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Inter Milan visits Bahrain

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    Inter Milan visits Bahrain

    Although some of these photos are sympathetic and friendly, there are always two sides of the coin. This is a fraction of the result from the globalization of football, where money can buy anything. The sheikhs in the middle east are changing the landscape of international (and also regional) football. Manchester City is no longer the club it used to be. More and more clubs spend time on camps or to face semi-professional (and sometimes lousy) local teams in the mid east, in exchange for large amounts of money. Our own national team did something similar last week when we played against Brazil.

    Anyway, here is the article.

    MANAMA (BAHRAIN) - After the unforgettable experience in Kuwait during the 31st edition of the Al-Roudan Ramadan Football Tournament last month, Inter president Massimo Moratti has taken up the invitation of Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the president of the Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC).

    Accompanied to the Persian Gulf by his daughter Carlotta, Inter managing director and chief executive Ernesto Paolillo, Luis Figo and Francesco Toldo, Moratti arrived yesterday in Manama. Today he will meet the highest representatives of the institutions of sport and government in Bahrain to cement ties between the two countries.

    The Italian delegation's visit was coordinated thanks to the cooperation of the Bahrain Olympic Committee and the Board of Economic Development, whose chief executive, Sheikh Mohammed bin Essa Al-Khalifa, welcomed president Moratti on his arrival at the airport yesterday afternoon.

    Today, Massimo Moratti, Carlotta Moratti, Paolillo, Figo and Toldo will meet the King of Bahrain, HH Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, and the Crown Prince, HRH Prince Salman Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, before heading to the Bahrain City Centre Mall where hundreds of local fans can admire the four trophies won by Inter last season and meet their heroes. thanks Mahmood Dashty for these images of president Moratti's arrival at Manama airport and his welcome at La Fontaine Centre of Contemporary Art.

    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

    "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
    And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


    Moratti is heavily involved in the oil industry.
    He visited Iran a couple years ago along with his daughter, supposedly discussing football, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with his oil business.


      isnt there SUPPOSEDLY an inter milan school of football in khuzestan or something?

      anyway, its funny how money makes people would never see someone like moratti giving a damn about some arab in white sheets but here they're shaking hands as if they have shit in common. I wonder what they talk about....the gold toilet seats they got or which G6 jet they're gonna buy next...


        figo is still looking G!
        Go Cows!

