Baba ina dige akhareshan..... be comiteye olampic shekayat kardan ke logotoon male zionistas! lol akhe in logo ke vazehe neveshte "2012"... 2012 koja o loghate "Zion" koja!.....
Are we suffering from Paranoia??
mese daijan napelon ke hamechizo taghsire ingliisa midoonest! lol
Here is the
hala nist kheili har 4 sal 4 sal TM mire olampic hala eradam migiran... akhe yeki be in pofyooza bege shoma aval beresin be olampic baad zer bezanin!
Are we suffering from Paranoia??
mese daijan napelon ke hamechizo taghsire ingliisa midoonest! lol
Here is the
hala nist kheili har 4 sal 4 sal TM mire olampic hala eradam migiran... akhe yeki be in pofyooza bege shoma aval beresin be olampic baad zer bezanin!