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Breaking news: Dejagah says yes! update: no AC

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    Two points:
    First off; I thought clubs have no right to prevent their player from joining their national team during FIFA approved AC..!?
    Second, I think it's quite clear that TM is purely just an afterthought for this fag..! The fag lacks any patriotic feeling for Iran, & thinks of TM only as a possible stepping stone to upgrade his career..! Clearly his career has been & continuing to be on a decline..! Less than half a season left on his last year of contract & he still hasn't been able to secure a starting spot or even halfway regular playing time in an at best avg. Bundes liga club. As things stand he will have very little chance keeping a spot in first league in the upcoming season..! So at least people can't go around claiming TM ruining his already wayward career like the such bs claims on Zandi.
    Perhaps ghotbi didn't see anything way too special from him in the practice sessions to be worth his time to lobby harder for his services from the club &/or player..!?
    Fact is Amin had it right all along..! He said it right the first page of this thread..! A player who lacks the pure passion & love for playing in TM above All Else, does not deserve a call-up in the first place.
    If he fails to join us for AC, he must be let go of For Good..! What a fking wanker..!


      Unless I'm missing something I don't see him saying he won't play for Iran, but rather that he won't play for Iran NOW.
      I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


        Dejagah is no Iranian player, he has decided to turn his back on the Iranian NT and rather prefers to continue benchwarming at Wolfsburg....

        From now on, any Dejagah news only in International football forum! thanks


          It is sad that we get excited about a player who has NEVER played for iran to all of a sudden come in a major tournament and help us become champions.

          Poroo mishe baba, bayad aval do ta doostaneh bezarimesh bebinim donya daste kiye aval...


            Just read the article on Wolfsburg homepage and there he says it's probably better for him not to play for Iran any time soon.

            Forget this guy, he shall not get even near TM!!


              Originally posted by KC McElroy View Post
              Unless I'm missing something I don't see him saying he won't play for Iran, but rather that he won't play for Iran NOW.
              their is a huge tournament coming. You can pass a friendly but passing on a tournament
              AND at his very own club team 'others' do go to the very same tournament AND their is only 6 months left on his benching contract.

              1. If he really wants to give his all for Iran, he should have come now, with his 2nd (and hopeully last) begging & invitation
              2. he could use AC to find a new club, giving a good performance
              Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
              O.G from '97 & still here



                  ^^ Indeed he stole our christmas.. We completely lack fire-power in the front and it wouldve been nice to have a decent forward in the asian cup.
                  I understand that he is worried about his career at the moment, and would rather secure his future as he is in a very insecure position.
                  But atleast he could make up his mind for once and give us a clear answer instead of switching between yes and no. This guy clearly lacks both IQ and determination. Perhaps we would be better off without him.


                    FIFA approves Dejagah switch from Germany to Iran
                    FIFA has allowed Germany under-21 international Ashkan Dejagah to switch allegiance and play for Iran at the Asian Cup next month.

                    Associated Press

                    FIFA approved a request from Iran and Dejagah, who was born in Tehran but brought up in Germany and plays for Bundesliga club Wolfsburg.

                    The governing body's statutes allow players to change national teams before playing a senior competitive match, and if they always were eligible to represent their second-choice country.

                    Dejagah, 24, made headlines in 2007 when refusing to play against Israel under-21s, citing family reasons. Iran does not recognize Israel's right to exist.

                    The 16-nation Asian Cup is played Jan. 7-29 in Qatar.
                    Iran is grouped with Iraq, North Korea and the United Arab Emirates.

                    Zendeh bad IRAN
                    Marg bar dictator


                      wow team melli related thread in international form



                        ^^ we have two of those
                        Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                        O.G from '97 & still here


                          What is pissing me off more than anything is that there's a winter brake in germany!

                          So what will he be doing? Feeding reindeers?

                          Its strange that players 100 times better than him like Park & Lee will be going while the prem is in the sensitive festive season part! It just shows passion doesn't it?

                          If you are good enough you wouldn't worry about your club, you can play in front of millions in asia and sell yourself then.
                          ...............................................sigpic..........................................00000000 0000000000000000000000000..HOWAY THE LADS


                            new development: he denies the article on Wolfsburg homepage

                            پدر اشکان دژاگه گفت: متاسفانه مسوولان ولفسبورگ وقتی دیدند که موضوع رفتن اشکان به تیم ملی ایران جدی شده، طی چند روز اخیر از راههای گوناگون فشار فراوانی به فرزندم وارد کردند تا او را از تصمیمش منصرف کنند.

                            به گزارش سرویس ورزشی برنا، پدر اشکان دژآگه بازیکن ایرانی تیم وولفسبورگ آلمان در گفت*وگویی ضمن بیان اینکه اشکان هیچ گفت وگویی با سایت باشگاه وولفسبورگ نداشته، از برخی مسایل ناگفته درباره وضعیت فرزندش جهت حضور در تیم ملی فوتبال ایران پرده برداشت.

                            محمد دژآگه در ابتدا گفت که لازم می دانم از قطبی که وقت گذاشت و به آلمان آمد، تشکر و قدردانی کنم زیرا او تنها فردی بوده که در این مدت زحمت کشید و به اینجا آمد و ضمن دیدن اشکان و تمرینات او، با مسوولان باشگاه و کادر فنی تیم نیز تک به تک ملاقات کرد.

                            وی درباره صحبت های اشکان که روز جمعه در سایت باشگاه وولفسبورگ منتشر شده و رسانه های آلمان و ایران نیز به نقل از آن، خبر را منعکس کردند، گفت: من با قاطعیت به شما می گویم که فرزند من با هیچکس حتی با سایت باشگاه مصاحبه نکرده و اینها متاسفانه شیطنت هایی است که از سوی سایت مذکور و برخی نشریات آلمان صورت می گیرد.

                            وی افزود: ما با قطبی قرار گذاشته بودیم تا روز دوشنبه که تصمیم نهایی اتخاذ می شود، هیچ مصاحبه ای انجام ندهیم و به قول خود پایبند هم بودیم اما متاسفانه ظاهرا برخی خبرها از جلسه ای که قطبی روز پنجشنبه با دیتر هوینس مدیر وولفسبورگ داشته، به بیرون درز کرده و مدیر یا هیات مدیره باشگاه تصمیم گرفته اند که نظر خود را به نقل از اشکان روی سایت منتشر کنند که ماهم از این مساله بسیار ناراحتیم و به آنها اعتراض کردیم.

                            محمد دژآگه در ادامه اظهار داشت: متاسفانه مسوولان وولفسبورگ وقتی دیدند که موضوع رفتن اشکان به تیم ملی ایران جدی شده، طی چند روز اخیر از راههای گوناگون فشار فراوانی به فرزندم وارد کردند تا او را از تصمیمش منصرف کنند و تاحدی موفق به این کار هم شده اند اما همه چیز به یکی دو روز آینده موکول شده است.

                            وی گفت: من همچنان به اینکه فرزندم پیراهن تیم ملی ایران را برتن کند افتخار می کنم. اشکان هم همین احساس را دارد اما متاسفانه در این چند روز آنقدر وضعیت روحی او را خراب کرده اند که به نظرم این بازیکن با چنین شرایط روحی نمی تواند کمکی به تیم ملی ایران کند.
                            so he may or may not maybe join tm!!!!!!!
                            I was an atheist until I realized I am GOD.


                              he should at least send a public statement to iranian fans and saying that he would love to join but he cant, bla bla.....the way he's handling this is like a slap in the face


                                A good performance in the Asian Cup might even improve his chances in his club. This just shows how weak and insecure he is about his abilities.

