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2011 William Jones Cup

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    Eh JABER is there i thought he was done

    so theyre winning this, its mid 4th and iran is winning 72-45


      iran wins big in second game 77-45 against japan.
      IRI = FAILED


        Final Score
        Iran 77-58 Japan

        iran did okay. the coach, matic used mostly 2nd string players. there were some good blocks and rebounds made by iran today which was missing in yesterday's game. however iran missing WAY too many free throws and 3 point shots. haddadi didn't play that much and did okay when he did. same goes for sahakian.
        matic was very strict today with the players showing how badly he wants to win the upcoming asian championship. he subbed them out if they had one silly mistake. at one time, he took kardoust out after he came on for 15seconds and brought on the 2.24meter JABER roozbahani. what a beast he was as well getting 9 points in 12mins. though he was kind of weak physically, he did quite well dunking without even jumping haddadi was full of praises for him on the bench.

        overall eventhough this wasn't iran's best team playing for most of the time, iran needs to improve for the upcoming asian championship and they can achieve that in this tourney playing many games as i saw an improvement from yesterday.
        BIG NOTE: you can obviously see how much the team is getting hurt in offense in terms of creativity and making 3 point shots without kazemi and sammad-nikkah bahrami. hope they're available for the asian championship in september. oh and i saw afagh sitting on the bench without his jersey. might be a minor injury.

        iran plays korea tomorrow which should be tough. 2nd best east asian team behind china.


          Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
          i think there something fishy been goin on with afagh and samad, right before the world cup last year they got injured and didnt play and now they're agian both no there, might be politics

          ive already heard from friend in iran that say to be part of basketball team its all party bazi, there are lots of good player that never get picked
          i really hope not
          we need bahrami and afagh desperately if we want to qualify for the olympics. kazemi couldn't make the last championship either if i'm not mistaken because of his uni starting in september. so he probably won't be coming this time either.


            how did the iranian-american player do? we need to scout europe and america for iranian basketball players and bring them to tm.
            IRI = FAILED


              ^he hasn't played at all so far. also i haven't even seen him on the bench even though he's on the team list
              either he's not good enough yet to make the bench knowing he's new or he ain't there.

              afagh was on the bench not wearing the team jersey. hopefully it's just a slight injury and we can see his 3 pointers in september


                با تشخيص پزشكان؛ صمد نيخواه بهرامي اجازه بازي در ويليام جونز را پيدا نكرد صمد نيكخواه بهرامي كه براي انجام آزمايشاتي در تهران مانده بود با تشخيص پزشكان اجازه همراهي تيم در مسابقات ويليام جونز را پيدا نكرد.
                به گزارش خبرنگار باشگاه خبرنگاران، علاوه بر صمد نيكخواه بهرامي، حامد آفاق ديگر ملي پوش بسكتبال با سابقه ايران نيز با تشخيص پزشكان بايد يك هفته استراحت مي كرد كه به همين دليل تا چند روز آينده امكان حضور در بازيها را نخواهد داشت. از طرفي اوشين ساهاكيان پس از اتمام دوره مصدوميت خود روز گذشته در ديدار برابر فيليپين تنها دقايق كوتاهي به ميدان رفت. گفتني است: روزبه ارغوان و مجيد قاسم زاده دو بازيكن جوان تيم ملي به دنبال مشكل سه بازي و خروج از كشور از سفر به چين تايپه بازماندند.
                همچنين مهدي حسن زاده بدنساز تيم در كنار پرنياك داور خوزستاني به دليل دير اقدام شدن و مشكل ويزا موفق به همراهي تيم ملي نشدند.
                گفتني است، پيش از اين قرار به سفر رامين حسن زاده داور ايراني به چين تايپه بود كه وي از حضور در اين رقابتها غذرخواهي كرد و جاي خود را به پرنياك داد./گ


                  japan's team sucks really bad though so dont count on this win much.


                    Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
                    japan's team sucks really bad though so dont count on this win much.
                    yeah iran's real challenge comes today when they face the 2nd best east asian team, Korea.

                    Aug. 6: South Korea 110-50 Malaysia
                    Aug. 7: United Arab . 54-102 South Korea

                    though they've had easy opposition so far, they've been explosive in offense. iran gotta watch for the 3 pointers with these koreans. i remember last year iran had a tough game against korea and we just won it at the very end with bahrami's brilliance who is injured apparently along with afagh.

                    taiwan should be a hard game since they killed japan as well and they're the hosts.
                    Aug. 6: Taiwan 99-72 Japan

                    also iran will face jordan who have a rivalry being the top 2 in west asia
                    remember when haddadi did this?


                      i think the most important question is....who the f.uck is William Jones?


                        Originally posted by Abbas85 View Post
                        i think the most important question is....who the f.uck is William Jones?
                        The R. William Jones Cup (also known as the Jones Cup) is an international basketball tournament held annually in Taipei, Taiwan. It was named after Renato William Jones, a basketball promoter and one of the founders of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).


                          Korea vs. Iran to start soon.

                          ignore the link description. it's supposed to be korea vs iran.

                          btw guys, if iran wants to win this tourney for the 3rd time in a row, it has to be in the top 4 to make the semis.
                          here's how it stands after day 2.

                          iran should make it in the top 4 by the end. it hasn't faced the weak teams like UAE and Malaysia yet
                          Last edited by Farhad-7; 08-08-2011, 02:43 AM.


                            haddadi needs to have a GOOD game. the korean center is a beast and he's 7'3.

                            for english link: mute the first two and watch the 3rd link
                            Last edited by Farhad-7; 08-08-2011, 03:04 AM.


                              LOOOOL even korea have a black player called stevinson like phlippines. he's quite good too with the 3s. EDIT: just found out he's half korean. i guess that's okay
                              Last edited by Farhad-7; 08-08-2011, 03:13 AM.


                                1st q: haddadi does well with blocking and rebounds. kamrani and sahakian with some good shots here and there. making silly fouls though especially by sahakian and veisi and korea making easy 3 pointers with poor iranian defense.
                                2nd q: matic experimenting with bench players and korea take advantage of it to take the lead into half time with a 31-28 lead. matic showing frustration at ref and the iranian players.

                                3rd q: iran start with strongest team possible. iran can't deal with korea's fast speed on the counter..37-30 now to korea. pretty sad that haddadi is attempting to take the jump shots now. bahrami is missed once again. korea very hot and accurate with the long 3s. JABER is in. iran 43-53 korea. end of quarter

                                4th q: what a pathetic performance by iran. very slow. iran players are not fit enough and seemed fatigued. iran getting killed by 3 pointers!
                                FULL TIME: Korea 77-59 Iran

                                another upset and iran struggles offensively and defensively. iran plays UAE and Malaysia next before facing Jordan and Taiwan. Iran should rest its best players in the next 2 games because the iranian players do not seem fit enough AT ALL to play 3 days in a row let alone 9 days in a row so they should sit it out against UAE and Malaysia and hope the bench players win it.

