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Iran @ The 2012 Summer Olympics: Day 12 [August 8] - Live Updates

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    You are the idiot! Why was he counter-punching in the 3rd round? Ehsan's opponent was unjustly given more points in the second round. Hewas losing the match so he had to go all-offensive. Do you understand the concept of boxing? Obviously, your posts speaks louder than what I can say.

    Sure his opponent was more technical but Ehsan landed more punches to the head and had a knock down. The last round, the opponent was trying to avoid Ehsan to preserve his win.

    Originally posted by gdoggali View Post
    You idiots, Olympic Boxing is different than regular boxing. Thats just how it is, its the rules, deal with it you retards and quit crying and complaining.

    The Uzbek won fair and square, his counter punching in the third round was what did it.


      Originally posted by gdoggali View Post
      You idiots, Olympic Boxing is different than regular boxing. Thats just how it is, its the rules, deal with it you retards and quit crying and complaining.

      The Uzbek won fair and square, his counter punching in the third round was what did it.
      We all know that it is about landing punches rather than knocking someone down. The first two rounds, however, should have been awarded to Ehsan. He landed more punshes and was much more active, especially in the first round.


        I'm not sure I understand what exactly constitutes a scoring hit since there's no doubt in my mind Ehsan won the second, probably should have won the first and then as people say he had to go for the ko in the 3rd and rightfully lost that one as he was going for the big punch.

        Doesn't fill you with confidence when we know how corrupt boxing is


          Originally posted by babak_iran View Post
          damn he tried his best but he left himself too open a few times going for wild shots n that cost him , if he fought a lil smarter he cud hav won but he gave it his all
          What do you mean? By the time he went for "wild shots", he was behind two points! Only in the last round did he risk a lot, which was absolutely necessary given that the judges did not give him the first two rounds...


            If it was regular boxing, they would study the punch thrown and punches landed to base their decision. But Olympic boxing is more towards the clean punches in the head or mid-section. Ehsan was more damaging and effective with his punches than his opponent.


              He did fight well but the kaz was boxing smarter. We Iranians do not have much experiences in boxing yet wheras Kazakistan seems to be a boxer hole right now.
              Rouzbahani engar dava mikard kami.
              However I liked his fighting spirit. We should be proud of him so far.


                I thank him for his efforts too bad he didn't win but it's okay he gave it his best shot


                  well guess i was right about thinking Rouzbahani was gonna get cheated...there goes another potential iranian gold medalist..


                    Originally posted by gdoggali View Post
                    You idiots, Olympic Boxing is different than regular boxing. Thats just how it is, its the rules, deal with it you retards and quit crying and complaining.

                    The Uzbek won fair and square, his counter punching in the third round was what did it.
                    Exactly these idiots think they're watching WBC belt fight.


                      Well the first round I couldn't see much difference between the fighters, only difference I saw was that ehsan was the aggressor and that the Kazakh maybe had a lil more punched landed. So when the scoreboard said 4-3, I was like ok seems to be fair!
                      Second round Eshan already was trying to push the pace, which really didn't help him point wise, as he was cought by a lot of counters and I remember I was thinking this could really end up bad for him, until he dropped the Kazakh. Was it professional boxing I would say the first round was a 10-10 and the second a 10-8 for Eshan only because he knocked the Kazakh down!
                      However this is amateur boxing and you only get one extra point for knocking someone down, so I was thinking maybe this round will be a draw. The scoreboard showed something else and probably rightfully so, as Eshan was really getting dominated point wise that round!
                      I still had some hope for Eshan though, knowing that the Kazakh was hurt.
                      Unfortunately Eshan was too obviously going for a knock down with his right, without fainting anything with his left, plus the fact that he was constantly charging forward, causing the Kazakh go backward and thus the opposite direction of Eshan punches. This made it even harder Eshan to knocked him out. And point wise I think we all agree he lost the last round. I was even surprised it was only by one point.
                      So all in all the Kazakh won fair and squire. However was it a professional match I'd say the scoring was like this: 10-10 10-8 and 9-10, making it 29-28 favor of Eshan!

                      That's why I said had he fought a lil smarter he might have won, too bad though. At least he gave his best!!


                        Unlucky Ehsan, he did well this tournament. Is there a bronze repchange round? or it doesn't apply in boxing?

                        Taekwondo tomorrow!
                        I've learnt it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts


                          Originally posted by Babak agha View Post
                          Well the first round I couldn't see much difference between the fighters, only difference I saw was that ehsan was the aggressor and that the Kazakh maybe had a lil more punched landed. So when the scoreboard said 4-3, I was like ok seems to be fair!
                          Second round Eshan already was trying to push the pace, which really didn't help him point wise, as he was cought by a lot of counters and I remember I was thinking this could really end up bad for him, until he dropped the Kazakh. Was it professional boxing I would say the first round was a 10-10 and the second a 10-8 for Eshan only because he knocked the Kazakh down!
                          However this is amateur boxing and you only get one extra point for knocking someone down, so I was thinking maybe this round will be a draw. The scoreboard showed something else and probably rightfully so, as Eshan was really getting dominated point wise that round!
                          I still had some hope for Eshan though, knowing that the Kazakh was hurt.
                          Unfortunately Eshan was too obviously going for a knock down with his right, without fainting anything with his left, plus the fact that he was constantly charging forward, causing the Kazakh go backward and thus the opposite direction of Eshan punches. This made it even harder Eshan to knocked him out. And point wise I think we all agree he lost the last round. I was even surprised it was only by one point.
                          So all in all the Kazakh won fair and squire. However was it a professional match I'd say the scoring was like this: 10-10 10-8 and 9-10, making it 29-28 favor of Eshan!

                          That's why I said had he fought a lil smarter he might have won, too bad though. At least he gave his best!!

                          thanks for the sum up. I missed the fight due to my engagement in something that if I tell you I would have to kill you.
                          But thanks for the sum up. Apprecaited .
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