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Arsalan Kazemi - NBA Thread

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    Arsalan Kazemi - NBA Thread

    figured the thread title was confusing for those who dont lets continue here...

    old thread;!


    - In 2013 Kazemi was drafted by Philadelphia 76ers

    - He played the 2014 season in Iran and won the league

    - He played 2015 season in China and was top 5 in Rebounds and Steals in the league

    - Summer of 2015 he played for 76ers in the NBA summer league, leading the hustle stats for the entire league

    - September 2015, 76ers wanted to send him overseas again but he refused and they released him

    - He joined Atlanta Hawks for 2 games and was cut because their roster was full

    - He then joined Houston Rockets for preseason and played 1 game for 13 min. Despite having a good game he didnt feature again and he was cut at the end of preseason. This was mostly due to the fact that they could only sign 1 player and they needed a center.

    - Conclusion; 76ers screwed him by keeping his rights for 2+ years so he was not allowed to join any other NBA team. By the time they released him in late September 2015, it was too late for him to join any NBA team as all the rosters were full. He has a chance to join a team in January on temp contracts but that is if there is interest in him. IF not, he can once again join a team in Summer League of 2016 to try his luck.

    Best of Luck to Arsalan, we're all rooting for you.

    Saying the 76ers screwed him is extremely misleading. The 76ers believed in him. They traded for him after the draft. They gave him every opportunity to succeed and patiently waited for him to develop any resemblance of an offensive NBA game. He could not. Don't get me wrong I am a huge Kazemi fan. I went to several games when he was at Oregon. He's one of the most hard working and gutsy players you will see on the court, but that doesn't cut it in the NBA. His offensive game is a huge liability and he doesn't have the size to guard 4s or the speed to guard 3s on an NBA level. Is he a solid rebounder and effort player? Sure. He can also play solid team defense when asked to rotate. But his one on one defense and his offensive game are severely lacking. Maybe it can improve overseas but until it does I don't see him getting a realistic shot to make an NBA roster. Similar players that had a limited game either had size (6'10+) or had a respectable 3 point shot that wouldn't make them useless on offense.
    "Formerly known as AliDaeiClone"


      Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post
      Saying the 76ers screwed him is extremely misleading. The 76ers believed in him. They traded for him after the draft. They gave him every opportunity to succeed and patiently waited for him to develop any resemblance of an offensive NBA game. He could not. Don't get me wrong I am a huge Kazemi fan. I went to several games when he was at Oregon. He's one of the most hard working and gutsy players you will see on the court, but that doesn't cut it in the NBA. His offensive game is a huge liability and he doesn't have the size to guard 4s or the speed to guard 3s on an NBA level. Is he a solid rebounder and effort player? Sure. He can also play solid team defense when asked to rotate. But his one on one defense and his offensive game are severely lacking. Maybe it can improve overseas but until it does I don't see him getting a realistic shot to make an NBA roster. Similar players that had a limited game either had size (6'10+) or had a respectable 3 point shot that wouldn't make them useless on offense.
      what kind of chances did they give him? They barely let him play in summer league and they didnt let him get traded to other teams. Why did they have to hold him until it was too late? There were several teams that were interested in him but by the time he was FREE it was too late to join any roster. Why did hawks and rockets pick him up if his game was lacking? Its not about his offense, no one asked him to develop that. And he does have an offensive game, he averages double double wherever he went. He has also guarded big men, did you see the game against heat and whiteside? he frustrated him and his coaches often put him against bigger guys, he did fine.

      You seem to forget Sixers and their plan the past 4 years or so, they tank to get high draft picks. Look at their record right now, what is is 1-25 or something? Is that a team thats serious about anything?

      Sixers screwed him by holding him too long. If they didnt want him after July summer league they should have released him! Why did they keep him exactly? They wanted him back next year but he didnt want to deal with their bullshit and waste his life like they wasted him for 2 years.


        Just to shine a bit of happy moment on this sad thread...


          Serious question and all bias aside, is he actually good or just all hype?? I honestly don't see how a good player can get "unlucky" and "screwed" this much.
          Last edited by Mr Pouya; 12-17-2015, 01:03 PM.


            Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
            what kind of chances did they give him? They barely let him play in summer league and they didnt let him get traded to other teams. Why did they have to hold him until it was too late? There were several teams that were interested in him but by the time he was FREE it was too late to join any roster. Why did hawks and rockets pick him up if his game was lacking? Its not about his offense, no one asked him to develop that. And he does have an offensive game, he averages double double wherever he went. He has also guarded big men, did you see the game against heat and whiteside? he frustrated him and his coaches often put him against bigger guys, he did fine.

            You seem to forget Sixers and their plan the past 4 years or so, they tank to get high draft picks. Look at their record right now, what is is 1-25 or something? Is that a team thats serious about anything?

            Sixers screwed him by holding him too long. If they didnt want him after July summer league they should have released him! Why did they keep him exactly? They wanted him back next year but he didnt want to deal with their bullshit and waste his life like they wasted him for 2 years.
            What are you talking about? Didn't "let" him get traded? 76ers have the rights to him. He is theirs to trade or not trade. If they got an offer for a ham sandwich they would've taken it. Are you talking out of your ass? He played in several summer league games and was honestly the worst player on the court. He is a hustle player only. Hustle players are becoming less and less useful in today's offense heavy NBA. And averaging a double double in Iran or China isn't really a big deal. The guy that lead the league in scoring averaged like 40 points a game in china and still can't make the NBA. I think I could average a triple double over there.

            Bottom line is he needs serious improvement in his game. At 6'7" he does not have the athleticism or scoring ability to make carrying him on the roster worth while. There isn't a big conspiracy against him. He just isn't good enough at the moment.
            "Formerly known as AliDaeiClone"


              Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
              Serious question and all bias aside, is he actually good or just all hype?? I honestly don't see how a good player can get "unlucky" and "screwed" this much.
              he is pretty good actually


                Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post
                What are you talking about? Didn't "let" him get traded? 76ers have the rights to him. He is theirs to trade or not trade. If they got an offer for a ham sandwich they would've taken it. Are you talking out of your ass? He played in several summer league games and was honestly the worst player on the court. He is a hustle player only. Hustle players are becoming less and less useful in today's offense heavy NBA. And averaging a double double in Iran or China isn't really a big deal. The guy that lead the league in scoring averaged like 40 points a game in china and still can't make the NBA. I think I could average a triple double over there.

                Bottom line is he needs serious improvement in his game. At 6'7" he does not have the athleticism or scoring ability to make carrying him on the roster worth while. There isn't a big conspiracy against him. He just isn't good enough at the moment.
                are you not reading or just have a hard time comprehending things?
                He got picked up by Rockets GM personally and Hawks, lakers, spurs were all interested in him as well. But Sixers didnt want to trade and they werent looking into trading him because they wanted to keep him around another year for their grand master gooz plan. If they actually TRIED to see if they can trade him, they might have gotten something for him. He's not a super star player to say hey team X approached sixers for him, but if they OFFERED him as a trade option, im sure some team would've picked it up or traded with a draft pick or something.

                and again you talk out of your ass saying he was the worst player in summer league, he was praised by his coach and assistant coach as well. IF im not mistaken he also lead them in rebounds. And GETTING YOUR CHANCES means he never got a chance to play with the main squads. He's playing with other summer league crap players which are ALL trying hard to make NBA so everyone plays selfish to show themselves. That doesnt work well with a player like Arsalan who is a TEAM player and does better when the whole team is working together for a main goal.

                Averaging double double he did it in Oregon and Rice too, not just Iran and China. If he was a 25-30 min player, he could do that in NBA as well. A player like him knows how to get his points and rebounds. As well as steals.

                Your assumption of NBA being offense heavy is again flawed because each team has few designated players as scorers who they count on bringing points. The other ones are there to fill a certain role. Everything is on the coach and the roster they have. Yes AK not being a super star it limits him because he needs a team that is looking for that type of player and more than half the teams probably already have a player like that. It doesnt mean he doesnt belong to the NBA, he needs his chances.


                  LOL... NO one was going to trade a ham sandwich for him. NO ONE. He was drafted in the bottom of the 2nd round of the draft for a reason. Most scouts had him going undrafted and he admitted that he was surprised he was drafted. I don't think you understand how american team sports work, because you don't go and try and trade a player like Kazemi. You get calls if people are interested. Believe me if the 76ers got offered anything he wouldve been traded immediately. And again a double double in college or foreign leagues is worthless. UC Irvine has a guy like 9 feet tall averaging a double double and the guy will probably go undrafted. Athleticism is everything in today's NBA and sadly Kazemi just isn't on that level. Watch Kazemi's games in China, he was just another player in that league.
                  "Formerly known as AliDaeiClone"


                    Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post
                    LOL... NO one was going to trade a ham sandwich for him. NO ONE. He was drafted in the bottom of the 2nd round of the draft for a reason. Most scouts had him going undrafted and he admitted that he was surprised he was drafted. I don't think you understand how american team sports work, because you don't go and try and trade a player like Kazemi. You get calls if people are interested. Believe me if the 76ers got offered anything he wouldve been traded immediately. And again a double double in college or foreign leagues is worthless. UC Irvine has a guy like 9 feet tall averaging a double double and the guy will probably go undrafted. Athleticism is everything in today's NBA and sadly Kazemi just isn't on that level. Watch Kazemi's games in China, he was just another player in that league.
                    areh harchi to gofti ostaad


                      One thing to add to how the 76ers fucked him was just looking at how he was utilized in the summer league. He had no chance of displaying his skills on the court.


                        Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post
                        Saying the 76ers screwed him is extremely misleading. The 76ers believed in him. They traded for him after the draft. They gave him every opportunity to succeed and patiently waited for him to develop any resemblance of an offensive NBA game. He could not. Don't get me wrong I am a huge Kazemi fan. I went to several games when he was at Oregon. He's one of the most hard working and gutsy players you will see on the court, but that doesn't cut it in the NBA. His offensive game is a huge liability and he doesn't have the size to guard 4s or the speed to guard 3s on an NBA level. Is he a solid rebounder and effort player? Sure. He can also play solid team defense when asked to rotate. But his one on one defense and his offensive game are severely lacking. Maybe it can improve overseas but until it does I don't see him getting a realistic shot to make an NBA roster. Similar players that had a limited game either had size (6'10+) or had a respectable 3 point shot that wouldn't make them useless on offense.

                        When you said that, you lost all credibility on the topic. -.-

                        Do yourself a favor and never discuss AK on PFDC again


                          Originally posted by Keyan View Post
                          When you said that, you lost all credibility on the topic. -.-

                          Do yourself a favor and never discuss AK on PFDC again

                          By all accounts he was a liability on the offensive side. Keep living in fantasy land.
                          "Formerly known as AliDaeiClone"


                            Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post

                            By all accounts he was a liability on the offensive side. Keep living in fantasy land.


                              5 things learned from Summer league


                              clearly the article says AK was not a factor AT ALL

