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Behdad Salimi: I had lifted 265 kg during practice !!

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    Behdad Salimi: I had lifted 265 kg during practice !!

    His attempt at 264 kg C & J in persuit of beating Rezazadeh's 263.5 kg record set in Athens 2004 was not successful; however, Behdad promises to break this number in the Rio 2016 games:

    ISN - دارنده مدال طلاى دسته فوق سنگين المپيك لندن گفت: براى رسيدن به مدال طلاى المپيك زحمات زيادى كشيده بودم و خوشحالم كه نتيجه داد. بهداد سليمى پس از كسب مدال طلاى فوق سنگين وزنه بردارى در المپيك لندن گفت: خيلى خوشحالم، هم من و هم سجاد زحمات و سختى هاى زيادى براى رسيدن به اين مدالها كشيده بوديم و خوشحالم كه با اين نتيجه به پايان رسيد. وى در پاسخ به اين سؤال كه در تمرينات ركوردهاى بهترى را ثبت كرده بودى اما نتوانستى آنها را در المپيك بالاى سر ببرى، گفت: اولويت براى من مدال طلا بود. طورى برنامه ريزى كرده بودم كه در يك ضرب با توجه به شناختى كه از حريف روسى داشتم فاصله را حفظ كنم كه با برنامه ريزى همه چيز خوب پيش رفت و در ۲ ضرب هم با توجه به اينكه در تمرينات ۲۶۴ و ۲۶۵ كيلوگرم را زده بودم براى حمله به ركورد جهان هم برنامه داشتم. سليمى ادامه داد: با كسب مدال طلا از نظر روانى تخليه شدم. انشاالله در المپيك بعد اين ركورد را هم مى زنم. قوى ترين مرد جهان در مورد جو سالن مسابقه نيز گفت: ايرانى ها سنگ تمام گذاشتند و هر چه از آنها تشكر كنم باز هم كم است. وى درباره اينكه كدام يك از ديگر وزنه برداران استحقاق رسيدن به مدال را داشتند اما نتوانستند، عنوان كرد: سهراب و محمد پور هم مى توانستند مدال بگيرند و هر ۶ نفر توانايى كسب مدال را داشتند اما خدا را شكر كه نتيجه اى در خور توجه كسب كرديم و از نظر تعداد مدال بهترين نتيجه تاريخ وزنه بردارى رقم خورد. سليمى در پاسخ به اين سؤال كه چه زمانى به ركورد جهان حمله مى كند، گفت: بايد ببينيم در مسابقات آينده چه پيش مى آيد. توقعات از من زياد بود و مى خواستم اول توقع مردم را برآورده كنم و بعد به ركورد حمله كنم. قول مى دهم در آينده اين ركورد را بشكنم. پنجشنبه 19 مرداد 1391


    I believe him! Unfortunately, he was still reeling from his injury he endured a few weeks ago. In Rio, expect to see Salimi beating the World Record with an impressive margin.


      ^ I did not know Salimi is 6' 6" -- Can anyone verify this stat? If true, he is a lot bigger than Rezazadeh (who was/is 6' 1").


        ^That seems correct.
        Sucks that he was injured, otherwise he would've easly lifted atleast 210kg+ in Snatch, he could've probably broken his own world record at 214.


          I think a lot of it has to do with nerves as well. Especially at big deal events like the Olympics it requires a lot of mental toughness to block everything out and compete at your best. Salimi is only 22 years old, and will only get better with time. I believe sooner or later he will get the C&J and total records as well.


            why not break rezazade record in the next world weightlifting championships 2013 in poland


              to be honest, he said my first aim is to get the Gold then will think about records.
              I've learnt it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts


                There was however one Soviet athlete who lifted 266 kg C+J back in 1988.
                A Bulgarian hoisted 216 kg clean in 1987.



                  Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                  There was however one Soviet athlete who lifted 266 kg C+J back in 1988.
                  A Bulgarian hoisted 216 kg clean in 1987.
                  Oh the good old doping days.....

                  That's why the records don't count


                    Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                    ^ I did not know Salimi is 6' 6" -- Can anyone verify this stat? If true, he is a lot bigger than Rezazadeh (who was/is 6' 1").
                    197 cm / 6'6"

                    168 kg / 370 lbs

                    Olympics measurements are as official as they come.


                      Rezazadeh himself said that Salimi broke his record several times during trainings and he is happy about it, since the record should always be carried by an Iranian, no matter who!
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                      Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                        Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                        ^ I did not know Salimi is 6' 6" -- Can anyone verify this stat? If true, he is a lot bigger than Rezazadeh (who was/is 6' 1").
                        he certainly is a monster and anoushiravani is about 6'4''

                        they are both bigger than rezazadeh....and i was watching this interview on tv and u can see salimi's thighs are like twice rezazadeh who already is huge!


                          Talking about records, I just loved seeing the screen in the arena ;

                          Snatch record - Salimi (IRAN)
                          Clean and Jerk record - Rezazadeh (IRAN)
                          World Record and Olympic - Rezazadeh (IRAN)

                          and Junior Snatch,Clean and Jerk record and World Record/Olympic - was done by Hosseini..

                          my point is all records in super heavyweight are performed by IRAN!
                          I've learnt it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts


                            Originally posted by HuSsAiN View Post
                            Talking about records, I just loved seeing the screen in the arena ;

                            Snatch record - Salimi (IRAN)
                            Clean and Jerk record - Rezazadeh (IRAN)
                            World Record and Olympic - Rezazadeh (IRAN)

                            and Junior Snatch,Clean and Jerk record and World Record/Olympic - was done by Hosseini..

                            my point is all records in super heavyweight are performed by IRAN!

                            no no you jsut wanted to show off your name similiarity on the olympics board...
                            CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                              Originally posted by HuSsAiN View Post
                              Talking about records, I just loved seeing the screen in the arena ;

                              Snatch record - Salimi (IRAN)
                              Clean and Jerk record - Rezazadeh (IRAN)
                              World Record and Olympic - Rezazadeh (IRAN)

                              and Junior Snatch,Clean and Jerk record and World Record/Olympic - was done by Hosseini..

                              my point is all records in super heavyweight are performed by IRAN!
                              What does clean and jerk mean?

