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Iran @ The 2012 Summer Olympics: Day 11 [August 7] - Live Updates

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    Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
    loooooool isn't that the clothing company???
    looooool yeah


      Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
      can somone post videos of salimi's lifts??

      cant find it on footballitarin


        Originally posted by KiarashM View Post
        WTF why is manchooo banned? This is pure BS. Another Islamic Republic move here
        Watch it now! Not only since you don't even have a clue why he was banned and are drawing your own conclusions based on nothing (that is IR style), but also for yout IR comment! We don't appreciate such comments!
        Persian Pride running through my veins!

        Esteghlal for life!!


          Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
          Watch it now! Not only since you don't even have a clue why he was banned and are drawing your own conclusions based on nothing (that is IR style), but also for yout IR comment! We don't appreciate such comments!
          I agree with you Amin jan, that comment was a little unnecessary, however if you don't mind me asking why was he banned?


            This is the last time we are telling you guys this without any actions taken: Do not draw your own cocnlusions without knowing shit! We don't discuss bans publicly! If you have questions, PM a Mod/Admin! Last friendly warning!
            Last edited by Amin_; 08-07-2012, 08:21 PM.
            Persian Pride running through my veins!

            Esteghlal for life!!

