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shame on them who did this to our Persian warrior

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    shame on them who did this to our Persian warrior

    Seeing your face like this bring tears to our eyes. We know you are a true hero your life and your bravery is a testament to your greatness. We will never forget this day how they rubbed you of your gold. For what they did to you it will hunt him for the rest of their life, shame on them, shame on them..

    وقتی تو مملکت خودمون حقمون رو میخورن...دیگه از غریبه ها چه انتظاری میره....چند جا خوندم سعید عبدولی وضع مالی خوبی نداره و گویا در شهرش میوه فروشی داره....4سال زحمت کشید بلکه به جایی برسه...اگه قهرمان میشد میتوست یکم به خودش برسه...وضعش بهتر بشه...مسئولین بی عرضه اگه یکم نفوذ داشتن ایتجوری حقش رو نمیخوردن...
    رمز ماست ایستاده مردن....

    پاشو قهرمان ،پاشووووووو گلادیاتور ،همه میدونن طلا رو گرفتی ،همه دوست داریم ،الهی اونائی که سبب شدن اشک یه پهلوان بعد از این همه زحمت و تلاش سرازیر شه رو خدا سزای همشونو بده

    ننگ بر داوری که نتیچه زحمات چند ساله سعید را به باد داد... الهی اون وزنه ای که قراره بهداد سلیمی امشب برداره بیوفته رو سر داور بلاروسی و تمام هیئت داوران اون بازی...

    long live iran


      ey khoda ..second pic is heartbreaking


        ba sepas 4 posting this siavakhsh jan ...

        he'll always be our pahalavan e hamisheh ghahremen ... may those who cheated him be abducted and raped by aliens
        Let wisdom reign
        Asho Zartosht

        You must be the change you wish to see in the world
        Mahatma Gandhi

        Learn from yesterday, live in the present, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to never stop questioning
        Albert Einstein

        A wise man makes his own decisions ... an ignorant just follows others
        Dallai lama


          every medal should be for him and mazaheri , in my heart he will always be remembered as gold medal winner



            He is and will always be a champion


              can anyone link us to the fight again ?????????????


                ^ here it is



                  did u saw when he shouted "KHODA!", I swaer i could hear it! dont now why but i heared it!
                  I hope he will be mentaly strong and will show everybody that he is a real IRANIAN WORRIOR!




                      My God it hurts to see those pictures again. As happy as I am for all the medals this robbery was heartbreaking!


                        Heart breaking

                        Tonight, Ferdowsipour suggested that iranian sports officials should reward Abdevali in the same financial conditions they would reward any other gold / silver / bronze medalist.

                        I really hope this happens.

                        It happened in Romania after the 2000 Sydney Olympic, when one of their gymnasts was stripped of her gold medal because she had taken a cold medicine before the contest and it contained a substance that was on the doping list.

                        Respect Saeed Abdevali va khak bar sare un davara...


                          afarin va sad-afarin 2 ferdowsipour 4 his excellent suggestion ... another brave, logical, and selfless act by this ostoore mardomi!

                          i just hope the morons of 'tarbiate badani' will listen 2 him 4 a change.

                          Originally posted by Kaiser Amir View Post
                          Heart breaking

                          Tonight, Ferdowsipour suggested that iranian sports officials should reward Abdevali in the same financial conditions they would reward any other gold / silver / bronze medalist.

                          I really hope this happens.

                          It happened in Romania after the 2000 Sydney Olympic, when one of their gymnasts was stripped of her gold medal because she had taken a cold medicine before the contest and it contained a substance that was on the doping list.

                          Respect Saeed Abdevali va khak bar sare un davara...
                          Let wisdom reign
                          Asho Zartosht

                          You must be the change you wish to see in the world
                          Mahatma Gandhi

                          Learn from yesterday, live in the present, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to never stop questioning
                          Albert Einstein

                          A wise man makes his own decisions ... an ignorant just follows others
                          Dallai lama


                            how can we reach this guy. Anybody knows his facebook page or email or sth. He should know how proud we are


                              i dont understand wtf was that red box the france coach threw?!?

