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Wrestling out from Olympics!

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    "It was an extremely difficult decision to take," added IOC Vice President Thomas Bach of Germany. "The motivation of every member is never based on a single reason. There are always several reasons. It was a secret vote. There will always be criticism, but I think the great majority will understand that we took a decision based on facts and for the modernization of the Olympic Games."

    lol ..... if your decisions were based on facts, why vote in secret??? If you have facts to back it up, just open it up and tell the people why you voted the way you voted
    “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


      Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
      i think since US is also interested in this sport, they will work their powers and fix this.
      Yeah US and Russia are strong in wresling so they will both pyt pressure to bring back Wrestsling.


        this is probably gonna be up there in one of the most idiotic moments of 2013



          bad news after bad news for iran...I think Iran is by far the most pitiful country of the 21st century so far


            That makes sense, another round of sanctions on Iran.


              I can't believe the horse riding ones are not even considered (Equestrian). Anything which doesn't involve human athleticism should not be in the Olympics in my opinion.


                hahah sailing? ping pong? ridiculous! wrestling all the way!


                  iran, u.s and russia have objected the ioc decision so far.

                  آمریکا،ایران و روسیه هر سه معترض شدند

                  ه گزارش کرمانشاه نیوز بعد از تصمیم نه چندان منطقی و ناعادلانه هیئت اجرایی کمیته بین*المللی المپیک برای حذف کشتی از بازی*های المپیک 2020، کشورهای زیادی از جمله ایران، آمریکا، هند و حتی آلمان اعتراض خود را نسبت به این تصمیم اعلام کردند. روس*ها هم بلافاصله دست به کار شدند و اعتراض خود را نسبت به این تصمیم اعلام کردند.

                  مایکل مامیاشویلی، رئیس فدراسیون کشتی روسیه با بیان اینکه از این خبر بسیار عصبانی هستم در این باره گفت: از مارتینتی خواسته*ام اقدامات لازم را در این زمینه انجام دهد، برای من قابل قبول نیست در حالی*که حدود 200 کشور عضو فیلا هستند این رشته حذف شود. تمام توان خود را برای حفظ آن به کار خواهیم بست.

                  آلکساندر کارولین، کشتی*گیر افسانه*ای روسیه نیز با بیان اینکه این موضوع نگران کننده است گفت: چنین اتفاقی برای من قابل هضم نیست و تمام دوستداران کشتی در سرتاسر جهان برای جلوگیری از حذف آن تلاش خواهند کرد.

                  جورج بوروس نیز با اعلام اعتراض خود نسبت به این تصمیم گفت: حذف کشتی نگران کننده است؛ کشتی رشته*ای مردانه و کهن است و باید در المپیک حفظ شود.

                  وی ادامه داد: از نظر گستره جغرافیایی 180 کشور را در بر می*گیرد و 25 کشور موفق به کسب مدال در المپیک 2012 لندن در این رشته ورزشی شدند. کشتی نه تنها برای روسیه یک رشته ورزشی است بلکه بخشی از تاریخچه و میراث ما است. نام*های آلکساندر مدوید، ایوان یاریگین، آلکساندر کارولین و بوایسار سایتی*یف برای تمام جهان شناخته شده*اند.

                  فدراسیون کشتی روسیه همچنین به بازتاب این خبر در سایر کشورها پرداخته است و با انتشار بیانیه کمیته ملی المپیک ایران و صحبت*های محمد علی*آبادی این موضوع را پوشش داده است.

                  به گزارش فارس، کمیته بین*المللی المپیک از روز گذشته در لوزان سوئیس اعلام کرد که نام کشتی از میان 25 ورزش اصلی المپیک حذف شده است. رشته* پنج*گانه مدرن که نخستین گزینه* حذف از المپیک بود، اما در میان رشته*های اصلی المپیکی باقی ماند. هر چند این تصمیم باید در مجمع عمومی کمیته* بین*المللی المپیک در شهریور ماه در بوینس آیرس آرژانتین هم به تصویب برسد، اما تصمیم*گیری در مجمع عمومی معمولاً صوری است.

                  کشتی با این حساب در کنار کاراته، صخره*نوردی یا اسکواش به جمع 8 رشته* ورزشی پیوست که در نشست هیئت اجرایی کمیته* بین*المللی المپیک در ماه مه (اردیبهشت) در سن*پترزبورگ برای حضور در المپیک 2020 داوطلب می*کنند تا شاید به*عنوان رشته*های مکمل بخت حضور در المپیک 2020 را پیدا کنند.

                  کشتی از سال 1896 جزو رشته*های اصلی رقابت*های المپیک دوران مدرن بوده است


                    big article on the back page of the wsj today, even had a picture of burroughs and goudarzi


                      THis page has over 60,000 likes in just one day


                        if they based this on popularity or what is it that BASEBALL is more popular? i dont even think anyone outside US, Japan and s. america even play baseball...let alone care to participate in olympics. And those sports are way harder and costly to organize than a wrestling event which is much cheaper and done in one day.


                          IOC president Jacques Roggeto to meet with the head of wrestling's governing body

                          LAUSANNE, Switzerland -- IOC president Jacques Rogge will meet with the head of wrestling's governing body to discuss ways the sport can fight to save its place in the 2020 Olympics.
                          The IOC executive board removed wrestling from the program of the 2020 Games on Tuesday, cutting it from the list of 26 sports at last year's London Olympics.
                          Instead of wrestling, Jim Caple suggests five other obscure/ridiculous sports the IOC should drop instead from the Olympic roster.

                          The decision, which still must be ratified by the full IOC in September, has been widely criticized by wrestling organizations around the world.
                          Rogge said Wednesday he's been contacted by Raphael Martinetti, the president of international wrestling federation FILA, and was encouraged by the sport's determination to remain in the Games.
                          "We agreed we would meet at the first opportunity to have discussions," Rogge said at a news conference at the close of a two-day board meeting. "I should say FILA reacted well to this disheartening news for them.
                          "They vowed to adapt the sport and vowed to fight to be eventually included in the 2020 slot."
                          Wrestling, which remains on the program for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, still has a chance to stay on the list for 2020 -- if it manages to convince the IOC to reverse the board's decision.
                          Wrestling now joins seven other sports in applying for one opening on the 2020 program: a combined bid from baseball and softball, karate, squash, roller sports, sport climbing, wakeboarding and the martial art of wushu.
                          The IOC executive board will meet in May in St. Petersburg, Russia, to decide which sport or sports to propose for 2020 inclusion. The final vote will be made at the IOC general assembly in September in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
                          IOC officials said it's possible the board could decide to put forward three sports for consideration, including wrestling.

                          "The vote of yesterday is not an elimination of wrestling from the Olympic Games," Rogge said. "Wrestling will participate in the games in Rio de Janeiro. To the athletes who train now, I say, 'Continue training for your participation in Rio. Your federation is working for the inclusion in the 2020 Games.'"
                          Rogge was asked whether Tuesday's decision marked an end to wrestling in the Olympics.
                          "I cannot look into a crystal ball into the future," he said. "We have established a fair process by which the sport that would not be included in the core has a chance to compete with the seven other sports for the slot on the 2020 Games."
                          Rogge said he was fully aware of the backlash to the decision against wrestling, a sport which dates back to the ancient Olympics and featured in the inaugural modern games in 1896.
                          The head of the Russian Olympic Committee said Wednesday he would write to Rogge to appeal the IOC board's decision. Wrestling has been one of Russia's strongest sports: Soviet and Russian wrestlers have won 77 gold medals.
                          "We knew even before the decision was taken whatever sport would not be included in the core program would lead to criticism from the supporters of that sport," Rogge said.
                          The board voted after reviewing a report by the IOC program commission that analyzed 39 criteria, including TV ratings, ticket sales, anti-doping policy and global participation and popularity. With no official rankings or recommendations contained in the report, the final decision by the 15-member board may have included political and sentimental factors.
                          Modern pentathlon -- a five-sport discipline dating back to the 1912 Games -- had been widely expected to face removal from the program but lobbied successfully to save its status.
                          Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr., the son of the former IOC president, is a vice president of the International Modern Pentathlon Union and a member of the IOC board.

                          FILA said Tuesday it was "greatly astonished" by the decision, adding that the federation "will take all necessary measures to convince the IOC executive board and IOC members of the aberration of such decision against one of the founding sports of the ancient and modern Olympic Games."
                          The last sports removed from the Olympics were baseball and softball, voted out by the IOC in 2005 and off the program since the 2008 Beijing Games. Golf and rugby will be joining the program at the 2016 Games in Rio.


                            Vote to keep wrestling.
                            In the 1st part vote for any of the sports to be excluded instead of wrestling (I voted badminton) and in the 2nd part vote for wrestling to be included



                              Wrestling was among the FIRST disciplines when Olympic games started...
                              I am shocked....
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                                Originally posted by Hadi View Post

                                bad news after bad news for iran...I think Iran is by far the most pitiful country of the 21st century so far
                                You are by far the most pitiful member of PFDC, what it does have to do with wrestling in olympics tell me? Man why are you always so negative?? Between why lmao?? its not funny at all..

