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Liverpool FC have new owners

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    Liverpool FC have new owners

    Martin Broughton- and he backs benitez

    EDIT: misleading thread sorry:

    'Liverpool owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett Jr put the club up for sale on Friday and appointed British Airways boss Broughton to oversee the process.'

    he is not the new owner

    he is in charge of selling the club to interested investors.

    Gillet and Hicks have officially announced they want to sell the club and Broughton is the new CHAIRMAN who will work alongside club director Purslow to sell the club to NEW OWNERS

    he said, the new owners' priority must be building the new stadium, and it's our main thing considering take over bids. then money for transfers.

    over the past 2 weeks 5-6 potential investors have stated interest. from Syria, China, Saudi (6th richest man in the world), UAE, US, and Kuwait.

    he hopes the club will be sold to new owners in a couple of months, so hopefully a lot of money will be available for transfers in summer

    after all, missing out on CL was blessing in disguise, those jewish ass tight owners now have to sell to pay their debts, and hopefully a rich owner will come, build the new stadium and give us a lot of money for transfers

    ps. Broughton is a Chelsea fan, he told LFC TV when addressing his main responsibilities. well, last time in 2007, Parry and Moores who both were Liverpool fans, sold the club to Americans, when DIC (Dubai's richest company) almost had the deal done, until American bid 20M pound higher and now look at the mess they caused.

    new owners can either make us or break us. if Broughton and Purslow find owners with a lot of financial backing and care for football, we'll start owning the world again , however if they fuk up just like Parry and Moores did in 2007 and sell us to shitty investors who only want the club for personal profit. then we'll be doomed for another few years or so.

    this is Broughton's interview


      damn, i wish i was a khar-millionaire, i would be all over this biotch..!!
      i cant think of anything more fun to do with stupid money than owning my own football club..!! especially one with such illustrious history and fan base..!!


        Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
        damn, i wish i was a khar-millionaire, i would be all over this biotch..!!
        i cant think of anything more fun to do with stupid money than owning my own football club..!! especially one with such illustrious history and fan base..!!

        elninos right, us missing out on CL next year might actually be a blessing in disguise


          SO CHANGE THE THREAD TITLE!!! You can do it by clicking on the grid cell that the thread title is in (on the intnat'nal forum list of threads), waiting a second, then clicking again: you will be able to edit the thread title.
          Backing Daei since 1992, to this day.



            what happened to him trying to buy a club?


              he sold Tevez

              Tevez is a weirdo, he says he doesn't want to join a rival club to show respect to United fans, so he can't come to Liverpool and a week later he joins City

              come on, rich owners please.
              let's build the stanley park

              then i can think about making a shopping list

              ps. one of top RAWK (Liverpool supporters' official website and forums) members is a fan of green movement apparently is his profile

