Let us factor in being Host nation in olympics...I agree that it matters ALOT. Never thought about it but after you mention it, it really makes sense. Are there other ways getting to those worlds performances?
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Iranian Wrestling
Originally posted by mardonius View PostAlso don't forget the massive rip-off of Reza Yazdani in the semifinal of Rio 5 years ago. He should have been the one competing against Snyder for gold. Reza was never the same after that, understandingly...
Guys, is this the thread to follow for all upcoming wrestling championships with our hamvatans participating? Would be nice if we could keep this updated throughout the whole year and so on!
I found this, maybe good to bookmark for those interested:
I love Yazdani but what i didn't like about his interview today, he said he dominated Tylor for 5:45 min.
I am sorry Hasan but That wasn't domination, na khakesh kard, na be pahash resid. 3 ta points, 2 tash pushesh kard biron toshak. Yeki ham ekhtar.
After losing so many times to the same wrestler, it gets in your head.
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Originally posted by Iran_19 View PostI love Yazdani but what i didn't like about his interview today, he said he dominated Tylor for 5:45 min.
I am sorry Hasan but That wasn't domination, na khakesh kard, na be pahash resid. 3 ta points, 2 tash pushesh kard biron toshak. Yeki ham ekhtar.
After losing so many times to the same wrestler, it gets in your head.
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Rasoul Khadem message to Hassan Yazdani.
دل نوشته ی رسول خادم برای حسن یزدانی:
قهرمانِ المپیک ، قهرمان المپیک است. چه یکبار از این آخرینْ نردبانِ عالمِ قهرمانی صعود کرده باشد و چه صدبار …
و تو همیشه قهرمان المپیک این مردم هستی و خواهی ماند …
اما ، … ما مردمی هستیم که به گواه تاریخ تعداد باختهایمان بر بُردهایمان میچربد. مدام حقمان را خورده اند و زورمان هم نرسیده حقمان را بگیریم. ما به تاریخ مان، به دولت هایمان ، به مسئولانمان … چه بگویم …، ما حتا به خودمان هم بارها و بارها باخته ایم …
حالا که هر از گاهی یکی چون تویی پیدا میشود و به پشتوانه یِ غیرت ، تلاش و حمایت همین مردم دنیا را سر دست میچرخاند و بر زمین میکوبد و با راستی دلی هم با مردم گره میزند، ما همه باختهایمان را در بُردهایِ او جستجو میکنیم!
و اینگونه است که آن قهرمانِ بزرگ* میشود؛
مفهومِ “بودن” برای ما!
میشود؛ دلخوشیِ زندگیمان! با دلاوری های او غرورمان احیا میشود و احساس زور میکنیم! …، بگذریم.
اینها را گفتم تا بگویم؛ تو فرزندِ این مردم هستی.
هرگز فراموش نکنی زندگی کردنِ مردم با قهرمانان ملی شان فقط مربوط به زمانِ پیروزی هایشان نیست. بلکه برعکس ، در شکستها بیشتر از دوره یِ پیروزیها این فرزندانِ قهرمانشان را جستجو میکنند. یعنی بیش از زمانِ پیروزی هایت تو* را مینگرند. میخواهند ببینند تو هم مانند برخی از ما مردم، پس از نرسیدن به هدفت بر زمین مینشینی! پس از شکست خم میشوی و یا زانوانت میلرزند! یا برعکس اگر چه از فرطِ غیرت دلت خون است اما به اتکا قلب با ایمانت ، شانه های ستبرت را باز میکنی … سرت را بالا میگیری و گامهایت را محکم و استوارتر از قبل بر میداری و ادامه میدهی …
باور کن پسر خوب، امروز جوانانِ کم امید و بیکار، پدران و مادران بدون شغل و کم*درآمد، والدین نگران و دلخون برای آینده فرزندانشان، همه یِ هموطنانی که پشت و پناهی ندارند … چشم انتظارِ دیدنِ استواری و صلابت در ایستادنت هستند تا از تو ، ادامه دادن در روزهایِ سخت را الهام بگیرند.
مبادا بشکنی و یا حتا ظاهر بازنده ها را به خود بگیری.تو امروز بیش از زمانیکه طلای المپیک*را در ریو کسب کردی دلخوشیِ مردم هستی …
ما مردمْ ، پهلوانانمان* را در شکستهایشان می یابیم
ما مردمْ ، پهلوانانمان* را در شکستهایشان می یابیم
شکیبا، محکم و چون کوه ایستاده و استوار باش …
why was not alireza karimi chosen instead of mohammadian for 97 kg?Sign against banning Iran from WorldCup!!!
Originally posted by Babak500 View Postwhy was not alireza karimi chosen instead of mohammadian for 97 kg?
Originally posted by shahin2000 View PostI completely agree with you on this but every time I have mentioned this people get emotional and don't want to accept the truth. I love Yaz like anyone else. It pained me so much seeing Yaz losing. I went back and saw his match again against DT. One thing that I saw was that Yaz was dictating the tempo. He was pushing him around. However, he NEVER got to his legs. He did not score any what I call wrestling points. To me pushing out someone is not very impressive. In any case, there is a reason we have the timer. You don't wrestle for 5:47.. you wrestle the entire 6:00 minutes. And being as agressive as DT was, he took advantage of that and reached both of Yaz's legs and scored a takedown with 13 seconds remaining. It is a painful way to lose match, but also as you recall he got a late 2 pointer around the same time against the Russian to tie and win the Olympic gold in Rio. These are part of koshty and he just has to be more careful.
Bring back Rasoul. Too many wrong decisions and issues with Mohammadi
Rasoul is well respected figure in wrestling world not only Iran.
Few years back, i accidently and in Tim Horton met Georgian/Canadian former World cham and Olympics silver medalist@ 57 kg, Guivi Sissaouri and he actually was very surprised i recognized him lol, and right away he said, are you Iranian? Lol
We chatted for around 15 min and he had lots of good words about Iranian wrestlers and called Rasoul a legend and well respected in world of wrestling.
At that time he was working with Canada Olympics. Was driving a nice Mercedes.
And wrestling is not even popular in Canada but they take care of their athletes.
Compare it to our wrestlers and most of our wrestlers struggling financially.
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Anyone watched Sadulavev vs Synder? Russian guy is hell of a fighter. Our coaching staff need to show this fight to Iranian wrestlers, especially now with the World Champ coming up. Saulayev showed how to beat beat a very tough American wrestler. He was aggresive and switched smartly between defense and offense. Also, Russian guy did not go with 1000 % energy in first half and had stamina in second half. Why important? Because Americans are the best when it comes to stamina and last second points. Yazdani got that experience and also the Georgian guy. Yazdani made a good defense fight, but the best way to win is being offensive. Russian guy was very careful and kept pushing the American guy.
So this is important to see. We lost to 3 American wrestlers and now is the time to analyze this. A start would be the Saulayvev Synder fight. Of course Sadulayev is one of the best ever and is like a second Lopez already. But we should learn from this fight.
what do you guys thing?Sign against banning Iran from WorldCup!!!
Originally posted by Iran_19 View PostBring back Rasoul. Too many wrong decisions and issues with Mohammadi
Rasoul is well respected figure in wrestling world not only Iran.
Few years back, i accidently and in Tim Horton met Georgian/Canadian former World cham and Olympics silver medalist@ 57 kg, Guivi Sissaouri and he actually was very surprised i recognized him lol, and right away he said, are you Iranian? Lol
We chatted for around 15 min and he had lots of good words about Iranian wrestlers and called Rasoul a legend and well respected in world of wrestling.
At that time he was working with Canada Olympics. Was driving a nice Mercedes.
And wrestling is not even popular in Canada but they take care of their athletes.
Compare it to our wrestlers and most of our wrestlers struggling financially.
Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk
Originally posted by Babak500 View PostAnyone watched Sadulavev vs Synder? Russian guy is hell of a fighter. Our coaching staff need to show this fight to Iranian wrestlers, especially now with the World Champ coming up. Saulayev showed how to beat beat a very tough American wrestler. He was aggresive and switched smartly between defense and offense. Also, Russian guy did not go with 1000 % energy in first half and had stamina in second half. Why important? Because Americans are the best when it comes to stamina and last second points. Yazdani got that experience and also the Georgian guy. Yazdani made a good defense fight, but the best way to win is being offensive. Russian guy was very careful and kept pushing the American guy.
So this is important to see. We lost to 3 American wrestlers and now is the time to analyze this. A start would be the Saulayvev Synder fight. Of course Sadulayev is one of the best ever and is like a second Lopez already. But we should learn from this fight.
what do you guys thing?
We let opponents get too comfortable if they have good game plans. The opponents need to feel insecure and be on their toes in every situation not knowing when theyre getting hit and by what.
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