used to be a quality team.


            So what will happen to them specifically, and their players?


              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              So what will happen to them specifically, and their players?
              for now, they get 9 points deduction. which will make them certain to relegate

              if the financial state still didn't improve and more creditors complaint and they were unable to pay, they are extinct and non-existant


                soemthing which i am constantly worried about, is that in the rare occasion that they do become 'extinct' what will happen to the teams who have not played them yet. There are still teams, especially top four teams such as arsenal, who have not played pompey yet, and if they die out as a club, do the teams who havent played them get an automatic 3points which would be unfair to the teams which have played them. Or would they deuct any points gained from pompey that season from all clubs, which seems the fairest thing to do, but there may have been people who may have rested their team against man city, then played their best against portsmouth, and as a result they would get no points from their win from pompey, had they known about the future, they would have played their full team against man city and maybe got a point or 3. (btw, man city as an example is just randomly made up).


                  Portsmouth have this criminal to blame. Doctor Al-Fahim. He has a fake PhD (remind you of anyone?) and a warrant has been issued for his arrest in UAE:


                    fat theif he is


                      Despite all these problems, the players still play with a smile in their face(they prob will leave in the summer) and beat Burnley away 1-2..
                      I've learnt it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts

