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NBA 2011-12 Season discussion (Your opinions on the Lockout?)

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    ya this is all IR related...people like to say oh people always say this but its god damn true man. Anywhere u go in the world with an IR passport they give you shit. I have american passport and supposed to be welcome everywhere but on there it says the country you are born...that raises a red flag still and people ask me questions or they're hesistant to just stamp the passport. A normal american doesnt get a question, they just stamp, when they see IRAN, they ask a minium of 3 questions...if they are nice, if not they can question the shit out of you.


      exhibit A of all the bull shit that the state department and hillary have said about getting visas earlier
      if atheletes cant get them how can we expect students and others to get them


        I just did a quick visit to the Grizzlies fan boards and I found this:

        Griz have rescinded $2 million qualifying offer for center Hamed Haddadi, who is still in Dubai

        I'm not sure if it is reliable (most likely it is), but take a look at it:

        Does this mean that his career in Grizzlies has come to an end? Or NBA for that matter?


          i really dont get the visa issue...cant the grizzlies offices call the embassy and get him thru?? seems like a no brainer one day thing...he goes and gets stamped

          anyway, hamed needs to get his ass there ASAP...and if grizzlies didnt resign him, he can find another team...where is his agent? it just always seems like hamed is doing all of this on his own


            Originally posted by Raptor View Post
            Does this mean that his career in Grizzlies has come to an end? Or NBA for that matter?
            No, but him not being here really hurt him bad this season, and potentially put a dent in his NBA future. Grizz will probably re-sign him, but for cheap.

            I find it hard to believe he can sign with someone and contribute at all this year with missing all of training camp. Especially since he's a foreigner & is not a seasoned vet to begin with.


              haddadi's problem is his mentallity and work ethics. He can be a great player but he's also a party kick back kinda guy too...and being tall and rich he gets distracted easily. He shoulda came to US as soon as the strike was over, he took too long and now it doesnt look good for him.

              I think arsalan would be the iranians to look forward to in NBA


                all the laker fans here must be pretty damn pissed
                Team Meli Iran
                Perspolis FC
                Malavan Bandar Anzali

                "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                  Originally posted by ghermez agha View Post
                  all the laker fans here must be pretty damn pissed
                  it was actually good compared to last 2 is 3 years in a row they ruin xmas

                  this team is weak, they need some good players otherwise they'll have a hard time even reaching playoffs, no way they can win with just this squad


                    Talk about D.Rose Finishing the game killed it . Im reading the tweets that Lupe fiasco is making for derrick rose loool too funny

                    "Derrick Rose doesn't celebrate Christmas...Christmas celebrates Derrick Rose. #SmellTheRoses"
                    "Derrick Rose didn't feel so good one day. Doctors say he had a bad case of the cure for cancer. #SmellTheRoses"
                    "Derrick Rose once doodled on a napkin in a bar. The French now refer to it as the Mona Lisa. #SmellTheRoses"
                    "When Derrick Rose looks into a mirror his reflection asks for an autograph. #SmellTheRoses"
                    "Siri asks Derick Rose Questions #SmellTheRoses"
                    "When Derrick Rose goes to the strip club the dancers make it rain for him! #SmellTheRoses #GoBulls"



                      KD showed he does not need FTs to score despite what his critics kept saying, rip move was just something he used to get easy points. Durant has got a post game now and is more eager to attack the basket, my boy is gonna be scary!


                        Originally posted by PouriaAkaBarut View Post
                        Talk about D.Rose Finishing the game killed it . Im reading the tweets that Lupe fiasco is making for derrick rose loool too funny

                        "Derrick Rose doesn't celebrate Christmas...Christmas celebrates Derrick Rose. #SmellTheRoses"
                        "Derrick Rose didn't feel so good one day. Doctors say he had a bad case of the cure for cancer. #SmellTheRoses"
                        "Derrick Rose once doodled on a napkin in a bar. The French now refer to it as the Mona Lisa. #SmellTheRoses"
                        "When Derrick Rose looks into a mirror his reflection asks for an autograph. #SmellTheRoses"
                        "Siri asks Derick Rose Questions #SmellTheRoses"
                        "When Derrick Rose goes to the strip club the dancers make it rain for him! #SmellTheRoses #GoBulls"

                        lol....rose is getting all the hype but IMO the real hero of that game was deng.....a couple of BIG TIME clutch steals and also some clutch shots. rose did hit the winner though so ofcourse he deserves a lot of praise, but deng really was the reason they won
                        Team Meli Iran
                        Perspolis FC
                        Malavan Bandar Anzali

                        "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                          the hero of the bulls/lakers game were the refs. two blown traveling calls, and a couple BS fouls on the lakers.... but when you're the best franchise in sports you're going to have haters...


                            Originally posted by ghermez agha View Post
                            lol....rose is getting all the hype but IMO the real hero of that game was deng.....a couple of BIG TIME clutch steals and also some clutch shots. rose did hit the winner though so ofcourse he deserves a lot of praise, but deng really was the reason they won
                            actually on that play noah and rose put so much pressure on kobe that forced him to make a bad pass but still big credit to deng for the steal


                              What a game, I ****n love NBA! KD got ice in his veins
                              He is gonna end up winning the MVP this season it seems. What a boss


                                i turned on the TV with 11 seconds!! He should win the MVP if OKC gets the best record in the west
                                ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                                midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                                "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                                Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden

