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Prime Time Persian: David Bakhtiari Starting in the NFL

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    Prime Time Persian: David Bakhtiari Starting in the NFL

    lol only in murica a fat slob is considered a athlete.


      Ey... David Bakhtiari is really good at his position, and I am not saying thing because I'm Bakhtiari through my Dad just like him. I watched him during the game and for someone playing his first NFL game against the really strong front line of the 49ers, I was very impressed. I kinda want to be a Packers fan because of him.
      "I'm here to clean the carpets. Most of the world is carpeted. And, one day, we will do the cleaning."


        Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
        lol only in murica a fat slob is considered a athlete.
        do you even know anything about the sport? im assuming not based on your comment.....these "fat blobs" are actually some of the most intriguing athletes in the world, they are 300-370 pounds, sometimes more and yet are as quick on their feet as footballers and are very fast runners for people their size, not to mention their immense strength.
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          Originally posted by ghermez agha View Post
          do you even know anything about the sport? im assuming not based on your comment.....these "fat blobs" are actually some of the most intriguing athletes in the world, they are 300-370 pounds, sometimes more and yet are as quick on their feet as footballers and are very fast runners for people their size, not to mention their immense strength.
          lol don't give me that bs, a sport where there is a break every phucking 5 mins is not a proper sport. NFL players wouldn't last 5 mins playing rugby with all their phaggy protection gear and their constant rest times.


            damesh garm, this is good news to hear. i dont watch nfl but ill catch a packers game to see him.


              Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
              lol don't give me that bs, a sport where there is a break every phucking 5 mins is not a proper sport. NFL players wouldn't last 5 mins playing rugby with all their phaggy protection gear and their constant rest times.

              you just forgot to mention that it is a sport, only played by one country in the world.


                Watched a bit of his game today he did great and they were praising him too. His team won.
                From what i saw he controlled his opponent very well when his other side the guys messed up at least 3 times letting the other team sack their QB

                I wish him luck i think he has a bright future


                  David Bakhtiari for TM

                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                    Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post

                    you just forgot to mention that it is a sport, only played by one country in the world.
                    Make that two countries in the world.


                      I don't think a rugby player would last in he NFL either. NFL athletes are among the best in the world, in their own respect. Comparing them to another sport's athletes is apples and oranges.


                        ^^there are many nfl players who have played other sports either professionally or at a very high level,they are amazing athletes. football is a great game.


                          I lived in Iran till I was 18. I was CRAZY about fooootball (soccer) since I was 7 years old and watched every game that was televised for the 86 and 90 world cups. Collected all magazines and newspapers covering those events. Started following champions league in 86 and just like the culture was in Iran for everyone, I had a fav team in each of top 5 leagues. Mine were and still are, Bayern, Barca, Arsenal, Marseilles and Inter. Pouya just ask suprah how he was shocked when he found out I knew and lived this game: He thought at the time I was a little kid. He didn't know I was older than most here

                          watching highlights of american football always seemed stupid to me as it never made sense. So Why am I saying all of this? Because then I moved to the US and got to know the american football and its rules. As someone who was raised with soccer and his everything was soccer let me be the first to tell you there is NOTHING like american football. Once you get to know the rules and watch some games, it is the most entertaining sport you could watch.

                          Those heavy guys are lineman. They HAVE to be heavy but they are also quick as hell. The WRs and RBs are some of the fastest and greatest athletes in the world. There is a reason only 1 country plays it. Because the level of physicality is so so high that others just can't. These are the best of the best and I know for a fact that people in europe are crazy about the game.

                          In 1995 on the way to Iran, I had a stop in Frankfurt I went to s sporting goods store to buy some Bayern Merchandise. 70% of the store was selling NFL and NCAA football merchandise. In the corner I saw a small rack with Bayern and Eintracht stuff!!!

                          See how a 300 pound guy is running with stunning body control. Nowhere in the world you would see something like this:

                          ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                          midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                          "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                          Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                            ^ come on man, they are NOT the fastest athletes. lol

                            first off they are running with the ball in their hands, not feet or dribbling like basketball. Sure for their size they are fast but they are in no way faster than soccer or even basketball players.

                            steve nash who is one of the fastest in NBA said how soccer players are way faster than basketball players. and their athleticism is something else compared to any other sport. You are talking about 90 min. of running...something about 10km each game for the european pros...vs. a game like american football, what is the average km/game they run? most of the game they're not even running. so yes maybe in 1 spurt they can give it all and sprint real fast. You're not gonna see that in soccer cuz u have to pace yourself, but on occasions u do see it when a winger or forward pushes through.

                            the other thing is american football is not well balanced, so yes a WR is the fastest player on the team so most likely no one will catch up to them. and also they catch the ball away from the action so they only have a few players to beat. now a punt return is somethign else, but then again that is dependent on his team mates clearing the way.

                            in any case, NFL athletes are good and strong, but they are not one of the best in the world. this is something american media keeps trying to brain wash people with. if they played with the intensity of some other sports, they wouldnt last 30-40min. and the reason other countries dont play it is mostly due to not having the resources and desire. its not a cheap sport like soccer where all u need is a ball. u need the gear and more importantly the knowledge needs to get transferred. there is rugby but even that is not very appealing. its about what u grow up with and how interested u are. to me im not attracted to this sport, becuase its too slow and has too many stops. i think they're great athletes and i do enjoy highlights i love seeing a good play, a good run or catch but i could careless about following it and they spend too much time reviewing stuff and every inch.

                            btw, hows bakhtiari doing? is he still starting?


                              ^ When I am making kabob for you next month, I will use the hot seekh next to your neck so I could get a confession that football is better than foooootball!

                              The WRs and RBs are some of the fastest athletes out there and remember they have to change direction all the time cuz the the opposing defense is going after them. Also yes they are carrying the ball but they are running for their lives. In soccer they are not going to stamp you to the ground! The line men are strong and fast. The QB has to see the entire field and throw the ball not where the receiver is but where the receiver will be. Its is tough man!

                              Also steve nash compared bball to soccer not american football. Hey I love soccer but american football opened my eyes and the media had no effect on me. I still hate baseball!
                              ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                              midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                              "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                              Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden

