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Olympic watch (2016 Rio news, qualifications, athletes)

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    Ooomfg!!! Americans getting extra chance to qualify in running for women cause they lost the thing in group running whatever it's called!!! Only filthy white people getting extra chance cause it's kiri America!!! You see?!!!


      Originally posted by Abtin View Post
      Ooomfg!!! Americans getting extra chance to qualify in running for women cause they lost the thing in group running whatever it's called!!! Only filthy white people getting extra chance cause it's kiri America!!! You see?!!!
      Aziz, no offesne, but I highly recommend you get your hand on a dank joint and relax. I'm worried that all this stress is detrimental to your health.


        Originally posted by mahestan View Post
        Aziz, no offesne, but I highly recommend you get your hand on a dank joint and relax. I'm worried that all this stress is detrimental to your health.
        What are you talking about? You think it's random those rats get an extra chance? "oh it's USA, they deserve a chance, it's only fair" my tokhm..


          Originally posted by Abtin View Post
          What are you talking about? You think it's random those rats get an extra chance? "oh it's USA, they deserve a chance, it's only fair" my tokhm..
          I am talking about you getting your hand on a cigaweed, smoking said delicacy, have some delicious food and relax .

          Joking aside, the world isn't fair. When you have as much as pull as USA does, as wealthy as USA is, you can get away with a lot. Sadly our little country, while rich with resources, doesn't have any pull and thus we get shafted on all fronts.



              where did they get extra chance?


                kimia goes up 20.30 local time against a short but strong thai girl. thai only lost with 1p against spain just like kimia. kimia needs to keep her distance and kick


                  Originally posted by Ata View Post
                  where did they get extra chance?
                  I don't know the English name of the sport, but the running where they hand each other that thing, women's edition. They make an extra race for them with only them having to run better than a certain time..


                    Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                    I don't know the English name of the sport, but the running where they hand each other that thing, women's edition. They make an extra race for them with only them having to run better than a certain time..
                    Relay race.


                      For all of you who think the olympics are rigged...seems like others agree...


                      And it must be great to be a sporting power...


                      These games has solidfied for me that the olympics are just pageantry.

                      Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk
                      Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                        ^what I was talking about. F-ing unbelievable!!!


                          Imagine if an Iranian had done this...I mean they are talking about fining Salimi's team for their actions after being robbed.

                          In regards to Lochte's false claims and criminal behaviour including vandalism and destruction of property...

                          "These kids tried to have fun, they tried to represent their country to the best of their abilities," Rio 2016 spokesman*Mario*Andrada*told reporters.

                          "They competed under gigantic pressure. Let's give these kids a break. Sometime you take actions that you later regret. They had fun, they made a mistake, life goes on."


                          Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk
                          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                            So the American 4x100 relay boots China out...but the question is did the Americans interfere with Brazil or vice versa. Note the American who dropped the baton used her left hand to pass it, while all other runners used their right. So in fact the arguement can be made the American drifted from the centre of her lane and encroached on the Brazilians who legally remained in their lane.

                            Interesting to hear CBC commentator question whether this re-run of the relay would gave taken place for another nation!

                            Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk
                            Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                              I hope from the bottom of my heart that they don't make it.


                                Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                                I hope from the bottom of my heart that they don't make it.
                                They just ran and made the finals. China is out.

                                Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk
                                Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan

