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Iranian weightlifting superstar gets a life time ban

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    Iranian weightlifting superstar gets a life time ban

    International Weightlifting Federation after year voted to ban forever Said Ali Hosseini said.

    Iran out of the 22-year-old heavyweight champion of the world youth games in 2009 had won in this year's World Games in South Korea was banned from participating in the tournament. First injury because the sudden cancellation was announced, and was later exposed before the World Federation of competition due to her being declared a positive doping test sample, has denied.

    With the news that Iran's Weightlifting Alamsh grew into a crisis. Hossein Rezazadeh, national team coach when the defendants were in the forefront. Ali Hosseini, and several other heavyweight weightlifting Iran, which had been denied while Saeed Kadrfny blame team-mates knew injection to athletes during the camps knew why this happened. Even the former Federation of lifelong Exclusion Project Rezazadeh placed on the agenda, but after awhile, the head coach of the sport with the order could be weightlifting federation head.

    Rezazadeh never a charge in the doping Ali Hosseini and others have refused to accept the role. Pretext that he was afraid to be broken by Saeed Rkvrdsh funny calls. With the coming Rezazadeh, Weightlifting Federation in two stages in S. Court of Appeals case of the World Federation plan. The 25 days of meetings in June and were held last September 13 to perhaps consider the World Federation of lifelong deprivation punishment Ali Hosseini be deterred. The Iranian delegation meetings in their course of effective defense and did not warrant a lifetime ban because of alleged doping Saeed for the second time was ordered. Ali Hosseini in 2006 with all members of the national team because of doping drugs, had been doping.

    Warrant denial of Iranian weightlifting, Weightlifting Federation of Iran reached last Friday but due to the weekend through the World Federation of Europe still has not been officially announced. That's why the Federation sent members to deny such a sentence and say: "We still to this sentence, but probably not these days, death records are issued."


      whats with the doping stuff? they dont need to do that and are they that dumb to think they wont get caught?


        EKBATAN I'm sure that most of them actually get away with it because you can't test and catch everyone. You just catch enough people to try to scare off everyone else but people are still going to shoot up. I knew people on my high school football team who would use steroids? Why do you ask would they do something stupid? It's simple because by shooting up steroids tehse guys can tack on an extra 20-30 pounds of muscle, and sometimes that is all it takes to get accepted into a big time college football program and get a free scholarship. That is why many college athletes shoot up as well in the US so they can go pro.

        Put it to you this way if most athletes were asked this question,
        If you could take this pill that would reduce 10 years of your life, but you will be a multi millionare and play a pro sport of your choice, would you do it?

        I'll bet you most athletes would. Hell even I considered taking steroids because I wanted to play college football. I have a good relationship with my dad and I was honest with him about it and he begged me not to do it. Thank god I at least listened to him but I understand why athletes want to shoot up.

