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Russia and Qatar to host 2018 and 2022

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    Russia and Qatar to host 2018 and 2022

    Russia and Qatar to host 2018 and 2022

    The FIFA Executive Committee has chosen RussiaQatarRussia, were England, a joint bid from Belgium and the Netherlands, and a joint bid from Spain and PortugalAustralia, Japan, Korea Republic and the USA were competing with Qatar.

    Here are the full results of the voting rounds:

    22 members of the FIFA Executive Committee were entitled to vote. 12 votes were needed for an absolute majority and therefore to obtain the right to host the FIFA World Cup.

    Round 1: England 2 votes, Netherlands/Belgium 4 votes, Spain/Portugal 7 votes and Russia 9 votes (as no absolute majority was reached, the candidate with least amount of votes, England, was eliminated)

    Round 2: Netherlands/Belgium 2 votes, Spain/Portugal 7 votes and Russia 13 votes (Russia obtained an absolute majority)

    Round 1: Australia 1 vote, Japan 3 votes, Korea Republic 4 votes, Qatar 11 votes, USA 3 votes (Australia eliminated)

    Round 2: Japan 2 votes, Korea Republic 5 votes, Qatar 10 votes and USA 5 votes (Japan eliminated)

    Round 3: Korea Republic 5 votes, Qatar 11 votes, USA 6 votes (Korea Republic eliminated)

    Round 4: Qatar 14 votes and USA 8 votes (Qatar obtained an absolute majority)

    در ادامه ي نشسست ويژه فيفا در زوريخ نام كشور قطر به عنوان ميزبان جام جهاني 2022 انتخاب شد.

    به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، نشست ويژه فيفا عصر پنج شنبه در زوريخ، مقر اصلي فيفا برگزار شد تا نام ميزبان جام هاي جهاني 2018 و 2022 اعلام شود.

    در اين نشست كه در هواي سرد و برفي زوريخ برگزار شد، جمعيت زيادي از چهره هاي ورزشي و سياسي گرد هم آمده بودند. جروم والكه دبيركل فيفا از سپ بلاتر دعوت كرد تا نتايج را اعلام كند. در بين چهره هاي مشهور افرادي مانند بيل كلينتون، فرانتس بكن باوئر، ديويد بكام و رومن آبرامويچ .. حضور داشتند.

    رييس فيفا ابتدا نام روسيه را به عنوان ميزبان جام جهاني 2018 اعلام كرد و سپس قطر به عنوان ميزبان جام جهاني 2022 انتخاب شد.
    نماينده ي قطر پس از انتخاب كشورش گفت: از اين كه كشور ما را باور كرديد، متشكريم. جام جهاني در خاورميانه رنگ و بوي ديگري خواهد داشت.

    Qatar with a population of 1.5 million are hosting a WC while our best stadium is the 36 year old Azadi, Naghshe Jahan stadium is under construction during the past 17 years and many of our clubs have to play in Baatlaagh or Dastandaaz during their IPL fixtures
    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


      Corruption in the system. england = the best candidate got elminated in round 1......

      yeah give the worldcup to counrtys without a population so the arenas are 60% empty like in africa with vuvuzlguyusgsagsehdfjgh


        I also got some news that the Qataries, backed with the rest of the arab money are preparing a big Arabian Gulf propaganda during the Asian Cup.
        As they did to a lesser degree during the Asian Games in China.


          I cant believe people are angry at Qatar getting the hosting rights because Iran didnt!!!
          Qatar bought 14 votes over a country like Japan who would revolutionize everything, if they had won the bid Im positive everyone in the world would have won. The only winners of this farce are the bribers and the bribed.
          Last edited by Masoud_A; 12-02-2010, 11:43 AM.


            Originally posted by Kavian
            This should have been Persia2022!!
            Shameful day for Iran va Irani, ke yek island e 1.5 millioni pour az arab e malakh khor host World Cup beshan!! Vali Iran with all of its history and might, to miss bring the opportunity home to show it all off to the world!!
            Shame!! vaaeghan ke shame!!!
            Melateh ma hanooz dar gir e imam zaman eh ke bargardeh!! ... ajab!!
            what in the world are you talking about???? Do you realize that United States lost to Qatar???? US..the largest economy in the world with over 300million+ population and all the technology and all the stuff....True Iran has all the history, but what in the ****ing world does that have to with anything....boro baba, man all you guys do is ghor about this ghor about that...jam koneid khodetoon yezare...Just be happy that is actually close to Iran and a lot more Iranians can go to the games, regardless if Iran goes to the games or not.


              Originally posted by Kavian View Post
              I also got some news that the Qataries, backed with the rest of the arab money are preparing a big Arabian Gulf propaganda during the Asian Cup.
              As they did to a lesser degree during the Asian Games in China.

              I wouldnt doubt that however!


                internet iranian mafia needs to go to work hard....we need to hack their sites that promote arabian gulf, we should not rest til we make it hell for them


                  Iraninan want to have WC in Iran but it's the IR that doesn't want it. They're to worry how to control the people...I could be wrong but this is what I think about it


                    Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
                    internet iranian mafia needs to go to work hard....we need to hack their sites that promote arabian gulf, we should not rest til we make it hell for them


                      Originally posted by MahdiG35 View Post
                      what in the world are you talking about???? Do you realize that United States lost to Qatar???? US..the largest economy in the world with over 300million+ population and all the technology and all the stuff....True Iran has all the history, but what in the ****ing world does that have to with anything....boro baba, man all you guys do is ghor about this ghor about that...jam koneid khodetoon yezare...Just be happy that is actually close to Iran and a lot more Iranians can go to the games, regardless if Iran goes to the games or not.
                      Mr. Boro Baba ... yes, what I am talking about might be a little hard for everyone to understand. Fortunately for you, you can be just happy that is close to Iran and don't really care about anything else. That is not so much the case with me and there are many more who think like me!


                        Originally posted by Zamboor View Post
                        Corruption in the system. england = the best candidate got elminated in round 1......

                        yeah give the worldcup to counrtys without a population so the arenas are 60% empty like in africa with vuvuzlguyusgsagsehdfjgh
                        best candidate for you, others might have different opinion thats not corruption thats called majority rule.
                        Btw if you look at the last few world cups you would realize fifa has long term vision of developing football in other regions of the world thats how japan and korea got a chance and see how they developed.


                          Why are we bringing Iran to it, when we were not even nominated? Jeez.

                          I'm sorry.. football lost.. Corruption,Money and Greed were the reasons Russia+Qatar won.

                          Please don't give me rubbish that this will 'improve' Qatars football team and that. Rubbish.
                          I've learnt it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts


                            Originally posted by hassonoo View Post
                            best candidate for you, others might have different opinion thats not corruption thats called majority rule.
                            Btw if you look at the last few world cups you would realize fifa has long term vision of developing football in other regions of the world thats how japan and korea got a chance and see how they developed.
                            japan and south korea has always been modern countries dude. south africa is ****ed up because the WC now what an improvement.



                              Originally posted by hassonoo View Post
                              best candidate for you, others might have different opinion thats not corruption thats called majority rule.
                              Btw if you look at the last few world cups you would realize fifa has long term vision of developing football in other regions of the world thats how japan and korea got a chance and see how they developed.
                              Your a joke, and a disgrace to Iranian.

                              With Korea/Japan, they have wonderful fans with alot of passion.. Look at the previous World Cups, and see how many fans they actually have.

                              Qatar - never been champions of Asia.. never qualified to a World Cup.. and when they do have games(competitive games aswell) , the atmosphere is so flat,poor and just not even football spectacle to watch.

                              Best candidate? Ya, in terms of wealth and money, but best candidate to host a World Cup? Not in a million chance.

                              England losing in the first round is a JOKE. Jack Warner (with 3 committees) promised to vote for England, but changed his mind(probably due to panorama)

                              FIFA - your a joke. Clearly Qatar+Russia had a way of supporting each other for the voting scheme.
                              I've learnt it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts

