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Qatar 22 architect wants to scrap expensive air conditioning plan

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    Qatar 22 architect wants to scrap expensive air conditioning plan

    some of the comments:

    "Perhaps all the FIFA delegates can create a nice breeze by waving all those unmarked 100 dollar bills?"

    "What a @#$% joke World Cup '22 is going to be, I hope people die due to heat stroke during the World Cup so we can all blame Blatter"

    "GTFO, they won't be able to air-condition gigantic stadia broiling out in the harsh desert sunlight? Oh Sepp, I really trusted you on this one."
    “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

    All this over a World Cup that's gonna be moved to a different host nation anyway?

    I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


      a) it will never be moved
      b) at worst Qatar will host it with UAE
      c) they will still have the worries.


        World Cup 2022 in Qatar is a joke!!


          i think this is karma coming around.

          when you cheat, it comes to bite you in the arse.


            they wil have air con OR they will play at night, dont worry

            EDIT: this was only a prototype anyway, they won the wc with a promise of good air con, this was just a potential laternative, they will still have aircon just not this floating BS


              this will be one poorly attended world cup....but it doesnt matter cuz Qatar said they will pay for everything. When someone says they'll pay for everything, its hard to say no. So FIFA doesnt give a damn if no one shows up, they will still get paid.

