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2020 Tokyo Olympics - Schedule and live report

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    Only Yazdani, Zare and maybe Atri should be kept for the future in FS. We need to send a different team for the world championship in Norway in Oct to evaluate others.


      As expected, Aliyev destroyed Indian Punia 12-5, so Ghiasi is out.
      In his post fight interview Ghiasi said, not everyone is supposed to come back with medal, lol, i committed a mistake vs Punia.


        Originally posted by PEJ View Post
        I would be very surprised. He isn’t like one of those guys who happened to start wrestling at an early and because he was so good he stuck with it. Wrestling is in his blood. Comes from a wrestling family. The dad named him Gable. Talk about pressure and expectations right from the first moment he took a breath.
        I could see him dabbling into wrestling to make some
        Money, but can’t see him walking away from Olympic wrestling at this young of an age. The kid is special.
        Very True but it may be a purely financial question. Yes, after a gold medal you can sustain yourself in US. Also always find decent paying coachning Jobs. But if the question is lifetime security its a whole other thing.

        Therese is more money to be made in pro Sports.


          After olympic gold medal there is no more to prove.


            Some comments from former wrestlers and coaches:

            -اکبر فلاح قهرمان سابق کشتی جهان : بار ورزش روی یزدانی و کشتی بود، آنها واقعا له شدند. وقتی یزدانی قهرمان دنیا می*شود می*بینیم ایرادات فنی هم دارد اما زمانی که طلا می*گیرد همه یادشان می*رود این ایرادات را برطرف کنند. گارد گرفتن حسن یزدانی ایراد داشت، او زیرگیری نمی*کرد این است که ما ایرادات فنی را نگرفتیم و وقتی یزدانی باخت دیدیم که هم ایراد تکنیک دارد و هم تاکتیک.

            انتقاد منصور برزگر سرمربی سابق تیم ملی کشتی از کادرفنی تیم کشتی در المپیک:نمی*توانم همه چیز را بگویم اما کشتی*گیران ما مشکل دفاعی داشتند. بچه*های ما دفاع ندارند. پاها خیلی ضعیف است و ورزشکاران نمی*توانند خوب کار کنند. سنگین وزن ما اگر بلد بود خوب خیمه بزند می*توانست راهی فینال شود. مثالی هست که می*گوید خیمه خوب از برادر خوب بهتر است. شاید اگر زارع آموزش درست می*دید می توانست بهتر کار کند
            علیرضا دبیر،رییس فدراسیون با تجربه کسب طلا از المپیک در جایگاه ویژه،او از همه بهتر می داند تیم اعزامی کشتی در رشته آزاد کمی مشکل بدنی داشت و تیم ایران برای کسب مدال طلا تنها به حسن یزدانی امید داشت.دبیر برای بازگشت ایران به دوران اوج کار زیادی در فدراسیون کشتی خواهد داشت.



              They will pay the 10K gold bonus to Yazdani and honor him with gold winner prize.


                We have six medals which is weak in comparison to our best Olympics.

                Iran is guaranteed two more medals in Karate at least bronze, hopefully one gold and one silver.
                In +61kg, Hamideh Abbasali will fight Melte Hocaogulu of Turkey
                In +75 kg, Sajjad Ganzadeh against Jonthan Horne (Germany)
                چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                  anyone has zare medal ceremony?
                  Sign against banning Iran from WorldCup!!!


                    “I wished to repeat my Olympics gold once again to share happiness with you and I am ashamed that I failed to accomplish that. I feel motivated and encouraged by you for all these years. It will be a reason to stay motivated in the upcoming competitions and fight for medal to make you happy once again. In the end, I would like to thank everyone who sent me encouraging message,”




                        Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                        As expected, Aliyev destroyed Indian Punia 12-5, so Ghiasi is out.
                        In his post fight interview Ghiasi said, not everyone is supposed to come back with medal, lol, i committed a mistake vs Punia.
                        That’s the problem right there. I know there are many hardships that our athletes face but at the end of the day they have to be so hungry for that medal that anything else should be unacceptable to them. Just making it to the Olympics shouldn’t be the accomplishment, getting a medal and standing on that podium should be.


                          Iran needs to adress structural issues in wrestling. It is elite in wrong departements and folk based in wrong

                          - they need serious funding and subsidy at grass roots level

                          - more opportunities at transition from junior to senior level

                          - the pro league needs youth programs and expansion

                          - they need better staffing around the core mission of actual wrestling

                          - they need more emphasis on tactical issues and youth level exposed to high level competition

                          - they need wrestling programs at colleges and uni making life puzzle less demanding

                          - they need incentive structures and accountability structures at all levels.


                            Lastly they need to pay good money to foreign coaches not necessarily bc they are better than ours but we need technical development. Its not that simple that we have bad teckningen its world class. The americans saw our underhooking game 10 years ago and became obsessed. Iranian and Russian style is taught at every college in us.

                            For example we can have massive succes just by learning world class elbow controlling from Ossetians.


                              Originally posted by AGC View Post
                              Iran needs to adress structural issues in wrestling. It is elite in wrong departements and folk based in wrong

                              - they need serious funding and subsidy at grass roots level

                              - more opportunities at transition from junior to senior level

                              - the pro league needs youth programs and expansion

                              - they need better staffing around the core mission of actual wrestling

                              - they need more emphasis on tactical issues and youth level exposed to high level competition

                              - they need wrestling programs at colleges and uni making life puzzle less demanding

                              - they need incentive structures and accountability structures at all levels.
                              Iran need to invest on sport we aren't present in


                                Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                                Iran need to invest on sport we aren't present in
                                Agreed..was only referring to wrestling.

