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Haddadi a Free Agent

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    Originally posted by Ghormeh Sabzi View Post
    and the fact that everyone is getting the F out of memphis.. since it's so safe
    For 7+ footer it is


      حامد حدادي بسكتباليست ايراني تيم ممفيس قراردادش با اين باشگاه را براي دو سال ديگر تمديد كرد.

      به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، حامد حدادي لژيونر بسكتبال ايران كه فصل گذشته در تيم ممفيس بازي مي*كرد براي دو سال ديگر قراردادش را با اين باشگاه آمريكايي براي حضور در ليگ nba تمديد كرد.

      حدادي در فصل گذشته فرصت زيادي براي بازي كردن نداشت، اما در همان دقايقي كه به ميدان مي*رفت، عملكرد قابل قبولي را به نمايش مي*گذاشت، شايد بهترين عملكرد او را مي*توان در ديدار برابر تيم قدرتمند لس آنجلس ليكرز معرفي كرد.

      حدادي كه فصل گذشته قراردادش با اين تيم به پايان رسيد، امروز با قراردادي دو ساله شرايط حضورش در فصل آينده ليگ nba را تضمين كرد.




          According to Memphis website the term of the deal will not be disclosed.
          IRI = FAILED


            Yeah he may be the 12th man..better to practice with the the best league than a euro league


              Originally posted by arash123 View Post
              Yeah he may be the 12th man..better to practice with the the best league than a euro league

              yea indeed its better than iran, europe or china

              at least we know grizzlies can play in playoffs so he will get more min. worst case is 2 years from now another NBA team will surely sign him cuz he has been in the league long enough and got playoff experience. He will be 28/29 in 2 years so he can still sign a 3 year deal with anyone. he just needs to put in more time in building muscle and his foul trouble mistakes


                Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
                yea indeed its better than iran, europe or china

                at least we know grizzlies can play in playoffs so he will get more min. worst case is 2 years from now another NBA team will surely sign him cuz he has been in the league long enough and got playoff experience. He will be 28/29 in 2 years so he can still sign a 3 year deal with anyone. he just needs to put in more time in building muscle and his foul trouble mistakes
                every year I read that "next year an other NBA team will sign him" and every year there is absolutely no rumors about a slight interest of other NBA teams than memphis. At last Memphis picked him from Iran.


                  Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                  every year I read that "next year an other NBA team will sign him" and every year there is absolutely no rumors about a slight interest of other NBA teams than memphis. At last Memphis picked him from Iran.
                  like i said earlier he's too much of an unknown player for you to hear rumors. That only happens to well known players and the same goes for soccer...and the rumors are usually 90% bs goes around and then later u found out there were no offers made or no contact between players and the team. If he really wants to he can go to other teams, him and his agent have to make an effort, but the reallity is he feels at home in memphis, the fans like him and he's used to his team. I think he also preferred to stay in memphis. He can easily go to europe, china or mid east and get a bigger contract with money but he doesnt, he wants to play in NBA and furthermore i think he likes to play on a winning side that reaches playoffs. He can go to bobcats and play alot more but chances are his team will suck and no playoffs.


                    Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                    every year I read that "next year an other NBA team will sign him" and every year there is absolutely no rumors about a slight interest of other NBA teams than memphis. At last Memphis picked him from Iran.
                    Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                    Hamed will sign in Iran, make my words. He will follow nekounam's steps.
                    You talk too much smack for someone whose words aint worth a squirt of piss.


                      i wish they would release the term of the contract, that would tell us a lot about his market value and worth compare to other players. one thing is for sure with this contract he will most likely get enough games under his belt to qualify for the nba retirement plan. he is now set for life.
                      IRI = FAILED


                        He is not really that useful ...
                        If if i was him i would want to be somewhere wit ha market for his jersey Toronto or LA !


                          Memphis has the best big man rotation in the league. I'm glad he signed a long-term contract but he needs to play in a team where he will have valuable minutes on the court. Hopefully, Hollins will put him on the floor more this upcoming season.


                            Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
                            You talk too much smack for someone whose words aint worth a squirt of piss.
                            Who are you, you FB????? your mouth is full of shit and I will continue to shit inside if necessary.


                              he just posted a pic of him in the hospital
                              idk what happened

                              will keep posted


                                nothing serious

