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Which Of These Major Sports Do You Think Are Rubbish ?

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    Which Of These Major Sports Do You Think Are Rubbish ?

    Of all the well covered and well followed and well paid sports which ones do you think are pure shit ? Whether you find these sports boring in participating or boring as a spectator or both.
    • Baseball
    • Basketball
    • Tennis
    • Cricket
    • F1
    • Golf
    • Rugby Union/ Rugby League
    • Ice Hockey
    • Track and Field
    • Football/Soccer
    • Boxing
    • American Football

    Nothing serious just want to see peoples view on this. If you play the sport or because have a passion for it, then so be it and nor one should care whether others care about that sport or not and no one has the right to fault someone for doing something they enjoy or are good at.

    For me its
    Baseball never actually played this sport but i've played lots of Baseball video games which made me aware about the games all rules, never watched the sport either. Its far more limited than Cricket and less entertaining.

    Basketball Too much stop and play and the frequency of scoring kills the game for me also you must have a preordain physical requirement to play this sport which limits any sports approach to public.

    F1 Racing is enthralling and exciting if you are a part of it but its so one dimensional from a spectators point of view at least for me.

    Rugby Rugby is too brutal for me, personally. I appreciate contact sports but only to a certain degree and still prefer skill and fitness over brute force.


      My lack of interest in the sport doesn't necessarily mean that I think it doesn't require talent, rather that I don't enjoy watching it.

      Cricket - too long and didn't grow up around it.
      F1 - love cars, but too repetitive.
      Golf - rich man's sport and a drain on society
      American Football - too commercialized, too slow and shitty culture and owners around it.
      Also can't stand poker and MotoGP.
      Last edited by Nokhodi; 10-15-2018, 01:38 PM.


        I'm split on American Football.

        It's much better than the people who hate it realize but its nowhere near as good as people who love it think much like Cricket.

        Its impressively strategic the level of perfection required can be amazing but like most American sports its saturated with marketing and product adverts and has too many stoppages.


          Cricket: Had to play in school. hated it, boring AF.

          American football: Not gonna lie, I've watched the last few super bowls and it was okay but compared to Rugby it's comical.

          Golf: Just can't get into it and also don't like the typical golf player.

          Boxing: I used to love boxing and still watch it but the level of corruption, especially fights in Vegas just ruins it for me


            Rugby Union/ Rugby League

            American Football


              Baseball. too long. boring. you have to watch it for few hours to see only few actions

              Ice Hockey, I can't see why this is so popular. I always wonder if all those fans in the stadium can actually see that puck thing !! even in TV it's sometimes hard to see that. people probably just see some big guys from left to right following something you can't see !

              Golf: I'm not totally against it. those who play golf probably enjoy it very much but to me it's boring to watch.

              Swimming: always very predictable. all events similar too each other. I would like it if they cut swimming events to 8 or 10.


                These are all major sports and there's a reason they are so. If I said any of them were pure shit then something would be amiss!


                  ^ Not necessarily. Some sports are pushed by media because they have more money while others are ignored.

                  Does anyone considers Squash and Field Hockey as major sports ? Despite them being played by more countries around the world than Cricket and American Football?

                  I don't unless you get proper coverage world wide and earn a decent living just by playing the sport you cant call it a major sport and that comes with money and money is in sports like Cricket, American Football etc the former a sport of only British aristocrats and the latter of i don't have the right words to explain.


                    American football. Twenty seconds of play, then half an hour of commercials.


                      Cricket and baseball.


                        Golf is really boring from every angle. Watching it, playing it, thinking about or talking about it...

