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Euro 2012 - News & Predictions

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    Spain were fully within their rights to pack 4 into Italy's ano-rectal region.This Spanish team wanted to prove a point that they are the best footballing side ever seen, make history, answer critics, e.t.c...

    On a side note, it was good to see less of the Persian Gulf arab grassroller tactics being employed in the game. I was also impressed with the bravery of Prandelli. His gameplan was to try to match Spain at their game, and to his credit he did not set Italy up to be ultra-defensive. Spain simply found another gear (or two) and destroyed them.

    btw Pirlo should quit the National Team, he looked like Ali Daei in WC'06 out there. Poor guy.


      in other words, you're very passive aggressive... and like to find opportunity to come down hard and this was a delicious occasion for you to express your view and crush someone or a group of fans . shake it easy bro.. it's only a soccer board and a lot of points are misunderstood because posted and not addressed direct.


      Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
      I never dissed Italy in this tournament even gave them props after they beat us. You were over the moon after that win and acting like a prick, making threads gloating about how Italy dominated the Germans and the score line should have been 5-1 or some unrealistic bullshit. You did not show class when you won and decided to rub it in and make fantastic claims, I did not say anything to you cause you would just accuse me of being bitter. Now after Spain schooled your favorite team you don't show grace in defeat and are calling everyone names and still making stupid remarks about how Spain was classless cause they whooped your team 4-0? You actually calling them out for punishing you like that?
      You can call me a hater or bring up the Germany game, but the fact of the matter is you never give your opponent credit and act like Italy is that super team comprised of supernatural players who never make mistakes and always dominate, so don't expect people not to give you the same treatment when your beloved team gets humiliated like that in the finals.
      I watched the match with my Italian and Spanish friends in a bar and we all had a good time, it's funny how an Iranian American fan of Italy in the US gets all worked up over every Italian team games and jumps on anybody's ass who says something bad about them.


        everybody take a chill pill ... the kor kori was cute 4 a while, but its all over now ... euro 2012 is in the books and it was a gr8 tourney, with absolutely wonderful goals, some fantastic match ups, and all the deserving teams made it to the last rounds.

        let's all be appreciative 4 all the amazing football we saw and hope that 1 day our TM will also play a fraction of that world class level.
        Let wisdom reign
        Asho Zartosht

        You must be the change you wish to see in the world
        Mahatma Gandhi

        Learn from yesterday, live in the present, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to never stop questioning
        Albert Einstein

        A wise man makes his own decisions ... an ignorant just follows others
        Dallai lama


          Originally posted by Go_Daei View Post
          in other words, you're very passive aggressive... and like to find opportunity to come down hard and this was a delicious occasion for you to express your view and crush someone or a group of fans . shake it easy bro.. it's only a soccer board and a lot of points are misunderstood because posted and not addressed direct.

          Saeed and I are long time members and friends, stay out of this clown.


            Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
            I never dissed Italy in this tournament even gave them props after they beat us. You were over the moon after that win and acting like a prick, making threads gloating about how Italy dominated the Germans and the score line should have been 5-1 or some unrealistic bullshit. You did not show class when you won and decided to rub it in and make fantastic claims, I did not say anything to you cause you would just accuse me of being bitter. Now after Spain schooled your favorite team you don't show grace in defeat and are calling everyone names and still making stupid remarks about how Spain was classless cause they whooped your team 4-0? You actually calling them out for punishing you like that?
            You can call me a hater or bring up the Germany game, but the fact of the matter is you never give your opponent credit and act like Italy is that super team comprised of supernatural players who never make mistakes and always dominate, so don't expect people not to give you the same treatment when your beloved team gets humiliated like that in the finals.
            I watched the match with my Italian and Spanish friends in a bar and we all had a good time, it's funny how an Iranian American fan of Italy in the US gets all worked up over every Italian team games and jumps on anybody's ass who says something bad about them.

            wow wow

            slow down buddy...ur taking this way too out of context. i will answer each highlighted point

            how did i act like a prick? i never mentioned YOU personally or anyone specific...just made a general statement about PRICKS who always felt like clowning or discrediting where credit was due. It was out of frustration of people being a prick to me every time AND u cannot deny that many people on this forum were riding high during germany's dominance and made fun of italy and how the german tanks would roll over italy...they would have no problem,etc.....especially when italy's been playing good football. What i hate is people who are i said many many times i appreaciate good football...i never dissed germany....i dissed the fans, especially on this forum who are so biased and like to talk shit. I made a thread just to simply shut them up, no disrespect to germany. Saying they got dominated is not a diss, it was a fair game and maybe it wasnt their day but pointing out the truth is something else.

            as far as calling not sure what you're referring to?? please point out the example of who i called names

            as far as spain schooling my team, sure they did it in 60 min. but its a 90 min. game....did italy get a chance (like germany did against italy) to make a come back?? NO
            Thats all im saying....i would have respect if it was a fair when italy lost to holland in 2008 or brazil in 2009....see i mention my teams bad losses....but this final was no where near fair to come and say spain whipped italy. The first game was more in balance and it was a my opinion and u can look up replays and stats to see italy created more dangerous chances. But thats another discussion.
            So why dont i have respect for spain? cuz they played with 1 man up for 30 min....and they brought 3 attacking subs when they didnt need to. I wouldnt blame them if it was a fair match up and they wanted to run up the score line but italy team was clearly depleted and they wanted to make mr. torres the man of the tournament by running up a fake score line that doesnt indicate the actual reallity of the game.

            and about me being a hardcore italy fan....i dont know why i have to explain this over the years. Its no different than you liking germany or others liking england, holland or other teams. You get upset when u lose and u get upset when people put down your team. Especially when its unfair. I'm always the one being tag teamed on in this forum and its not fair, so i feel like i gotta answer. The fact is everyone wants to jump on italy hater wagon when they lose or something....and it comes from all angles, not just the team they lost comes from all the fans or even non-fans. Is this fair? for everyone to point out every short coming of any italian team or every result the national team gets?? i dont come here putting down the germans, dutch or english for every single loss. I dont discredit their football style cuz of some grudge. Thats what people, including u sometimes, do here...u guys are unfair wiht your assessments and like to stick to some old stereotype and keep repeating it. Sure italy might play a shitty defensive game like once every 3 years but to turn everything they do to negative or discredit them is just annoying, childish, unfair, unclassy,etc.....
            thats my position on that.....i love Iran, i have tattoos, i know more about the history than most, i support team melli to the dying days...but like many other iranians i have a 2nd team which is either from europe or s. america and there is nothing wrong with that.


              Jooon! amazed you didn't recycle some gif with that's a vid to celebrate your existence..

              Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
              Saeed and I are long time members and friends, stay out of this clown.


                still waiting on my response.......i dont like how people make shit up; i never INSULTED people or DISRESPECTED any team like germany, spain, holland or anyone. please dont come here and make me look like something im not. ive always been a fair person


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