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Serbian fans ruining qualifier game with Italy - Live right now!

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    Originally posted by Ali View Post

    Brazil IS the most successful team in the world cup with 5 titles.
    Learn to read punk.


      Originally posted by JaanevarAjeeb View Post
      All I'm saying is no reason to get so defensive. You obviously are a fan, and will always see it through that perspective. You can skew the picture anyway you want it by adding/subtracting stats suitable to your argument. If the league is a true indicator of a country's football status, England should be rocking it. Also, we should consider the UAE a super-power in Asia, since they have a relatively solid league, with pretty good foreigners, and a few ACL titles, right? In Europe, there is a constant see-saw of who's better between 3-4 teams, and to say Italy is the undisputed heavyweight champ is biased, that's all I'm saying. Everyone also has excuses for poor performance. Ask a Liverpool fan, and he'll give you a hand full. Liverpool is one of the best club teams historically.

      Criticism doesn't always mean bashing so chill-out and let everyone be a fan of whatever team they want to be a fan of. I think democracy starts from little discussions like this and how people choose to handle it.

      Also, you have to give Brazil props for giving birth to so much talent DESPITE a mediocre league. I think it's more of an accomplishment to have so many players scattered across Europe and have a headache for Selecao selection, than otherwise. Serie A loves Brazilians, and has embraced them unconditionally- look at all the Brazilians overstaying their welcome.

      ur putting words in my mouth now, i didnt say undisputed heavyweight champ, go up and read what i said and theres nothing UNtrue about it. Italy can be compared to brazil and germany and if u combine titles of NT and league, italy has got the most, is that untrue? ur the one getting defensive, i never said germany or brazil were bad, i never took away credit from them, ur making that assumption out of one line.


        Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
        ur putting words in my mouth now, i didnt say undisputed heavyweight champ, go up and read what i said and theres nothing UNtrue about it. Italy can be compared to brazil and germany and if u combine titles of NT and league, italy has got the most, is that untrue? ur the one getting defensive, i never said germany or brazil were bad, i never took away credit from them, ur making that assumption out of one line.
        I'm not the one getting angry when someone says something that I don't agree with..

        You're focusing on my one phrase without any reference whatsoever to any of my other points. The reason why I used undisputed, is because you continuously make them look like the absolute best. I'm not putting any words in your mouth, and for me there is no significant benefit realized from doing so..

        Main point is combining club stats with NT stats is like combining apples with oranges and saying there's more fruit. Like I said, you can't use league stats to boost your argument, since there are plenty of countries with great leagues, but relatively poor NT- too many examples, but England, UAE, and Egypt (Al-Alhi dominates the African CL) come readily to mind. This is because many teams are represented by so many foreign players- you can't simply classify them by nationality since they have Italian names. As I said before, the English league is one of the best but the top 5 teams are loaded with foreigners and foreign management. Same goes for top teams in Italy and Spain (aside from Barca and Valencia who have a good mix of domestic and international talent). The German league keeps most of its players, and hence you see the results in the NT games.

        Yeah, Italy has 1 more WC Title, but Germany has had so many more top 4 finishes than Italy as Paradigm stated...but of course, we have to exclude those statistics...

        The European Championship is arguably more competitive than the World Cup, and Germany has won more titles than Italy. You then jumped categories to Youth level. The Youth level is not at the same level as the Senior Level, as the names imply so that is not a valid defense, or favorable stat that you can use.

        Like I said earlier, this is just going to go back and forth, since you aren't looking at it objectively at all, adding/subtracting stats as you see fit to make Italy look the best. I'm not convinced that you're even reading my ENTIRE replies, so I'm going to stop my end of the discussion here. I have been reading your posts and addressing your points, but you prob. don't even want to believe that.


          dude ur the one who came here getting DEFENSIVE when i didnt even mention germany, get a life dude and get over it, italy is top 3 in the world, bottom line and give it a rest, no point in arguing what u say cuz it makes no day ur france fan, then holland, then one dige


            Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
            dude ur the one who came here getting DEFENSIVE when i didnt even mention germany, get a life dude and get over it, italy is top 3 in the world, bottom line and give it a rest, no point in arguing what u say cuz it makes no day ur france fan, then holland, then one dige
            The reason why I bring up Germany is that they are at least comparable to Italy in terms of stats, arguably slightly better than Italy, even though they have one less WC title. Keep dodging my arguments.. Ok, now Italy is TOP 3, not the absolute best (better than Brazil with league stats as you said), thanks for the adjustment.

            I have a life, no need to insult fellow members. My teams are France, Holland, and Germany in that order (after TM) as you've known over the years, stop playing stupid. I have only one more team than you Mr. Italy and Spain, but UNLIKE YOU I never insult you, because of the teams you like. No need for you or anyone to create rules on what is the correct way to follow the game or the limit on teams you like. Some member even said you can only have one team, not 3-4, and that is the way he wants to follow it. Creating self-beneficial rules and dictating them to people is like Jomhouriye Eslami. I guess you follow the same method of zoorgooi without logical explanation.

            You obviously refuse to debate the subject, and continually use AD HOMINEM attacking me, instead of my points, which is why it's impossible to have constructive discussions with you. You're just making yourself look bad. Just like the Diego thread in which you accused me of circular reasoning, but then realized you weren't even reading my posts correctly and making assumptions LOL.


              im done arguing with u man, i keep trying to end it but u keep bringing shit up over and over and over in different threads. to each their own, dont be a sore loser


                Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
                im done arguing with u man, i keep trying to end it but u keep bringing shit up over and over and over in different threads. to each their own, dont be a sore loser
                The loser is the one who resorts to insults, without even acknowledging or addressing the other's points. I think people here can judge for themselves who made more sense and was more constructive in this thread.

                It's easy to claim victory, when there is none- this is an international forum dedicated to constructive discussions, not a VIVA Italia forum where people have to blindly follow your team.. I'm not going to stoop down to your level and resort to name-calling, although you're been trying really hard to drag it towards that direction. Since you can't address anything I say except for one phrase here or one word there, it's prob. best that you ignore my posts/replies altogether.


                  there u go making up ur own conclusion as usual..u really dont understand some basic things, the sore loser thing was about how u hold grudges for certain games like italy-hollland of 10 years ago and keep bringing up that ONE game when there are so many games. i didnt say i won this argument or whatever u think, i am simply saying dont hate certain teams or players cuz of some result in the past...move on, appreciate the beautiful game and ending friendships over it, its just a game at the end but ur too emotional and i dont argue with u point by point cuz its never ending...we keep going thru it and then it stops but then it starts again later as if we never discussed. Thats all im saying, let it go man im tired of it. Again as usual i appreciate greatness and i dont put others down no matter how much i dont like them, for ex brazil, ya i dont like them but i dont deny their greatness. Something u still dont learn to do about italy, u forcefully admit but then u go ahead make negative points right after it so it really cancels it out...we're not dumb we see what ur doing.

                  end of story


                    Im gonna have to say jaanevarajeeb won this this arguement. Che Ajeeb!


                      Originally posted by Abbas85 View Post
                      Im gonna have to say jaanevarajeeb won this this arguement. Che Ajeeb!

                      i see ur still mad at me, lol


                        Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
                        i see ur still mad at me, lol
                        I was for like 3 seconds but got over it. I simply read all your posts and arguments, and JA made more sense and supported his argument better than yours, thats all.


                          Originally posted by Abbas85 View Post
                          I was for like 3 seconds but got over it. I simply read all your posts and arguments, and JA made more sense and supported his argument better than yours, thats all.
                          Its cuz i didnt argue back. Me and him argued about this stuff many times so i dont feel like repeating it again. Facts are facts

