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Rostami: I hope people of Iran accept my bronze medal

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    Rostami: I hope people of Iran accept my bronze medal

    We all saw Kianooh did his best to win the gold but today was not his day. He said his injury did not allow him to lift with comfort. All he is asking is that people of Iran accept his bronze medal.
    I know people of Iran are proud of you for what you did today. You are a hero to us and we are so proud of you. Today you made our hearts pump hard for Iran and we thank you. You were elegant, brave and proved to the world the true face of Iranian people. We love you brother...

    رستمي:مردم مدال برنزم را قبول کنند

    وزنه*بردار دسته ?? کيلوي ايران و صاحب مدل برنز المپيک گفت:* سعي*ام اين بود که بهترين نتيجه را کسب کنم که اين اتفاق رخ نداد.
    کيانوش رستمي پس از کسب مدال برنز المپيک 2012 لندن در جمع خبرنگاران گفت: همين که مردم ايران و همشهريانم در کرمانشاه از کسب نتيجه*اي که به دست آمد، خوشحالند، براي من کافيست و من را خوشحال مي*کند اما دوست داشتم مدال طلاي المپيک را کسب کنم که اين اتفاق نيفتاد. مردم از من اين مدال را قبول کنند.
    وي در مورد انتخاب وزنه*ها گفت: مي*خواستم آسيب*ديدگي*ام تشديد نشود اما در شرايطي که پيش آمد مجبور شدم در انتخاب*هاي آخرم وزنه**هاي سنگين*تري را بالاي سر ببرم و همين کارم را سخت کرد.
    رستمي در پايان گفت: سعي کردم بهترين نتيجه را در المپيک به دست بياورم که اين امر محقق نشد.

    Mashallah Siavash jan great post
    Kianosh Rostami
    sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt


      he made us proud anyway.


        Kianoush Rostami we love you thank you for at least bringing one medal home for Iran you are our hero


          Fadat sham! We are pretty happy with your bronze!


            This is the type of person that should be rulling Iran. He has dignity, honour, pride, drive to achieve something great and important for himself and those that he considers important (the people of his nation and not the damn wahabi palestinians and abdul in syria and other soosmar khor countries).

            Thank you for the medal and good luck with the rest of your career.


              Originally posted by manchooo View Post
              This is the type of person that should be rulling Iran. He has dignity, honour, pride, drive to achieve something great and important for himself and those that he considers important (the people of his nation and not the damn wahabi palestinians and abdul in syria and other soosmar khor countries).

              Thank you for the medal and good luck with the rest of your career.
              sorry but i'm gonna slap you in the face with reality, we don't want a weightlifter as the ruler of our country, but I agree, the attributes are nice to have. There are only 2 things a leader needs. 1. Intelligence, 2. The Desire to better the country for his people.
              AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
                sorry but i'm gonna slap you in the face with reality, we don't want a weightlifter as the ruler of our country, but I agree, the attributes are nice to have. There are only 2 things a leader needs. 1. Intelligence, 2. The Desire to better the country for his people.
                why not? Chevchenko entered in politics. David Douillet run the parliamentary election and he is a pretty good politician. How could Rostami be worse than Khamenei? The latter make us lose between 133 to 144 million dollars/day further to take our freedom and treat our people like animals. Do you see Rostami will be less competent and worse than Khamenei? That's very difficult.
                Last edited by Asghar Agha; 08-04-2012, 01:28 AM.




                    Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
                    sorry but i'm gonna slap you in the face with reality, we don't want a weightlifter as the ruler of our country, but I agree, the attributes are nice to have. There are only 2 things a leader needs. 1. Intelligence, 2. The Desire to better the country for his people.
                    You say "weight lifter" as if that's all he is or as if that's a negative. A man can be many things. And I was being general. He represents the youth of Iran. The people who had no desire to fight for the Soviet Union in the name of communism or fight in the name of Islam.


                      Originally posted by Asghar Agha View Post
                      why not? Chevchenko entered in politics. David Douillet run the parliamentary election and he is a pretty good politician. How could Rostami be worse than Khamenei? The latter make us lose between 133 to 144 million dollars/day further to take our freedom and treat our people like animals. Do you see Rostami will be less competent and worse than Khamenei? That's very difficult.


                        It's a shame he didn't get gold or silver and that Sohrab Moradi didn't either get anything, but it's not always easy representing a country with 80 million people with out having any pressure on your shoulders, he made us proud


                          Couple of photos from my seat which was miles away:
                          Last edited by Lazio; 08-04-2012, 04:17 AM.


                            Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                            i am not a supporter of PS.
                            what do you know about his political career? He was a good minister of sport or at least was like others.
                            and what is a good politician for you?
                            Last edited by Asghar Agha; 08-04-2012, 04:25 AM.


                              Rostami shireh!
                              I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.

