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    Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post
    what stupid expectations ..... we expect an iranian who has yet to coach his first game in Japan, to bring in iranian players into the team? He is a coach and not the general manager of the team. Coaches have input but do not make personnel decisions ...... and do we know for a fact that we have iranian players approaching Ghotbi for jobs in japan?? Has he denied any player's requests?? Do facts really matter when you post?

    looks like you too missed the point. it's not about hiring iranian players.
    it's about this guy who was telling us that he is capable of beating
    asian giants, now suddenly after less than a month turns 180 to
    say that our rivals have the best players in asia! hypocracy
    Down With the Dictator ... Neda's Pictorial Story 25 بهمن روز تقدیر ملی از پایداری رهبران جنبش سبز ذز برابر استبداد دینی


      Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post
      what stupid expectations ..... we expect an iranian who has yet to coach his first game in Japan, to bring in iranian players into the team?
      not even that..

      this is specially funny, coming from some one like the guy who started this thread.

      he bashes him and calls him a charlatan for 3 years
      he bashes him and calls him a useless, no good coach who get's his job with MAFIA connections in Iran, and when the guy leaves and gets a job in the civilized world, he bashes him for not taking Iranian players with him.

      Why would you want Iranian players playing for a man which for three years you have been calling a no good charlatan who is pretending to be a coach??

      What does this say about such fans?


        Originally posted by Neda View Post
        looks like you too missed the point. it's not about hiring iranian players.
        it's about this guy who was telling us that he is capable of beating
        asian giants, now suddenly after less than a month turns 180 to
        say that our rivals have the best players in asia! hypocracy
        quote from Neda

        "He is hiring Australian players to fill in for Japanases players who go to Europe!
        and this is the guy who was giving Iranian players promise that he would take
        them to Japan!!! now that he is there, not even a mention of Iranian players."

        looks like you have bad memory ...... it's YOUR quote. You say "he is hiring australian players to fill in for japanese players"

        you then hit return, and then you say "and this is the guy was giving iranian players promise, blah blah blah"

        people are not missing your point ....... it's more like people on medication and who are also seeking therapy are getting your point .....
        “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


          Originally posted by NFL View Post
          not even that..

          this is specially funny, coming from some one like the guy who started this thread.

          he bashes him and calls him a charlatan for 3 years
          he bashes him and calls him a useless, no good coach who get's his job with MAFIA connections in Iran, and when the guy leaves and gets a job in the civilized world, he bashes him for not taking Iranian players with him.

          Why would you want Iranian players playing for a man which for three years you have been calling a no good charlatan who is pretending to be a coach??

          What does this say about such fans?

          yeah, and ofcourse he was also a tax evader and even tried to spread his flu to the players in camp
          “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


            well whatever he certainly is proving his point losing 6-2 to a 2nd division team in a friendly when he promised to win the j league with his team


              i am sorry for the people who waited and waited and raised this worthless
              analyzer to the level of jose murinho, only to be slapped in the face one day

              qhotbi was going around in the qatar camp and promising iranian players that
              he would take them to japan, three weeks later he is talking about how
              australian players are perfect replacement for japanese players and
              praises japanese, korean and aussies as best players in asia and
              supposedly the only ones who have the quality to play in europe!

              this basically means that ur emperor never believed in the quality
              of iranian players, no wonder why he failed so miserably. our
              problem was indeed hiring likes of ghotbi, instead of coaches
              who trained players for us who could compete in europe.
              Down With the Dictator ... Neda's Pictorial Story 25 بهمن روز تقدیر ملی از پایداری رهبران جنبش سبز ذز برابر استبداد دینی


                Below is what he's said in Farsi, there is no mention of Ghotbi hiring Aussie players if you read closely-- you realize there is a transfer window in place not just in Japan but also in Iran. I reckon next summer is when the teams are getting new players.

                ISN - افشين قطبى سرمربى پيشين تيم فوتبال ايران كشورهاى ژاپن و كره جنوبى را در خصوص استفاده از ظرفيت هاى بازيكنان جوان فراتر از ديگر كشورهاى آسيايى دانست. وى در ادامه اظهار داشت: بازيكنان ژاپنى بسيار تكنيكى، باهوش، سختكوش و منضبط هستند و براى تيم خود تمام و كمال مايه مى گذارند. بازى در خارج از ژاپن فرصت بزرگى براى بازيكنان اين كشور خواهد بود تا بازى در فرهنگى متفاوت با برترى هاى تاكتيكى را تجربه كنند. اين كار به بازيكنان جوان ژاپنى نيز اين فرصت را خواهد داد تا در تيم هايشان جا باز كنند و به نظر من فوتبال ژاپن از اين انتقال بازيكنان سود مى برد.قطبى بر اين باور است كه بازيكنان استراليايى با حضور در تيم هاى شرق آسيا، فوتبال خود را توسعه مى بخشند. وى گفت: در كره، ژاپن و چين، باشگاه ها قادر هستند بازيكنان انگليسى زبان را به خدمت بگيرند كه اين موضوع با روحيه جنگندگى استراليايى ها ، يك بازى دو سر برد است. يكشنبه 24 بهمن 1389



                  Mesle inke Ghotbi bad soozoondatet neda! Ghotbi owned u @ 96 minute yadet nare. Move to international forum plz.
                  شهریور سال 52

                  پرسپولیس 6 - استقلال 0

                  لیگ تخت جمشید سال 1351

                  پرسپولیس 6 - سپاهان 0


                    lol, while the worthless ghotbi is praising japanese, korean, and australian players, the worthy queiroz is praising iranian players!

                    and, if this moron fails in the east asia, he'll come back knocking at the iran door again, begging for a job.
                    hope this time they slam the door to his face.
                    Down With the Dictator ... Neda's Pictorial Story 25 بهمن روز تقدیر ملی از پایداری رهبران جنبش سبز ذز برابر استبداد دینی


                      The topic starter and all his gang have one method. throw in a statement, then stress on some points (in this case hiring players from Iran) then replies come and prove he is wrong, then they would change and navigate the conversation to something else (why he is praising S Koreans, Australians and japanese players) and if someone proves them wrong they will desperately hang on another hope/line


                        Originally posted by DubFreeek View Post
                        The topic starter and all his gang have one method. throw in a statement, then stress on some points (in this case hiring players from Iran) ...
                        don't try to deflect the main point discussed here to win ur argument.
                        this shows ur methods here. the topic is not hiring iranian players.

                        the topic is a coach that promises beating Japanese, Koreans and Aussies
                        and then three weeks later he turns around and praise them as the best
                        players in asia and the only ones that can play in european teams!

                        we hired this coach to make players who would play at the international level,
                        just like branko did w/ javad, masoud and ando. instead, after he fails miserably
                        he goes around and praises our rivals and says they are the only ons that can
                        go to europe. this is what being discussed here not hiring iranian players, which
                        the big mouth promised many TM players.
                        Down With the Dictator ... Neda's Pictorial Story 25 بهمن روز تقدیر ملی از پایداری رهبران جنبش سبز ذز برابر استبداد دینی


                          Who cares what Ghotbi says. Do you guys still believe in what he says? I don't.


                            Originally posted by Siavash View Post
                            Who cares what Ghotbi says. Do you guys still believe in what he says? I don't.

                            noone should bc after he fails in japan he is going to say iranian players are
                            the best players in asia and that he can help getting them to europe.

                            the point is this *** edited *** should be exposed so that he does not
                            surface again and give promises w/ his big mouth to get a job.

                            KEEP IT CLEAN!
                            Down With the Dictator ... Neda's Pictorial Story 25 بهمن روز تقدیر ملی از پایداری رهبران جنبش سبز ذز برابر استبداد دینی


                              Neda, Ala, Nakhl,

                              ghotbi's shoe is worth more than your boy Ali Daie, when it comes to coaching and public relations.. it's not his fault you don't get what he is saying...

                              Go watch some football games and leave the discussions for those who know what the hell they are talking about..

                              don't make a bigger jack of yourself with your non-sense...




