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Georgetown basketball team gets into a brawl in in China

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    Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
    Just so you know, the score had been 66-66 while the chinese team had been awarded 57FTs by then. Additionally this Chinese team is the same team who beat up the Brazil NT few months ago.

    57 free throws? is that a typo?


      The Chinese players literally jumped the poor Hoyas team. It was like 50 vs 12 out there


        welcome to china..


          Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
          57 free throws? is that a typo?
          Nah man, refereeing and the hard fouls was the reason the kid flipped out. Dont forget these were college freshmen and juniors playing against grown ass men. Its not cool for the Chinese to treat visitors like that, they are our rivals in Asia so seeing this BS they have been pullin lately makes me mad and worried as well.
          ETA: Typo
          Last edited by Masoud_A; 08-20-2011, 05:43 AM.


            Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
            Nah man, refereeing and the hard fouls was the reason the kid flipped out. Dont forget these were college freshmen and juniors playing against grown ass men. Its not cool for the Chinese to treat hosts like that, they are our rivals in Asia so seeing this BS they have been pullin lately makes me mad and worried as well.

            so out of 57 how many did they miss? lol these chinese guys didnt look like grown men but i guess thats their race...either way both sides were fukkin wack....haddadi will hand their asses to them in asian championship haha

